Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cebuano Tagalog Translation Song

An ideal little work

How many times a day say "how I would be sleeping at home" ? In fact, it is Friday and sighs of relief: "I sleep all day" . Well, in this movie, sleep is a job. And I say this as something that costs, but rather by what you pay: a real job. Ideal, no? Well, not so much ... I prefer to wait to Friday wanting to have to bank what happens to Di Caprio & Co. in "The Origin" (for the Yankees, "Inception").

At a time that could be ours quietly, a group of people dedicated to exploring the dreams of others in search of those secrets that are hidden in safes. Yes, and read. For this, they kidnap the dreamer, drugged and everyone is connected in the same dream. Once inside, command the dream course and run through a maze and scheduled to arrive at a figure anticipated in the vigil. That's how crazy and read ... Twisted and all, this movie is very good. Keep reading, I promise you will run to her.

Dom Cobb (Leonardo Di Caprio) is an architect who is dedicated to sail to dreams

to steal ideas that, when applied, result in money. So, if you want to put in common terms, it would be a thief, a pickpocket, thief or whatever you call it. For that, he surrounds himself with a team of technicians who are responsible for the victims sleep and awaken the dreamers. It is very useful method for awakening of dreams fall feeling infallible. There is another possibility: to die or be killed in a dream, not as infallible.

Dom, apart from being a thief of dreams, is an exile from his country. At first I just know that his father reminds him that can not return home because it looks the police. Later, we learned that in the U.S. is accused of murdering his wife. Do not count the mess that is this story, but I have to tell in the first half hour of film, Dom decides to leave this "work" to go home. For that, you must do one last job, perhaps the most difficult. If the common task was to "get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe head", this latest order was to "plant an idea in mind." All look to face Juan Carlos asshole, as saying "it imposhible, what are you asking me?". But in the end accepted as they pay, if fulfilled, was high.

The team, which now only consisted of the characters of Di Caprio (Dom) and Gordon-Levitt (Arthur), recruits to 3 members: Ariadne (Ellen Page) a young architecture student, Eames (Tom Hardy) a forger of appearances (yes, that) and Yusuf (Dileep Rao) a specialist in alchemy or the like which has a powerful narcotic to sleep longer. Turn binds to travel the employer, Saito (Ken Watanabe), to ensure they are doing things right.

Does the task? Convincing the heir of a large corporation ("Robert Fischer" played by Cillian Murphy) not to continue with the business of his dying father. Everything is planned meticulously, but when entering sleep Fischer, displayed all the elements that Freud used to describe a dream ... For this reason, the perfect plan falls apart and start to improvise. Almost prefers the question, but how not to improvise in a dream? They specialize in dreams, they tend to plan not to improvise. But within these productions orníricas they meet a rudimentary "defense mechanisms" and moreover, is through the very unconscious Di Caprio! And there goes all to hell ... because what Dom did not say is that the memory of his wife Mall (Marion Cotillard) stalks him in a dream and not exactly a sweet woman. So the full team of dreamers is under double threat: the defenses of the victim and a plated memory neurosis Dom And the plus is that if this dream die, instead of awakening, you are in a vegetative state ... or crazy Spread the envy!

This is a great thriller, and not just expecting you stay two hours and a half hours, but you can even enjoy a final solved ... Therefore, your brain has a job secured.

Interestingly, not covered in the talks by psychologists, architects but ... Anyway, as

locked us out of the banquet, we criticize the menu haha. So I have to say that this film is about madness, beyond its futuristic facade. We could talk about the side effects of a rare work, but I would say that the center is the same mechanism to escape reality, a world where the ideal is at hand. Of course, this is the Hollywood version, because we have all experienced the nightmares. Returning, the recourse to fantasy makes one fact: the reality is intolerable, hateful, intolerable ... or at least far from what we live. And that's what's wrong with Di Caprio and then his wife. They become sort of addicted to the dream life. When they return to reality, the woman is a big conflict and no longer recognized as the real world, but the other, that of dreams And how should I do to go there? Will leave that dream real not believe. ... And how did I told them to leave the dream? With this, and have half the film inside.

This film was directed by Christopher Nolan and was released in July 2010. Was nominated for Oscars and won in the categories "Best Cinematography, Best Sound Editing, Best sound "and" Best Visual Effects. "Undoubtedly, it is original and I think that's the value of the movie What's twisted? can be What is impossible? can be. And I think the rest of the questions that arise can be answered with a "may" because Nolan got into this dream world where anything is possible and said "share the fact that the impossible becomes real." I think, in my experience, it succeeded.

The movie comes to a 4 Clare pa mi (of course, haha). Di Caprio was never one of my favorites in the show, and this is no exception ... but hey, it's not so tragic the fact that he stars. I like the work of Gordon-Levitt and Tom Hardy. P ut itself, there are none out of tune, because here the action is not central but the issue of special effects takes a starring role and gives meaning to the film. And regarding the effects are spectacular, divine. Ah! and to crown, a soundtrack that is just ideal. BSO does what any would have to do: serve with fairness every moment of this film to music .... and yes it does.

Well, I hope you tempted. Here I give you a trailer to see a preview:


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