Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pineal Gland Stuttering

WHAT IS NOT HURT Rendueles, is the social.

I'm not going to lie, I have days restless, half dismounted by the impatience I feel at the (I hope, desire and trust) imminent arrival of the first copies of my book: Stand up who can and other stories. In this situation I have been assaulted by delusions that have been returned to its status of unreality to Rafa Nadal, both drives as the odd setback. A huge insecurity had settled in my mind and even, at the wonders that I have been reading through this blogosphere, had come to doubt my ability to articulate a strong and well-structured speech. I just felt good when interacting with other people: family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc.. Somehow when the dialogue came when he shared a little while with those who returned to be the always (someone friendly and fun, with a flattering point and two ears willing to listen). In solitude, I have come to feel envy when reading some texts as this , this , this , this this or another. And I do not intend to stop beating about the bush I will explain that envy was most uncomfortable, because all they showed me was my current limiting.

Anyway, as I was saying that a good friend sent me this morning an interview William Rendueles I advise the reading and discussion. It is, apart from some of his classics (like your opinion on fibromyalgia), other issues that I want to emphasize the need to vindicate the linkages in natural or traditional groups, based on solidarity, respect, even - despite autoconsiderarse libertarian - if these groups belong to religious sphere, because after systemically institutionalized individualism postmodernity, it is time to consider regain some moral or ethical some social, collective and humanitarian.

claims type: The quarry is forged this great clientele of mental health centers work is precarious and the network a modern intimacy that breaks with the past membership in natural groups. Before it was known that the work is going to suffer, I mean that, although there were some good things, such as dealing with colleagues, it was assumed that the work produced by the exploitation upset as it was based, but no one ever thought the manager or foreman, as well as operate, I was going to pursue.
The new workspaces, these panoptic where no visual barriers, have identified a worker and reduced their world, wiping out any concept of our group. The suffering labor unrest has become intimate and re-interpreted in subjective terms: "It is in charge I want to fuck", is "the boss", "are the Companions" ...
And I think this process has occurred in all areas: living with the couple in the civic life of the neighborhood .... By not having a collective narrative, we perceive reality from a kind of narcissism of small differences, thinks: "Only it happens to me." In this intimate unsociability can only express psychic pain in terms of mental illness, consider yourself depressed, dysthymic. For the only identity that enables you to understand that suffering was the feeling of our workers is a fragile, sick individual.
On the other hand, the media imposed a very high standard of happiness. You watch TV and everyone seems happy, you think that the only one in the morning Christ made you, the only one who has slept badly or are you the only one having bad sex you. The society of the spectacle promises and promotes happiness. Is to say: "If your life sucks and television shows are so happy and live well, something is going on inside that keeps you from enjoying, perhaps the doctor can help you."

And a little later continues: live without links is a recipe that gives individualism. Individuals who float in this liquid society spoken of Bauman, as ships that anchor a season in a city or in a relationship of friendship, knowing that soon have to navigate to the search for another port, and therefore should not be tied to any lasting love or commitment. How to recreate links? That's the million dollar question.
Hopefully someone knows how and what to retrieve. I think how bad it is, any network Traditional, any link is better than postmodern emotional desert. However bad the unions are there, do not let down by poor who are religious networks for families who are poor, resisting is the watchword. Because the other is the process of individuation to be endured from the fragility of the subjects will necessitate doctors, psychiatrists and new easements to which the old are going to look like trifles. I mean, between the laxity with which they took, when I was a kid, you going to confess, the whole world passed it by the balls ", to which are now going to a psychologist every 15 days live their lives as diseases consultation, there a radical gap.

And after this "laborious" cut and paste, the question that comes to me is "Now what the fuck I say?

Unfortunately you'd think the picture is as black as is painted, no community, no ethics, no morals, beyond a few honorable exceptions. But do you want to tell you, it is true that most people live in a kind of continuous mental honan, which as they said at the time of Franco were blind enough to not be recognized in the other. Moreover, if we need to heed the media, this life is like a huge supermarket of individual possibilities, which betray, lie, distort, manipulate, and other synonyms, are legitimate tools to make ends meet. So, not that we are aliens, is that these are things that characterize human beings from s. XXI and terrible solitude, whose alleged independence, only just getting more reliance in all spheres of life ...

