By this letter, professionals and institutions undersigned, we are in favor of criteria clinical diagnosis, and therefore against the imposition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association the sole criterion of clinical symptomatology psychic.
We want to share, discuss and agree on the clinical knowledge - ogy - the pathos mental-illness symptom, not disease-in order to question the existence of a mental health , statistics and regulations, as well as clinical and intellectual imposture disorder, disorder, mental illness . We also note the imposition of single-therapy treatment for disorders typified formatted-for contempt involving the various theories and treatment strategies, and freedom of choice for patients. At present, we attend a clinic to become less and less dialogue, more indifferent to the manifestations of mental illness, clinging to the protocols and only palliative treatments for the consequences, and not its causes. As stated G. Berrios (2010) "We are facing a paradoxical situation in which clinicians are asked to accept a radical change in the way of developing their work (eg leave the advice of your own experience and follow the dictates of impersonal statistics) when in fact, the current basis of the evidence are nothing other than what they say statisticians, theorists, managers, companies (such as the Cochrane Institute) capitalists and investors are precisely those that say where the money goes. " Accordingly, we express our defense of a health model, where the word is a value to promote and where each patient is considered in its particularity. The defense of the subjective dimension implies a confidence in what each one brings into play to try something that in itself proves to be unbearable, a stranger to himself, but yet familiar. We express our rejection to the welfare policies pursued by security at the expense of freedoms and rights. A policy that, under the guise of good intentions and the search for the good of the patient, reduced to a calculation of its performance, a risk factor or a vulnerability index which should be removed, slightly less than the strength.
For any discipline, the approach to the reality of the course is done through a theory. This limited knowledge should not be confused with Truth therefore would act as an ideology or religion, where every thought, event, or even the language used in the service of forcing the re-ligare between knowledge and truth. Any clinician with a true scientific spirit knows that his theory is what Aristotle would call a Organon, ie a tool approach to reality ever more plural and changing, and where the categories are to be found make room for the manifestation of this diversity, allowing an extension of theoretical and practical. This conception is opposed to the idea of \u200b\u200ba canon , within the meaning of what necessarily mandatory and prescriptive things are and must perform a certain way. We all know the consequences of this position is indicative of what a normative, prescriptive, ultimately, become coercive. This is where knowledge becomes the exercise of disciplinary power as in a broad sense of what that obeys or disobeys canon. Management of Social Order subjectivity demanded by markets. Everything for the patient without the patient. Subject knowledge without power is already on the subject. Authoritarianism scientist, calls him J. Peteiro. For all this we express our opposition to the existence of a Diagnostic Code Compulsory and Universal Single .
Moreover, the theoretical model, which boasts the DSM, and has wanted to be confused with objectivity, talks about his epistemological failure. Suffice it to recall its lack of what we understand as mental disorder, as well as mental health . The contents of this taxonomy psychiatric respond much political pacts clinical observations, leading to a very serious epistemological problem.
As the DSM classification method, we find that it can sorting, stacking or grouping many things, but that is not to establish an entity in a given field biol. Finally, in the same line as above, the statistics used in the DSM has a weak point: the ambiguity of the object on which it operates, ie the concept of mental disorder. The statistics are presented as a technique, a tool that can be placed at multiple causes and of all kinds. They are the people who handle the items and the basic values \u200b\u200bof the statistical curve, but also to decide on the slide, more or less to the margins of what is to quantify and interpret later.
In this context of poverty and confusion in the forthcoming DSM-V is a clear threat: no one is sheltered from what is stopping, so sick. No room for health, in terms of change, mobility, complexity and multiplicity of forms. All patients, all upset. Any manifestation of discomfort will be quickly transformed into symptoms of a disorder that needs to be medicalized for life. This is the big jump that is done without any epistemological network: from prevention to the prediction.
lower diagnostic thresholds for many existing or newly diagnosed disorders that could be extremely common in the general population, warns that Frances Allen, head of task group DSM IV, in its letter Opening Pandora's box . Referring to the new conditions that include the DSM-V, the author cites some of the new diagnostic problem: syndrome risk of psychosis ('is certainly the most disturbing suggestions. The false positive rate would be alarming 70 to 75%). anxiety disorder depressive mixed . minor cognitive disorder (' defined by nonspecific symptoms ... the threshold has been willing to include a massive 13.5% of the population. ") binge eating disorder. dysfunctional disorder dysphoric character. paraphilic coercive disorder. hypersexuality disorder, etc. Therefore increases the number of disorders and also increased the semantic field of many, including the famous ADHD, since it allows the diagnosis based only on the presence of symptoms, disability and require no further reduces to half the number of symptoms required for adults. The diagnosis of ADHD is also provided in the presence of autism, which would involve creating two false epidemics and foster the increased use of stimulants in a particularly vulnerable population.
