Friday, March 11, 2011

Flowers To Go With Burgundy Wedding Dress

newcomer to the world of dreams I make a journey of sensations all over my body. I keep my eyes closed, I want to investigate without the sense of sight.
sense a familiar aroma, smells like orange blossom ... I can smell!

curiosity I can. I open my eyes.
Someone screams.

- When you give me apples?

not quite understand.
need throw me out.

"I have long been taking care of you. You irrigation, fertilizer you, When do you prune them apples?

to see if I can clarify ... Am I a tree? I have little experience how tree but I think I'm an orange. What does this apple?
What do I do? How do I explain that oranges do not give apples?
I can strive, perhaps eventually manage to become an apple tree.
Phew, that's impossible, I can smell orange blossoms! my aroma.
I have to talk to him.

-Testing, testing ...
-Dime apple.
-is precisely why I wanted to talk.
"You say.
"Never let me give you what you expect.
- How? After all you've done for you.
"Thank you but im just an orange, I can not help.
- An orange? Well go fuck a tree. I'm going to cut, you know.
"You will be bud!

disappears and leaves a wink back with an ax in his hand. Real
what you want? Remango the trunk and I'm out of there non-stop blooming.

place flowers rumored to have hired a juicer to pay to reach me but he does not know that the dream is mine and awake when I want.

a zumito ago?


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