... Yesterday we celebrated the anniversary of Radio 8 Nicosia. It was a dinner where we celebrate many things, but perhaps the most important is being able to get here, with virtually no aid, for three years, precisely the time that this has been sociocultural Association. In that room, small and cozy, dimly lit, with white duke music accompanying the first laugh and the first dialogue, the air satisfaction, joy, dedication, solidarity, respect. All we were there we had arrived at different times in the history of Nicosia, but the bond that had united us in time, went beyond a fight or an idea. All, with our differences, our capabilities and our limitations, our good and bad times with our desire and our unwillingness, our joys and sorrows, we knew we could count on each other. Why? Then call us and spend some time, words, and thus be able to recognize ourselves in the mirror of that other, which are not mental health professional is able to understand exactly what you're going through it and give you something back to delirium as simple as a sincere hug. Our moral and ethical principles are as old as the hommo sapien, our mutual need of another comes our strength, our collective identity, our wisdom. There, among so many friends, it is impossible not to feel proud, grateful, in communion with your surroundings. There with my companions, those who like me have felt so often neglected, is impossible not to feel hope.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How Deep Veggie Garden

The truth about the fraud of psychiatry. The film.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How To Play Cabal Philippines With Proxy

runny ears

Plucking hope it creeps along the ceiling
careful not to fall and wake
It is there in the air

suspended to
mercy of their sighs

In its report the grounds of neglect threads
and sewn off
zigzag stitch memories

soul reminds up the Persina
to look at 27 below zero
wings will freeze and fall

falls falls

With their tips touching the ground Z
dobla sus rodillas                                                         E
paste the ass to heels ; ; D
squeezes her fists I
and when they least expect it ; V
gathers momentum A
and up ; ; R
up ; G
up ; N
Baja at once!

Weber Unimat Wtn22 555


Fifteen feet, just fifteen meters separating him from the glory. A short walk, a transit that once would have been the least of his concerns, but at that time became a difficult challenge to overcome. He knew by heart, had fully internalized the dynamic of the show began to climb this steep ladder with the agility of a monkey, waving from the platform and then a deep breath, take the first step in a series that would take him over the heads of viewers to the next platform. There was only one rule: never, under any pretext, should look down. The rest is down to the applause and cheers from the respectable, to greet with joy and pride of accomplishment, something I had done a hundred or a thousand times and not knowing that night was concerned about way.

Dazed and gripped by anxiety waiting for his turn in the crowded clubhouse clown Amazons and trying not to think about what was at stake. Unfortunately, the feeling of a lump on her chest pressed against him sweaty hands twitched and strained her legs, making them bounce unconsciously. Nobody paid attention, everyone seemed to be too busy, everyone worried about their performance. If only she would say something, if only she looked, perhaps, would be an illusion to face any panic that content. A look or a word as an escape valve, as an emergency exit through which both expel unpleasant feeling, as a solid supportive network structure invisible with which to save his life forever.

remained a few minutes for your number, the number of the little circus star who had bet heavily on him. Ladies and gentlemen, we still have another surprise, even harder still!, Are you prepared? Does anyone of you would be able to walk over the abyss, with death whispering behind his back? No, could not, I do have to confess. Only he can challenge gravity, only he can overcome the vertigo. With you the man without fear, the ice man, one who defies the point, those who cross from one end to the tent, without further their talent and bravery, over a cable of only three inches thick. Want to know who I'm talking about? I'm talking about Eeeeequiiiii-libristaaaaaa. Every night the same tune. Every night forced out and repeat the audacity to confront the serious, to get hold your breath for children and adults. Still did not know why, but something told him this was different. Perhaps, he thought, fear him as a robber assaulted, had thawed the blood of their veins, they discovered something he had always known and never had been arrested, a night like this death could definitely win the game with a foot wrong and that at that now end its history forever. Could never find that person you love, could never have that child to achieve the impossible juggling numbers, getting the ball is suspended in the air, defying every law and every principle, to achieve that magic more real than reality itself.

