Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pineal Gland Stuttering

WHAT IS NOT HURT Rendueles, is the social.

I'm not going to lie, I have days restless, half dismounted by the impatience I feel at the (I hope, desire and trust) imminent arrival of the first copies of my book: Stand up who can and other stories. In this situation I have been assaulted by delusions that have been returned to its status of unreality to Rafa Nadal, both drives as the odd setback. A huge insecurity had settled in my mind and even, at the wonders that I have been reading through this blogosphere, had come to doubt my ability to articulate a strong and well-structured speech. I just felt good when interacting with other people: family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc.. Somehow when the dialogue came when he shared a little while with those who returned to be the always (someone friendly and fun, with a flattering point and two ears willing to listen). In solitude, I have come to feel envy when reading some texts as this , this , this , this this or another. And I do not intend to stop beating about the bush I will explain that envy was most uncomfortable, because all they showed me was my current limiting.

Anyway, as I was saying that a good friend sent me this morning an interview William Rendueles I advise the reading and discussion. It is, apart from some of his classics (like your opinion on fibromyalgia), other issues that I want to emphasize the need to vindicate the linkages in natural or traditional groups, based on solidarity, respect, even - despite autoconsiderarse libertarian - if these groups belong to religious sphere, because after systemically institutionalized individualism postmodernity, it is time to consider regain some moral or ethical some social, collective and humanitarian.

claims type: The quarry is forged this great clientele of mental health centers work is precarious and the network a modern intimacy that breaks with the past membership in natural groups. Before it was known that the work is going to suffer, I mean that, although there were some good things, such as dealing with colleagues, it was assumed that the work produced by the exploitation upset as it was based, but no one ever thought the manager or foreman, as well as operate, I was going to pursue.
The new workspaces, these panoptic where no visual barriers, have identified a worker and reduced their world, wiping out any concept of our group. The suffering labor unrest has become intimate and re-interpreted in subjective terms: "It is in charge I want to fuck", is "the boss", "are the Companions" ...
And I think this process has occurred in all areas: living with the couple in the civic life of the neighborhood .... By not having a collective narrative, we perceive reality from a kind of narcissism of small differences, thinks: "Only it happens to me." In this intimate unsociability can only express psychic pain in terms of mental illness, consider yourself depressed, dysthymic. For the only identity that enables you to understand that suffering was the feeling of our workers is a fragile, sick individual.
On the other hand, the media imposed a very high standard of happiness. You watch TV and everyone seems happy, you think that the only one in the morning Christ made you, the only one who has slept badly or are you the only one having bad sex you. The society of the spectacle promises and promotes happiness. Is to say: "If your life sucks and television shows are so happy and live well, something is going on inside that keeps you from enjoying, perhaps the doctor can help you."

And a little later continues: live without links is a recipe that gives individualism. Individuals who float in this liquid society spoken of Bauman, as ships that anchor a season in a city or in a relationship of friendship, knowing that soon have to navigate to the search for another port, and therefore should not be tied to any lasting love or commitment. How to recreate links? That's the million dollar question.
Hopefully someone knows how and what to retrieve. I think how bad it is, any network Traditional, any link is better than postmodern emotional desert. However bad the unions are there, do not let down by poor who are religious networks for families who are poor, resisting is the watchword. Because the other is the process of individuation to be endured from the fragility of the subjects will necessitate doctors, psychiatrists and new easements to which the old are going to look like trifles. I mean, between the laxity with which they took, when I was a kid, you going to confess, the whole world passed it by the balls ", to which are now going to a psychologist every 15 days live their lives as diseases consultation, there a radical gap.

And after this "laborious" cut and paste, the question that comes to me is "Now what the fuck I say?

Unfortunately you'd think the picture is as black as is painted, no community, no ethics, no morals, beyond a few honorable exceptions. But do you want to tell you, it is true that most people live in a kind of continuous mental honan, which as they said at the time of Franco were blind enough to not be recognized in the other. Moreover, if we need to heed the media, this life is like a huge supermarket of individual possibilities, which betray, lie, distort, manipulate, and other synonyms, are legitimate tools to make ends meet. So, not that we are aliens, is that these are things that characterize human beings from s. XXI and terrible solitude, whose alleged independence, only just getting more reliance in all spheres of life ...

... Yesterday we celebrated the anniversary of Radio 8 Nicosia. It was a dinner where we celebrate many things, but perhaps the most important is being able to get here, with virtually no aid, for three years, precisely the time that this has been sociocultural Association. In that room, small and cozy, dimly lit, with white duke music accompanying the first laugh and the first dialogue, the air satisfaction, joy, dedication, solidarity, respect. All we were there we had arrived at different times in the history of Nicosia, but the bond that had united us in time, went beyond a fight or an idea. All, with our differences, our capabilities and our limitations, our good and bad times with our desire and our unwillingness, our joys and sorrows, we knew we could count on each other. Why? Then call us and spend some time, words, and thus be able to recognize ourselves in the mirror of that other, which are not mental health professional is able to understand exactly what you're going through it and give you something back to delirium as simple as a sincere hug. Our moral and ethical principles are as old as the hommo sapien, our mutual need of another comes our strength, our collective identity, our wisdom. There, among so many friends, it is impossible not to feel proud, grateful, in communion with your surroundings. There with my companions, those who like me have felt so often neglected, is impossible not to feel hope.


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