Friday, April 22, 2011

Clear Phlegm Taste Blood

another reason to STOP SMOKING!

Butts: Dispose of Cigarettes and harmful effects on fish

butts cigarettes is one of the most common forms of waste, has found, which is a harmful source that poisons fish both freshwater and saltwater.

A study entitled "Tobacco Control" by scientists published in BMJ (British Medical Journal) a work that consisted of a test where they put cigarette butts in water (fresh and salt) for 24 hours - they divided the resulting broth in 24 different concentrations in each sample and placed 5 fish for 96 hours.

Three conclusions resulted: 1 smoked cigarette butts with the rest of snuff were the most harmful (with a solution of 1 cigarette per liter). 2 ° To a lesser extent those with no waste of snuff (it was necessary dose of 1.8 butts per liter for sea water butts per liter and 4.3 for fresh water to cause damage). 3 ° The less harmful cigarette butts were the new filter, no smoking and no snuff (the lethal dose was 5.1 cigarette butts per liter of sea water and 13.5 per liter of water butts sweet). Some data

smoking and its effects on the planet are:

A cigarette is within compounds of cellulose acetate fibers, other chemicals and paper packaging.
Worldwide, 5.6 billion a year smoke cigarettes.
in the cultivation and manufacturing in the high use of chemicals, many of these residues are in the final product.
The mainly coastal resorts are the places that these residues are observed more pollutants.
countries with their governments and citizens have a difficult task ahead for the good of mankind and the environment that surrounds it


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