She had always seemed the most beautiful of the entire company. I admired his ability to stand on one leg and the horse into a trot. Both the performance of her as his balance was an essential part to avoid getting on the floor with the neck match, for his discipline, effort, circus as children, were somehow equal. When she accompanied him to his little restaurant and had dinner with the candlelight, time stopped for him. Never seen her so radiant, so beautiful, her chestnut hair topped by a crown of violets that getting out a shiny look and soft, so close that could be distinguished in its reflection. The evening ended in a caravan of her, his hands slowly separating from him, as if they refused to get rid of all of that carnal bond that had united for a few hours. From that one night something seemed cool, she shied away, and he found a way to be alone with her. Loneliness bleaker settled in his heart and, with it, fear, grief, pain, digging into her womb as invisible daggers.

was time. The entry of the clowns with the fire truck was a sign that was next to act. The show came to an end on a high note. He would rise up as a ghost, haunted by his curse particular, came to the door and waited for the Master of Ceremonies will give way to emotion of the respectable translated into a standing ovation. Greeted the audience, as every night, and came up with the agility of a monkey to the platform. From that moment the die was cast. A chill shivered at the time you take the first step, the most important, however refused to return to the platform and after a short roll could take the next step. A deep silence had settled in the tent, a respectful silence and disturbed, in church or cemetery, and many, even holding their breath for fear that it could make you slip the cable to the man who risked his life to them to experience something different from the routines of their lives. That man was moving mechanically, without thinking about anything, he was about to reach the halfway mark, precisely the most dangerous that brief journey. Just seven meters separating him from the platform, seven feet and would once again achieved recognition of all spectators, seven meters, found herself thinking, would not change anything, that his life would remain the same as always, an ongoing commitment against abyss and nothingness. That thought made him momentarily lose his balance, shaking all and sundry. He did not know, but everyone in the circus: actors, Amazons, clowns, animal trainers, jugglers, were attentive to the next step. His trouble had not gone unnoticed, but it was the first time a member of the company was ill and had never been done anything, the show was all that mattered, the show must go on. She, in the middle of the whole group was surprised crying, I was terrified. Took weeks shy away from our hero, because I had never felt anything like a man. Moreover, since the night of love had felt so strange, he went to visit a doctor. He or she announced she was pregnant. She had not mentioned to anyone, do not know what to do, perhaps, he thought, after so much rudeness he would reject it out of pure spite. Would have an abortion or being a single mother what it meant leaving the world of the circus. Meanwhile, the father of her baby was being played life to the desperate and she did not know what to do. Without thinking what he did, whether it was right or was wrong, she ran to the center stage and shouted his name. He recognized his voice, but was not able to respond, should not look down, there were only 5 meters to reach the final. She climbed the stairs to the platform coming from the same height and asked him to come to her, she loved him, loved him and had not ever loved anyone in the world. Those words shocked the mind and the heart of it, which stopped his way, as if her heart had stopped. For a moment she felt that leaving the forces, which is blurred vision and fainted. But it was only a moment imperceptible to most. A new step will put it back on track. His eyes fixed on her eyes, as if both had been found in the middle of a tunnel or had been recognized in a fog. Three feet, two, one. She greeted him with a hug that caused the most thunderous applause that he had never lived in this little circus. People were mad, shrieking with excitement. They, as if they were alone on an island in heaven who knows, they kissed and promised eternal love. He told her he had never been so scared. She looked at him tenderly and told her not to worry, that she was to hand, would always, sometimes, to the darkest, dawn love.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fake Community Service Hours Signatures

The eccentric world, according to Tenenbaum

How to explain what is normal ? Says who? How to do justice to the many billions that are in the world? many questions and, probably, few answers. While a cut is very tempting: culture. In a world of social beings where rules are conventional is hard to stand . Alas, paradoxes. because there is always the exception to the rule and that is valid for every one of them, each member of the planet (which is permitted). And so, in this context, enter the Tenenbaum.

