Monday, April 4, 2011

Tendonitis Along Pinky

your last cigarette.

How to define a woman? This question did not leave me in peace. Earlier that day back to my house, but no joy lily of the late afternoon, or the opportunity to rest for an hour, nor Ravel's Bolero listening alone, in the midst of a crowd that seemed to mark the beat with their steps, soothed me.
Amid a discussion on gender violence with a colleague work, which arrogantly raised a whole lot of nonsense about the role of women in society, not worth repeating here, I, is Ana, elated, challenged him with the following sentence:
- What women do you know Paul? Perhaps you think are the couple of poor unhappy with who you slept in your life ... that representatives trimmed sad ... or maybe your mother, you're still making breakfast as your father prepared him for fifty years ... You are a pathetic. You have no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat may be a woman! You do not know how to define a woman ...
- Well Then, you tell me without disguise, "said the cynical smile.
The only thing was wrong and did not end violently, on behalf of the intervention of the editor who, calming the two sides, we sent each one home to cool the head and a separate write text on the eternal feminine.
I came home laden with a deadly hatred towards Paul and Ravel after furious half-hour walk.
I went to look at the computer and the question buzzing. While preparing a question tila still buzzing. I watched a little television, the worst program I found not have to think, a Venezuelan soap opera, it seemed that I thought they were reading when I heard the words of the actors:
- Jose Felipe (tears), how can ... (More tears) and define a woman?
- Do not know Marta Cristina ... You tell me ...
This has already passed the limits. He was about to go crazy. At the point I was surprised by the sound of the bell. I got up off the couch like a beast to open the door when I realized it was my neighbor at the landing, Elisabeth, came, as usual, to invite me to a cup of coffee and chat awhile. Monologue was almost always accompanied closely by me.
Though sometimes doubted the adventures he heard of this lady in his seventieth year well spent, he could not deny that he had some talent variable to hold the listener's attention.
daughter of good family, Elisabeth was married at twenty years with a famous pianist, one of the finest Chopin interpreters of his time, but shortly after marriage, died in a road accident way to a concert in Vienna. He, as was explained Elisabeth, was terrified the plane. The first thing he did after giving his black clothes, which took no more than a few months, which caused a scandal in the family, was to buy a ticket direct flight to Australia. I wanted to fly alone to the unknown. And it was. Never had children, so I knew. Had a few boyfriends who left them without penalty whenever he felt like another trip.
- Hi, honey. If you have arrived early! "Said the lady as I hugged and kissed. - But what happens to you today, Queen? -Closing the door, taking me by the arm and leading me into the kitchen.
- Oh dear, sorry, today I have no desire to talk, is ...
- You are mistaken, dear, you are finally to chat.
- No, Elisenda, sorry, but ...
- No, no, no ... What, sweetheart? Do you think I'll let you alone with this evil face that fits? You always hear me with so much pampering, it's my turn. I will not miss the opportunity to hear the story of what grips you.
- Oh, Elisabeth, is that I fought with a colleague at work y. ..
- No, no, no ... I think you understand me. We are not here to lament. At a time like this, in the pitiful state where you are, is your chance to talk to you.
- How? - Asked stunned.
- Yes, it is easy, talking about you. No need to understand now. This will understand with time. Now we just have to trust my years of experience, take a sip of this coffee, if you want to give you some courage and when the mouth is hot, start talking.
I followed the instructions Elisenda imperative. But he had two coffees, under the eyes of my patient and friendly neighbor, not a word.
Elisenda Then I was surprised, I said something I never thought, I asked if he could become involved a marijuana cigarette. I was astonished. But then I said, clear sky, but only if you let me give a few pulls.
grass She pulled a boat and rolled a cigarette with a professional skill, lit it, took a long drag and passed it to me with the tagline of fúmatelo you, is lightly loaded and a special herb , do not produce paranoia.
I I smoked in silence for years that I smoked a joint, and what was not explained to me where he got my neighbor's grass. What I have clear is that in those moments of tension was contained as a release valve for all my anxiety.
Elisenda "Look - I said, relaxed and with a half smile that began to outline my lips, what worries me is simple. What is a woman? And I suppose that if no reply is because I am a woman or not or do not quite know myself.
"You do have the answer, I assure you, you're a great young woman. You work when you feel like family, and children ... Well are not needed, only once the woman was destined to breed and take care of housework, but that has changed.
"Look girl I dreamed of marrying a prince, like the stories in a big lavish wedding and that impressed the entire city. But while he was growing up I realized that fairy tales do not exist or that they were metaphors often sexist and cruel, which provided an image of women degraded. Today a woman is to believe in oneself, assert yourself by your intelligence, sensitivity and generosity. Men unlike most primary things we are not in that article I read biology that male sex was a strain of parasite DNA. So maybe it's true. Today we no longer need men, and you can not compare the ability of struggle, suffering, courage of a woman with a man. They have ruled society by force. But men, not want to generalize, most of them are people proud, in the worst sense of the word. What a man is happy? You give football, food, and sex each week and most of them will feel fulfilled. Women are more complex, we need to reassert ourselves from our second line of power, give us love, make us feel safe. We need to give confidence to share our love. Men like women in love, but we have a greater tendency to prove, to surrender.
"All that is fine. - I said Elisa, who had listened with a smile .- But if you realize is we who choose our mates, from my experience I tell you do not need nothing more than: look in the mirror, feel beautiful inside and out , throwing ovaries to life, and follow the path that your heart says. We are smarter than men, do not know why, apart from the trite and female sixth sense. We do not need much to feel at home whenever we are in place that want and acting lawfully. That's why so many witches were burned because they were women who thought for themselves, because they were pioneers, pioneers, martyrs for the freedom we enjoy in this century. View a man sees the most beautiful thing in life is the naked body of a woman, a woman, however, the most sublime to see your eyes is the smile of her first child.
"But you never had children or not I've talked about it.
Elisa sighed, stood staring at infinity and their eyes were irritated as if holding a tear, which finally came out with his story.
Ana "Look, baby, yeah that illuminates when a beautiful girl. I was in India, with Nasheed, a man I fell in love. I got her pregnant and I feel that unique feeling of being a mother of a wonderful human being, as are all children at birth. The problem was that the risk of mortality in India was high, and six months my little Esmeralda died of typhus. I did not stay to weep, while his body burned in the pyres of Bangladesh, I returned to Europe swearing that never again would a child.
"Damn, I'm sorry I said holding her emotion .- .- I'm sorry I brought that episode to the memory.
"It's all love, some days you had to explain, right?
"You're right, I will not give up, women are like a good novel or a symphony, if you look both are feminine words. Today, we can choose our way if we do not lack health, and ended the tyranny of Christianity, was sexist that surrounded us. You can not imagine what I've come to help. There is still much to do, open your eyes to my writing partner, open your eyes to that minority that does not give importance to a woman. If you want to stay but I write my paper now.
"Of course I'm staying, I've never seen it work and I admire you, know I do not lose any of your items.
I sat at the computer, I opened the word processor and started:

Dedicated to Elisabeth:

She is no longer in the background, is no longer the caperucita of stories, saved by a woodsman without a license. Cinderella being abused on the run before noon so they do not discover their identity. She is tired of not being herself, under the yoke of male and underestimates the handcuffing, which contains in a bell jar so no one will touch, taking only the key man of his liberty.
She finally slams the door to the past, fly to the stars in a dream where nobody curtailed and steps, landing, sure-footed, walking on the storm, like a real avatar.
Women today have the freedom to be who wants to be, to work, to have children, to travel, to stay after a divorce with the floor. No one can stop him from living his sensitivity welcoming and that it, in this house of paper with wishes written on the walls, fulfill his will as being unique and capable individual.
women's beauty is inside, the ability to clean the inside of cobwebs and adhesions, which can, if not sanitized, jamming the torrent of emotions that flow in life.
The woman is a divine being for man, and therefore unknown and feared. So a man does not often live without a woman at his side. But unfortunately, when she got it, what big bad wolf may devour your mind, disassemble, invalidate, to an extent that when she realizes the situation unfortunate that their dreams have become a child, wants to flee, and he acts in the worst way, even to kill, because in the minds of many men disposed of alcohol and routine, it is better to be executioner victim.
Many women have learned to be alone to see be in the company, are affectionate, attentive, sensitive, prone to premonition, the love, support no excuses, but they can not sell cheap, they must be enforced by their real capacity.
Yet this does not mean that women are perfect in their quest individualist can leave men actually lose worthwhile, they are not wolves, nor hell, nor inquisitors, but women with a penis. Of these men can expect understanding, mutual support and affection. They are men who love women and that mimic and thereby become adorable.
not need help if we ask, and if this is not always ask is not because of need but because we know that the answer lies in ourselves, flying in the wind blowing in the garden of our heart .
A woman may lose the sense of love, because it is delivered and is afraid of solitude, but they are not to be weak, is that their feelings are more intense a fire and sometimes occurs in the flames of the pyre they want to leave reason and life.
Ultimately a woman can do what a man, so different, it safer than using your intelligence, but there are things you can do if a man and a woman. Of course I talk to father a child in her womb. Of this relationship between mother and child is born a complicity, full of tenderness and mutual understanding. And this is precisely the special relationship between a woman with her surroundings and makes him cry with excitement, anxiety and would defend his people from harm.
Today violence Gender is a blight, unholy legacy of the cancellation of the rights of women in the past, the difference is that the theoretical democracy in which we live, in the communications network that unites everyone, when humanity must feel freer and wiser, is also when you feel most alone, desperate and grasping at straws of sacrifice, love meaningless., because true love is not lasting forever, nor the worth of a diamond. True love is precisely the look of respect, the natural sensitivity that makes you get the partner to be a better person, if the time between the path of love, do not look back in anger, but to go your way to true wisdom, which is the reward for the journey to the unknown, always incomplete task of knowing oneself, without ever closing the door of curiosity.

"Well I finished - I cried, stretching his arms and my knuckles crunching. Elisa did not answer, I thought she was asleep so I flipped the spell. When finished, save the file and went to cover it with a blanket. That's when I realized I was not asleep. Breathing faintly. As fast as I could, as a support high grabbed the phone and called an ambulance.
When he told me that the thing does not look good. One week, hopefully two, little more.
turned out he had a pancreatic tumor metastasis and that old age was not possible to give chemotherapy. Thus have medical marijuana. She was taken to terminals.
The next day, after I submit my article and to convince the editor, to the envy of my old friend, I visited her. I could not open my eyes because of the morphine, but recognized my voice.
-Mood Elisenda come out of it .- I said without much conviction.
"Daughter ... Ana ... "she began quietly but did not finish.
I went to say something but I do not listen, his heart had stopped, the muscle pumped whimsical, certainly, his last wish, as the cigarette of the defendant to life is about to shoot.


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