Saturday, April 23, 2011

Upgrade Armor In Ragnarok


The only Seawater else ← The sugar, mundoSuper epidemic Conference on Seawater Whole Truth, by Angel Gracia → Good news: A English company will be the first to sell bottled sea water for food
Posted on April 9, 2011 by CienciayEspiritu
Lactoduero be the first company worldwide to commercialize 'Sea Water' for food use bottled

The company, based in the town of Saldaña Palencia, market from April bottled sea water, making it the only company that offers the general public packed the liquid element and suitably treated, to be sold in packages of one to five liters at a price of between one and three euros.

Indeed, the price is one of the major challenges encountered by the company because, as explained Ical his manager, Rafael de las Heras, "there are similar products for medical use at a high cost and 'Water Mar 'trade-name Product-perform the same functions at an affordable price to all audiences. "

However, 'Sea Water' has a clear focus on food use, so that their major suppliers will be the department stores and hotel and catering industry. "We have not invented the product, but the bottle it to make it available to the general public at a popular price," adds De las Heras.
To do this, we designed a package "nice and quality, both in its format as on the label to give the picture of what really is, a product of five stars for a price of one." It is "a novel and non-competitive activity in the market today, so we are convinced it will work, but the question is how long it takes to take hold among consumers, "said the head of Lactoduero.
already on the market several products including sea water between its components, but all have one common denominator: sanitary, small volume and high added value. Therefore, the philosophy is to market Lactoduero "pure" water of sea with all its guarantees of traceability, filtering, bacteriology, sanitary permits, etc., At low prices for food use, although the product has many advantages in the health care and body treatments.
The company will export the liquid part of the Cantabrian Sea, where it will be transferred to the ship so far Lactoduero-dedicated to the sale of milk as a main activity has enabled Barrios de la Vega for processing, transforming it into a product aseptic fully filtered and disinfected.

innovative and dynamic character

In Barrios de la Vega, a town about five kilometers Saldaña, the company has invested around one million euros to acquire an estate of 12,800 square meters, housing about installation of 1,800 meters which will be developed activity. The plant has been built on a former livestock facility obsolescence, in order to "contribute to endogenous development in the area, using resources that otherwise would remain idle and unused."

Initially, the activity will generate five new direct jobs, while Lactoduero manager estimated that in a few months, there will be two or three shifts, so I could get used to some twenty people. A more significant number in an area besieged by depopulation. "Besides creating jobs, this initiative goes to show that any idea, even if it seems outlandish, it may be a reality, "argues De las Heras.
Once consolidated the idea, the goal is that within three months can begin to market the product, which will reach the entire national territory and Portugal. According to De las Heras, "is very good sign that a product is demanded so rare and little known beyond our borders, so we are convinced that the business will work. The day that the customer try it, you're buying a regular basis ", says the manager.

The project began to take shape about a year ago when, after conducting market studies, Lactoduero saw in the 'Agua de Mar' is a potential market in which today There is a significant gap. An innovative and pioneering initiative that has made the company to be the winner at Innovative Company granted Thursday by the Diputación de Palencia and endowed with 4,000 euros. Lactoduero
born in 2004 to serve the livestock in the region of Saldana, and provide professional management to the farmer in the sale and marketing of milk. It was founded by Rafael De las Heras, who was then with the help of Jesus Fernandez Santos and Javier Martinez Escobar, young farmers with extensive professional dedication to the beef cattle and milk production.
Since its inception, has doubled its staff and has tripled its turnover, which reached fourteen million in 2009. Now, your business will diversify to market bottled sea water in an attempt by its promoters to revitalize the area. Lactoduero
hopes that within three months the first bottles are already on the market, because "everything is ready" and machinery, acquired a company in Valladolid, is ready for operation. A pioneering initiative which is moral, according to his promoter, that "any idea, however strange it may seem, can succeed without going to a big city and contribute to the development of the most disadvantaged in the community."
'Sea Water' won the prize for the most innovative project Provincial
the institution's president presented the awards in this mode and the newly established companies


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