"The Royal Tenenbaums" (2001), is a film directed by Wes Anderson and starring a number of well-known actors: Gene Hackman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Anjelica Huston, Danny Glover and Luke Wilson. All very box office, but here they combine to make one of those cult films that are in memory and which is spoken in the hallways, or small winks not name. It is the worship the eccentricity of that time in that scruffy, messy or bizarre became valuable.

The film tells the story of this peculiar American family, consisting of

Royal Tenenbaum (Hackman), a trickster lawyer is expelled from home by his wife Etheline (Houston), tired of the constant deception of her husband. Etheline is archaeologist, and since her husband began to be devoted to care for their children only trying to give the best education possible. Each of the Tenenbaum kids have a gift. Margot Tenenbaum (Paltrow) is a prodigious writer dedicated to the plays. It's pretty quiet and somber . It

wears the same clothes since she was 9 years old, is a chain-smoker secretly and is married to a neurologist Raleigh St. Clair (Bill Murray), who does not love and with virtually no interaction . Chas Tenenbaum (Stiller) is the family seriously, in a strict sense of the word. Boy was devoted to the finance and so built their economic future. widower with two children , it becomes an obsessive home safety and training. Richie Tenenbaum (L. Wilson) was a great player tennis, amateur radio and failed painter. It is very cheerful, but hung up ... does not seem very connected to reality. In truth, he is heartbroken for having lost his undying love : Margot, his sister. Tenenbaum is the fourth such since it is Eli Cash (O. Wilson), the neighbor across the brothers T.

The introduction (with voice-over by the brilliant Alec Baldwin ) summarizes what was the childhood of boys: brilliant minds, children of chanta dad who do not pay attention and mom liberal. Chas is cheated by his own father. Royal is sued twice by his own son. Margot loses a finger at 14 and nothing is as wood with your finger. In a sense Sartre, the end Tenenbaum shaping what made them .

Royal left the house at the request of his wife and again 22 years after, when he learns through his servant (Pagoda, who had once been hired to kill Royal) that his wife was still dating her accountant, Henry Sherman ( Glover). To this is added the economic collapse spanning, which leads him to leave the hotel where he lived since leaving the family home. Citing a deadly disease , Royal convinces his family for staying in their old home. At the same time, arriving at the home of three brothers simultaneously Tenenbaum: Margot fleeing her husband, Chas with their two children in search a safe building, Richie, with the intention of confessing his love for Margot.

And so begins a recounted history of the Royal Tenenbaums. A parent who reenacts all past mistakes, but now we add an explanation at least. A mother who can love again without independent and care for their children. And a trio of brothers who served, each of them to make a movie. Margo opens the door which was not released in all those years: the love for that person not to love . Chas finally let out the anger the sadness and pain the death of his wife and the father who always scolded . Richie spends the entire movie to suffer for love . And Eli, the boy who has no home and is desperate for someone to ball, make that: "Look! I'm here. I am ".

Overall, the film that speaks. But the development is worth every minute: there is nothing to waste. Since opening the history book, the pace of a rare piano version "Hey Jude" .

Behind the title "eccentric" that gave him the translation in Argentina, tells the story of a family with its own record normal ... and common problems of those who believe. Interestingly reunion, because this family together and gives them the possibility of talk about the past : Why did not you tell me? Was it necessary to treat me this way? Have you ever loved me? Can you be my family? Does the grandfather live? Is it permissible? E inummerables questions are silent but appear along the plot.

And do not forget the great love story this film is a drama disguised or grieg: brothers who love each other. And here I put my reservations, because the mitigating Richie is that Margot is adopted ... but the law of incest says "do not sleep with anyone who is your relative" . And although they may share the same blood, were raised from very young brothers and that is what they are. Thereafter, incest.

I do not give much detail, because I love that you can find the movie with their own concerns. What did they advance is that there is everything : experiments, hired murderers, lies of all kinds, drugs, suicide attempts and deaths. All these ingredients assembled in a plot that play down until the knot of anxiety . Then let each recover the personal emotions and that puts an end to treasure .

