Friday, April 22, 2011

Patric Ewing Sneakers


Federico Quevedo - 23/04/2011
The Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has escaped an ETA. A dangerous ETA, wanting revenge and age of committing further attacks. If this had happened in a context of normal fight against terrorism, we would consider a mistake, a grave error, but error al fin y al cabo. Pero no estamos hablando de unas circunstancias normales en la lucha contra el terrorismo, sino de un escenario muy complicado en el que el Gobierno juega el papel de un agente extrañamente implicado en una solución al problema terrorista que poco tiene que ver con lo que los dos principales partidos políticos acordaron en el Pacto Antiterrorista que se cargó Rodríguez en la pasada legislatura.

Dicho de modo que se entienda: la fuga de Troitiño se produce en un ambiente de crecientes sospechas sobre la actitud del Gobierno respecto a ETA y su final, y da la sensación de que forma parte de ese capítulo de concesiones que los enviados del Gobierno pactaron con los terroristas durante el mal llamado 'proceso peace ', and today we are still living a very long painful hangover.

the outset, it was strange the judges decision to shorten the time of the death of the terrorist may choose not to, because the law allowed both options, and necessarily comes to mind that of the dust caps and the way ... But the worst was later when the Court decided to reverse but the ETA, ETA but it will not fool has heels. Did the Government the obligation to watch? Anyone with half a brain you crave, yes, I had it, even though the law says you can not, something arguably taking note that the Supreme Court endorses that kind of vigilance when it comes to extremely dangerous individuals. And gives me a rogue with 22 murders behind him is not exactly a nice guy, right?

Troitiño leakage is not the product of an error, but the consequence of a lax and complacent policy of the Government in the fight against ETA
Then the Government had not fulfilled its obligation and must be held accountable. In this case, too, Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba. And, I will forgive a government that bypasses the law to the bullfighter to tattle about terrorists going after them and so as not to endanger the 'peace process' can not claim right now law enforcement for failing to bring Troitiño surveillance because the judicial process against him was not completed ...

The strategy of carrot and stick

Troitiño leakage is not the product of an error, but the consequence of a lax and complacent policy of the Government in the fight against ETA. Yes it is true that ETA has been arrested Rubalcaba and that under its mandate ETA Interior dome has fallen does not know how many times. This is what art media repeats ad nauseam government, and they were right, but the government is playing with ETA to the policy of 'carrot and stick' with the sole aim of achieving a statement from the band before the election that allows the PSOE offer something positive to the public, even at the cost of making concessions that will confound the victims of terrorism and are an affront to the rule of law. The government talks and talks about his commitment to the end of ETA and of little help being provided by the PP, but in view of their words ring hollow and false.

Rodriguez was the Government which swept away the last term of the Anti-Terrorism Pact, and even today is the day that Rodriguez has not done anything to republish what he proposed and negotiated behind the scenes while the gang scoundrels. Nothing makes this Government in the fight against terrorism is credible, and gives the impression that they are still playing with one and all to get that coveted announcement of the end of violence that both socialists need to go out their electoral calculations. The problem is that when it comes to ETA, the calculations never work out. Rodriguez should know after what happened with the T-4, but the adage that man is the only animal that stumbles twice on the same stone, and Rodriguez is the only one capable of tripping every day ...



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