If we combine these statistics with the heterogeneity thematic working groups, which multiply, ranging from gender identity, through the adaptation of the pulse, hypersexuality, mood swings etc., We can not ignore classifications that seek complete autonomy in respect of any framework, and thus free of any control epistemological rigor. However, we do not believe that the classifications and treatments can be neutral with respect to the theories of etiology, as intended, while being neutral with respect to the ideology of Social Control , clinical and extra interest.
Paul Feyerabend, in The myth of science and its role in society , says: "Basically, there is hardly any difference between the process leading to the formulation of a new scientific law and the process that precedes a new law in society. " It seems, continues this author Farewell to reason, that: "The world we live in is too complex to be understood by theories that obey principles (general) epistemological. And scientists, politicians, anyone trying to understand and / or influence the world, taking into account this situation, violated universal rules, abuse of the concepts developed, distort the knowledge already obtained and constantly thwart attempts to impose a science in the sense of our epistemologists. "
Finally, we draw attention to the danger it poses to the clinic for psychological symptoms, that new trials are formatted deliberately ignorant of classical psychopathology, therefore, it responds to the dialectic between theory and clinical practice, between knowledge and reality. Clinical psychopathology no longer taught in our schools or training programs of the MIR and PIR. And yet, they are instructed in the paradigm of the words ... pharmacologic prescriptive universal for all and for all, and in no way different from a vending machine labels and replenishing of medication. The result is a failure to denounce the fundamentals of psychopathology, a scotoma important when exploring patients and, consequently, a considerable constraint, rather than at the time of diagnosis.
While knowledge is the most ethical way we get closer to our plural reality, not be a problem for the coexistence of different knowledge about the complexity of human beings.
Therefore, we propose to take action in order to cap all this incremental process of international classifications, and work with the classification criteria with a strong base psychopathological, and therefore derived exclusively from the clinic.
; ; Barcelona, \u200b\u200bApril 14, 2011
THANK THE MAXIMUM FIRST BROADCAST OF THIS MANIFESTO (to be followed by others from different countries).
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Through this writing, professionals and institutions undersigned, declare our criteria for clinical diagnosis, and therefore against the imposition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders the American Psychiatric Association as a sole criterion in the clinical symptoms of the psychic.
want to share, discuss and agree on the clinical knowledge-me-on pathos-suffering psychological symptoms, not disease, in order to question the existence a mental health, statistics and regulations, as well as sham clinical and intellectual disorder, disorder, mental illness. We also denounce the imposition of single-therapy treatment for disorders typified by contempt, which is formatted to different theories and therapies, and freedom of choice for patients. At present, we attend a clinic al'esdevenir less and less dialogue, more indifferent to the manifestations of psychic suffering, clinging to the protocols and only palliative treatments for the consequences, and not for their causes. As G. says Berrios (2010) "We face a paradoxical situation in which clinicians are asked to accept a radical change in the way of carrying out their work (eg, leave the tips of your own experience and follow the dictates of impersonal statistics) when in reality, the current basis of the evidence are others who say that the statistical theorists, managers, companies (such as the Cochrane Institute) capitalists and investors who are precisely those say where the money is put. " Therefore express our defense of a health model, in which the word is a value to promote and in which each patient be taken into account in its particularity. The defense of the subjective dimension implies a confidence in what each brings into play to deal with what he himself is revealed as intolerable, strange himself, but yet familiar. We express our revulsion at the policies pursued care security at the expense of freedoms and rights. A policy that, under the guise of good intentions and seeking the good of the patient, reduced to a calculation of their performance, a risk factor or a vulnerability index to be removed, slightly less than strength.
For any discipline, the approach to the reality of the field is through a theory. This limited knowledge should not be confused with "The Truth", then would act as an ideology or religion, in which every thought, event or even the language used at the service of forcing the re-liga between knowledge and truth. Any patient with a particular scientific spirit knows that his theory is what Aristotle would call an Organon, ie, a tool to approach a more pluralistic and changing reality, and in which categories should leave space opposite the manifestation of this diversity, thereby extending both theoretical and practical. This conception is opposed to the idea of \u200b\u200ba canon, in the sense of that necessity, and prescriptivament things are mandatory and must work a certain way. We all know the consequences of this position that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe normative, prescriptive to eventually become coercive. This is where knowledge becomes an exercise of power as a sanction, in the broadest sense, which obeys or disobeys the canon. Arrangement of subjectivity in the social order that the markets demand. Even for the patient without the patient. One subject without knowing it is a power over the subject. Authoritarianism scientist calls it Peteiro Javier. Therefore we wish to express our opposition to the existence of a single diagnosis code Compulsory and Universal.