The performance is definitely great , and I speak for each of the actors involved. No tune, completely understood what history and was able to articulate in a way that sold the illusion of "strange family." Gwyneth Paltrow did not think I act like that ... I was surprised.

The costumes are carefully designed . The same with the set design. As said earlier, is that time when it was be messy ... but style conscious detallistamente messy.

for me is a 4 Clare and a little more, yes. Put it as a 4 ½ Clare haha. To make matters worse, the soundtrack is excellent, look:

"The Royal Tenenbaums OST" (2001):


  1. "111 Archer Avenue" by Mark Mothersbaugh
  2. "These Days" by Nico
  3. "String Quartet in F major (Second Movement)" by Ysaye Quartet
  4. "Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard" by Paul Simon
  5. "Sonata For Cello And Piano In F Minor" by George Enescu - performed by The Mutato Muzika Orchestra
  6. "Wigwam" by Bob Dylan
  7. "Look At That Old Grizzly Bear" by Mark Mothersbaugh
  8. "Look At Me" by John Lennon
  9. "Lullaby" by Emitt Rhodes
  10. "Mothersbaugh's Canon" by Mark Mothersbaugh
  11. "Police & Thieves" by The Clash
  12. "Scrapping and Yelling" by Mark Mothersbaugh
  13. "Judy Is A Punk" by The Ramones
  14. "Pagoda's Theme" by Mark Mothersbaugh
  15. "Needle In The Hay" by Elliott Smith This song is a perfect fall at that time, I will see.
  16. "Fly" by Nick Drake
  17. "I Always Wanted To Be A Tenenbaum" by Mark Mothersbaugh
  18. "Christmas Time Is Here" by Vince Guaraldi Trio
  19. "Stephanie Says" by The Velvet Underground
  20. "Rachel Evans Tenenbaum (1965-2000)" by Mark Mothersbaugh
  21. "Sparkplug Minuet" by Mark Mothersbaugh
  22. "The Fairest Of The Seasons" by Nico
  23. "Hey Jude" - The Mutato Muzika Orchestra

(Thanks to blog )

A trailer:


is a movie which, in a good state of mood - can move you to tears.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What You Mean By Increasing Bellurubin In Blood

With my navel lint
'm knitting an I love you
entertains us at night
storm with reproaches

Where there
look for me under that blanket

Can You Take Yaz For Emergency Morning After

my first interview as a writer.

I leave the link in the first interview I have done as a writer. It was the first and probably the best. Hope you like it.

The profile of the truck.


Friday, March 25, 2011

How To Fix Sample Size For Audits



Tranquilizers "older"
Subjective effects
Principal uses

Under this heading include a dozen groups of substances considered to be useful for treating depression, mania and, in general, what is now called psychosis in contrast with neurosis . As has been under international control, and are sometimes sold without prescription in most pharmacies, it is impossible to calculate even the approximate contemporary world the huge production. Yes it should be noted, however, that the cost of their preparation is minimal, and that are also used as an adulterant or "cut" of illicit drugs. Among the best known are the phenothiazines (recognizable by the end zina), haloperidol and reserpine, sold under dozens of different names in each country as Largactil , Meleril , Eskazine , Deanxit , Modecate , Decent , Thorazine, etc. Dosage

The general principle of these drugs is to induce a reaction that is catalepsy at high doses, to reduce oxygen consumption in brain tissue. Often require several days to deploy its power management. The safety margin varies considerably between group and group, though generally lower than their synthetic opiate. Block or destroy some of the major neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin).
The importance of the side effects often advises the patient's initial hospitalization. Among them are: Parkinson's, cell destruction in the blood (agranulocytosis), bile duct obstruction with jaundice, anemia, paradoxical excitement, dizziness, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation, menstrual irregularity, testicular atrophy, skin allergies, cardiac arrhythmias, nasal congestion, dry mouth, sudden attacks of paralysis muscular disorders, weight (from a marked obesity muscle wasting), dyskinesia (involuntary rhythmic movements of the mouth, tongue or jaw), malignant hyperthermia syndrome and sudden unexpected death.
As it is not necessary to administer high dose for such effects to occur, and tolerance is established quickly, the so-called major tranquilizers can be aligned between the dangerous drugs. No group of psychotropic drugs in clinical creates many acute poisonings and lethal prescription from their own personal therapy. Compounding these dangers, in recent decades have been widespread, long-acting tranquilizer-injected intramuscularly every one to two weeks, "when adverse reactions add up to the individual in a critical situation, it is impossible to interrupt the permeation of the body. Side effects

