Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Do I Migrate To Soulsilver From Emerald


This is the first of two installments of The against Vanguard. Waiting for tomorrow is published interview that Victor Amela M did to our querisíma Inca Princess, we leave this to not be missed. Javier

Peteiro, MD and biochemist

Victor Amela M, Ima Sanchis, Lluís Amiguet

"We walked into a sick society"

Photo: Kim Manresa

Common Sense

as stimulating an interviewer is to find people who think for themselves, questioning, he gave us material to think about ... Peteiro claims the role of science as the pursuit of knowledge and disbelievers in the fashion of giving every human act hormonal explanation. Reminds us of the importance of doctor-patient relationship over the protocols, and warns of the tendency to medicalize everything. We are saddened by the navel-gazing of many hospitals, the idea that if something can not be cured here, not anywhere priest: "You have to relate to other hospitals in the world." It all has spoken at the Library of Freudian Camp in Barcelona.

E l scientism is the new faith atheist?
We go there. It all started with the genetic code and the transformation of living matter, which led us to believe that once we have a gene and we know what we can do to fix it.

In DNA there is no cause-effect relationship as was believed for years, parts influence the whole and the whole of the parts. Its complexity is great, and keep it in front of naive reductionism is absurd, for example, when we say they have discovered the gene for homosexuality.

O God gene.
One thing is to disseminate science and other science and belief. To say that we fell in love because dopamine up is stupid. Falling in love is more complex than a rush of dopamine. To state otherwise is silly to tragic consequences because it is assumed, for example, that depression is a deficiency of certain neurotransmitters when it is a mere hypothesis.

So people are prescribed antidepressants to give and take, when its effectiveness is highly questionable.

reassuring to know that not all our decisions are made by hormones.
seems that if we could measure the levels of dopamine, serotonin and vasopressin, we could tell if someone is having a particular family stability.

But there is a correlation.
One thing is that while you live, there are changes in neurotransmitters and hormones, and other, see there the key to everything, a molecular reductionism of the human itself is naive and harmful.

In U.S. and job interviews are made with such parameters.
The obsession with measuring everything leads to psychometric tests, and recently, brain imaging analysis. Already there have been cases in which trials were presented maps of brain imaging to wield the person is not accountable or vice versa. There is a tendency to biologizing.

are genes that have been associated with violent behavior.
Yes, it is very dangerous, if I have a few genes of physical or psychological risk, no one will hire me. They are theories that years later are removed, as we saw with the XYY chromosomes of the murderers.

What is the problem of medicine?
has advanced in technique, especially diagnostic. The power of the image is extraordinary, but the doctor-patient relationship can not be replaced by a robot. And there is something that can be harmful.

Tell me.
walked towards protocols and medicine to a society of sick, because what was normal, now following the pattern of health-sponsored by WHO, has become a disease. Under this scheme, no one is safe: a teenager being a teenager, an older person, as a greater, something absurd.

That is, we are medicalized everything. If we are not sick, are at risk of being, which must deal with this risk, is cholesterol, sugar, stress, sun, or whatever. We live in a world that seems to be almost miraculous that we live, so what you favor?

Clearly, there is a weight of the drug, but medicine is big business run by diagnostic imaging, analysis, necessary, but the associated technical an obsession with quantifying everything.

What do you mean?
is not a child to have one character or another, to do test. If you're in good shape, no matter, measure cholesterol, and if below a figure, which increasingly lower-put, take a medication for life.

What about research?
Before scientists seeking to know, but what is now a scientist? ... A professional science, what it means to live, ie, publish or patent, be a producer, not a search engine.

not separate you from the road.
most original not the projects are final reports, but without results. For a project finance has to be achievable, but that is not science.

from The science is uncertain.
Yes We have gone from groundbreaking research, as was Einstein, who sought knowledge for knowledge-and precisely by not pursuing anything at times were great things, "an incremental type of research, ie step by step, publication after publication.

Now there is less knowledge?
plus current scientific know Aristotle knew what, but not wiser.

What humanity has learned in the exercise of their profession?
I've seen people becoming less important with the appearance that we import. We live in a stupid hygienism now smokers are like lepers while coexisting with the bottle, which is destroying and alienating the youth, so it is convenient for this system essentially commercial. Essentially, I have seen the contempt to the person, the human being.


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