Moreover, the theoretical model, which boasts the DSM, and have tried to be confused with objectivity, discusses its epistemological failure. Suffice it to recall its vagueness about what we understand as a mental disorder, as well as psychological health. The contents of this psychiatric taxonomy respond more to political pacts that clinical observations which gives rise to a serious epistemological problem.
About the DSM classificatory method, we note that can be classified, or lumped together many things, but this is not nosogràfica establish an entity in a given field. Finally, in the same line as above, the statistics used in the DSM has a weak point: the ambiguity of the object on which it operates, namely the concept of mental disorder. . The statistics are presented as a technique, a tool that can be placed at multiple causes and of all kinds. They are people who use the items and values \u200b\u200bbased on statistical curve, but also decided that slippage, more or less towards the edges we want to quantify and interpret.
In this context of poverty and conceptual confusion, the forthcoming DSM-V is a clear threat: will anyone outside that stops, that's sick. Not be space for health, in terms of change, mobility, complexity and multiplicity of forms. All patients, all mad. Any sign of discomfort will rapidly converted into a symptom of a disorder that needs to be medicated for life. This is the big jump that is without any kind of network epistemological: the prevention of the prediction.
lower diagnostic thresholds for many existing or newly diagnosed disorders that could be extremely common in the general population, warns us that Frances Allen, head of the DSM task force IV In his "Opening Pandora's box." Referring to new disorders including the DSM-V, cites some of the new diagnostic problem: syndrome risk of psychosis, ("is certainly the most troubling of the suggestions. The rate of false positives would be alarming 70 to 75%"). Mixed anxiety depressive disorder. Minor cognitive disorder ("is defined by nonspecific symptoms ... the threshold has been willing to include a massive 13.5% of the population"). Fartanera in eating disorder. The dysfunctional character disorder with dysphoria. Parafílic coercive disorder. Hipersexualitat disorder, etc.. Increases, therefore, the number of disorders and also increased his semantic field, like the famous ADHD because it allows the diagnosis based solely on the presence symptoms, not requiring disability and also reduces by half the number of symptoms required for adults. The diagnosis of ADHD is also applied in the presence of autism, which involve the creation of two false epidemics and promote increased use of stimulants in a particularly vulnerable population.
If we join the handling of statistical heterogeneity thematic working groups, which multiply and ranging from gender identity, through the adaptation of impulses, hipersexualitat , mood swings etc.. we can not forget that international classifications seek full autonomy in respect of any framework and therefore free from any control epistemological rigor. However, we do not believe that the classifications and treatments can be neutral with respect to etiologic theories, as intended, while being neutral with respect to the ideology of social control, and additional clinical interests.
Paul Feyerabend, in "The Myth of science and its role in society," says: "Basically, there is hardly any difference between the process leads to the enunciation a new scientific law and the process that precedes a new law in society. " Apparently, the author goes on to say "Goodbye to reason" that: "The world we live in is too complex to be understood by theories that obey principles (general) epistemic. And scientists, politicians, anyone who tries to understand and / or influence the world, considering this situation, violate rules, abuse of the concepts elaborated, distorted knowledge already obtained and ruin constantly attempt to impose a science in the sense of our epistemologist. "
Finally, we draw attention to the danger posed to the clinical symptoms of the psychic, the new clinicians to be formatted, deliberately, in ignorance of the classical psychopathology, then this answer the dialectic between theory and clinic, between knowledge and reality. Clinical no longer taught in our schools or training programs of MIR and PIR. Yet, they are taught in the paradigm of indication ... Drug: universal prescriptive for everyone and for everything and anything that differs a vending machine labels and repository of medication. The result is a lack denouncing the foundations of psychopathology, a scotoma important when exploring patients and, consequently, a limitation that considerable time to diagnose.
If knowledge is the most ethical approach that we have in our pluralistic reality should not be a problem in the coexistence of different knowledge about the complexity of the human being.
, we propose to carry out actions in order to limit this process to increase international classifications and work on classification criteria that have a solid base psychopathological and therefore coming ; exclusively clinical.
Barcelona, \u200b\u200b14 April 2011
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