antieufórica Pride of psychopharmacology, these drugs are presented as substances that produce a state of emotional indifference without perceptual disturbances or impaired intellectual function. Hence they are known as neuroleptics (from Greek neuro or nerve, and lepto or tie).
But a perceptive emotional indifference unchanged intellectual equivalent of a square circle, and that claim is immediately contradicted by the facts. H. Laborit, who was the first to experiment with neuroleptics, had the honesty to call "lobotomized chemicals", as in 1952.
drug is unsustainable will not be considered in the highest degree to substances that produce a petrification or "recital" in the emotions, blocking the initiative of the person and to make it behave at times like a catatonic, unable to make the slightest movement despite being in the most absurd positions, or forced to head compulsive tics and parkinsonism.
Furthermore, such rigidity, tremors, grimacing are only the surface of something even for the dignity attenting human. The individual subject to neurolepsia is exposed to radical sexual potency disorders and affective capacity, not only suffers from frigidity, or failure to ejaculate, but a degradation in erotic desire that some psychiatrists considered irreversible when treatments were prolonged or frequent. One of the immediate consequences of the administration is increased appetite, which is interpreted as a reorganization of the libido and the intellect, emotional petrification makes the libido of the subject leaves the genitals to focus on swallowing, as his curiosity and initiative intellectual attitudes become phlegmatic and robotic.
As the human spirit does not lend itself easily to such degradation, one of the known side effects is called akathisia, a state of extreme restlessness described as' feeling of wanting to jump out of your own skin, "which in less severe forms manifests as inability to sit still, but the lack of any object movements. No wonder the main therapeutic efficacy is attributed to neuroleptics posterity a sense of relief to suspension of employment, when the body getting rid of intoxication and the psyche leaves his shift to the stomach and swallowing as basic sites. Sounds like a joke that this picture of somatic and mental effects is described as emotional neutrality without disturbance of consciousness, as argued by the textbooks of psychopharmacology to use.
years before knowing the data just presented, and do not feel any prejudice against this class of drugs, I wanted to verify the nature of his intoxication and ingested a few drops of haloperidol. Let paper and pen to hand and I managed to write only "vague unhappiness." Two drops erased all traces de autoconciencia. No he tenido coraje científico suficiente para repetir el experimento.

Principales usos
Los atanervios o neurolépticos se consideran no ya recomendables sino imprescindibles en el tratamiento de esquizofrenia, manía y depresión, en casos de ansiedad y para «farmacodependencias».
Por lo que respecta al tratamiento de esquizofrénicos, maníacos y deprimidos, su utilidad principal es poner una camisa de fuerza invisible pero férrea, permitiendo que el sujeto permanezca en su casa, y hasta acuda en ocasiones a trabajos rutinarios. No puedo pronunciarme sobre las ventajas respectivas que ofrecen chemical straitjackets straitjackets textiles, and weigh here the advantages of traditional psychiatric treatment (electroshock, insulin coma, imprisonment, lobotomy, etc..) compared with therapy based on these tranquilizers.
In my opinion, the treatments are as eligible when they have the the subject itself as deplorable as they are enacted without consulting, without informing in detail about the employment effects systematically rigged. In any case, trends in institutional psychiatry, and various legal rules-are on diametrically different directions.
As regards cases of anxiety, acute or not, and depression seem more desirable natural opiates, although neither the law nor the current medical practice provide for the use of such drugs for a similar purpose.
In the treatment of "drug", a distinction critical events (the alcoholic delirium tremens, an experience of persecutory delusions induced by LSD or related drugs), and simply the fact-chronically consume illicit drugs or not. In the former case, particularly when outbreaks manic or persecutory, I think that management may be warranted. The terms of supposed borders on criminal in my opinion, because if someone does not show signs of wanting to attack others or harm themselves, no one should be able to administer a chemical lobotomized, even temporarily.
A related issue is the one who does not want to live. I believe that suicide is a civil right, and that any adult is legitimized to put into practice. However, there are clear cases of obtundation passing-by found the individual intoxicated or under the influence of some misfortune recently, and I also find them a duty of humanity to contribute to not take the step lightly, even using sedatives or neuroleptics few days. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Escohotado, A. General History Drug. P. 1231-1235. Ed Espasa, 2005

