Friday, March 25, 2011

How To Fix Sample Size For Audits



Tranquilizers "older"
Subjective effects
Principal uses

Under this heading include a dozen groups of substances considered to be useful for treating depression, mania and, in general, what is now called psychosis in contrast with neurosis . As has been under international control, and are sometimes sold without prescription in most pharmacies, it is impossible to calculate even the approximate contemporary world the huge production. Yes it should be noted, however, that the cost of their preparation is minimal, and that are also used as an adulterant or "cut" of illicit drugs. Among the best known are the phenothiazines (recognizable by the end zina), haloperidol and reserpine, sold under dozens of different names in each country as Largactil , Meleril , Eskazine , Deanxit , Modecate , Decent , Thorazine, etc. Dosage

The general principle of these drugs is to induce a reaction that is catalepsy at high doses, to reduce oxygen consumption in brain tissue. Often require several days to deploy its power management. The safety margin varies considerably between group and group, though generally lower than their synthetic opiate. Block or destroy some of the major neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin).
The importance of the side effects often advises the patient's initial hospitalization. Among them are: Parkinson's, cell destruction in the blood (agranulocytosis), bile duct obstruction with jaundice, anemia, paradoxical excitement, dizziness, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation, menstrual irregularity, testicular atrophy, skin allergies, cardiac arrhythmias, nasal congestion, dry mouth, sudden attacks of paralysis muscular disorders, weight (from a marked obesity muscle wasting), dyskinesia (involuntary rhythmic movements of the mouth, tongue or jaw), malignant hyperthermia syndrome and sudden unexpected death.
As it is not necessary to administer high dose for such effects to occur, and tolerance is established quickly, the so-called major tranquilizers can be aligned between the dangerous drugs. No group of psychotropic drugs in clinical creates many acute poisonings and lethal prescription from their own personal therapy. Compounding these dangers, in recent decades have been widespread, long-acting tranquilizer-injected intramuscularly every one to two weeks, "when adverse reactions add up to the individual in a critical situation, it is impossible to interrupt the permeation of the body. Side effects

antieufórica Pride of psychopharmacology, these drugs are presented as substances that produce a state of emotional indifference without perceptual disturbances or impaired intellectual function. Hence they are known as neuroleptics (from Greek neuro or nerve, and lepto or tie).
But a perceptive emotional indifference unchanged intellectual equivalent of a square circle, and that claim is immediately contradicted by the facts. H. Laborit, who was the first to experiment with neuroleptics, had the honesty to call "lobotomized chemicals", as in 1952.
drug is unsustainable will not be considered in the highest degree to substances that produce a petrification or "recital" in the emotions, blocking the initiative of the person and to make it behave at times like a catatonic, unable to make the slightest movement despite being in the most absurd positions, or forced to head compulsive tics and parkinsonism.
Furthermore, such rigidity, tremors, grimacing are only the surface of something even for the dignity attenting human. The individual subject to neurolepsia is exposed to radical sexual potency disorders and affective capacity, not only suffers from frigidity, or failure to ejaculate, but a degradation in erotic desire that some psychiatrists considered irreversible when treatments were prolonged or frequent. One of the immediate consequences of the administration is increased appetite, which is interpreted as a reorganization of the libido and the intellect, emotional petrification makes the libido of the subject leaves the genitals to focus on swallowing, as his curiosity and initiative intellectual attitudes become phlegmatic and robotic.
As the human spirit does not lend itself easily to such degradation, one of the known side effects is called akathisia, a state of extreme restlessness described as' feeling of wanting to jump out of your own skin, "which in less severe forms manifests as inability to sit still, but the lack of any object movements. No wonder the main therapeutic efficacy is attributed to neuroleptics posterity a sense of relief to suspension of employment, when the body getting rid of intoxication and the psyche leaves his shift to the stomach and swallowing as basic sites. Sounds like a joke that this picture of somatic and mental effects is described as emotional neutrality without disturbance of consciousness, as argued by the textbooks of psychopharmacology to use.
years before knowing the data just presented, and do not feel any prejudice against this class of drugs, I wanted to verify the nature of his intoxication and ingested a few drops of haloperidol. Let paper and pen to hand and I managed to write only "vague unhappiness." Two drops erased all traces de autoconciencia. No he tenido coraje científico suficiente para repetir el experimento.

Principales usos
Los atanervios o neurolépticos se consideran no ya recomendables sino imprescindibles en el tratamiento de esquizofrenia, manía y depresión, en casos de ansiedad y para «farmacodependencias».
Por lo que respecta al tratamiento de esquizofrénicos, maníacos y deprimidos, su utilidad principal es poner una camisa de fuerza invisible pero férrea, permitiendo que el sujeto permanezca en su casa, y hasta acuda en ocasiones a trabajos rutinarios. No puedo pronunciarme sobre las ventajas respectivas que ofrecen chemical straitjackets straitjackets textiles, and weigh here the advantages of traditional psychiatric treatment (electroshock, insulin coma, imprisonment, lobotomy, etc..) compared with therapy based on these tranquilizers.
In my opinion, the treatments are as eligible when they have the the subject itself as deplorable as they are enacted without consulting, without informing in detail about the employment effects systematically rigged. In any case, trends in institutional psychiatry, and various legal rules-are on diametrically different directions.
As regards cases of anxiety, acute or not, and depression seem more desirable natural opiates, although neither the law nor the current medical practice provide for the use of such drugs for a similar purpose.
In the treatment of "drug", a distinction critical events (the alcoholic delirium tremens, an experience of persecutory delusions induced by LSD or related drugs), and simply the fact-chronically consume illicit drugs or not. In the former case, particularly when outbreaks manic or persecutory, I think that management may be warranted. The terms of supposed borders on criminal in my opinion, because if someone does not show signs of wanting to attack others or harm themselves, no one should be able to administer a chemical lobotomized, even temporarily.
A related issue is the one who does not want to live. I believe that suicide is a civil right, and that any adult is legitimized to put into practice. However, there are clear cases of obtundation passing-by found the individual intoxicated or under the influence of some misfortune recently, and I also find them a duty of humanity to contribute to not take the step lightly, even using sedatives or neuroleptics few days. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Escohotado, A. General History Drug. P. 1231-1235. Ed Espasa, 2005


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