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Prom Rentals In Manila

Hello everybody s:

Courage! There is very little to reach the weekend and podais rest, unless tangais guard.

for days now I did not write anything here, nor do I have big news. The reduction of medication continues, and next week diazepam step-2 (previously 4) thing I am happy and motivates me to keep Pa'lante. I'm fine ... but what I find most difficult is the condition of Lavant soon, and sun do not always challenge him, despite the insistence of Raul and the consequent anger on his part. Anyway, I need despierde and do not always the case.

Another challenge is to walk one hour daily. The latter has been badly analytical and endocirns told me or did more exercise and weight down or I would have to medicate for triglycerides and tension, that is, two more pastillityas --- I can not allow! I started walking, 3 days, but I got injured, I'm with a sprained right foot since Monday, so estioy rest, but it is nothing serious, isolated if all goes well in ten days and can walk well and without the happy crutches that more than a disappointment have given me.

I will continue to count.

Hugs, health and strength!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Do I Migrate To Soulsilver From Emerald


This is the first of two installments of The against Vanguard. Waiting for tomorrow is published interview that Victor Amela M did to our querisíma Inca Princess, we leave this to not be missed. Javier

Peteiro, MD and biochemist

Victor Amela M, Ima Sanchis, Lluís Amiguet

"We walked into a sick society"

Photo: Kim Manresa

Common Sense

as stimulating an interviewer is to find people who think for themselves, questioning, he gave us material to think about ... Peteiro claims the role of science as the pursuit of knowledge and disbelievers in the fashion of giving every human act hormonal explanation. Reminds us of the importance of doctor-patient relationship over the protocols, and warns of the tendency to medicalize everything. We are saddened by the navel-gazing of many hospitals, the idea that if something can not be cured here, not anywhere priest: "You have to relate to other hospitals in the world." It all has spoken at the Library of Freudian Camp in Barcelona.

E l scientism is the new faith atheist?
We go there. It all started with the genetic code and the transformation of living matter, which led us to believe that once we have a gene and we know what we can do to fix it.

In DNA there is no cause-effect relationship as was believed for years, parts influence the whole and the whole of the parts. Its complexity is great, and keep it in front of naive reductionism is absurd, for example, when we say they have discovered the gene for homosexuality.

O God gene.
One thing is to disseminate science and other science and belief. To say that we fell in love because dopamine up is stupid. Falling in love is more complex than a rush of dopamine. To state otherwise is silly to tragic consequences because it is assumed, for example, that depression is a deficiency of certain neurotransmitters when it is a mere hypothesis.

So people are prescribed antidepressants to give and take, when its effectiveness is highly questionable.

reassuring to know that not all our decisions are made by hormones.
seems that if we could measure the levels of dopamine, serotonin and vasopressin, we could tell if someone is having a particular family stability.

But there is a correlation.
One thing is that while you live, there are changes in neurotransmitters and hormones, and other, see there the key to everything, a molecular reductionism of the human itself is naive and harmful.

In U.S. and job interviews are made with such parameters.
The obsession with measuring everything leads to psychometric tests, and recently, brain imaging analysis. Already there have been cases in which trials were presented maps of brain imaging to wield the person is not accountable or vice versa. There is a tendency to biologizing.

are genes that have been associated with violent behavior.
Yes, it is very dangerous, if I have a few genes of physical or psychological risk, no one will hire me. They are theories that years later are removed, as we saw with the XYY chromosomes of the murderers.

What is the problem of medicine?
has advanced in technique, especially diagnostic. The power of the image is extraordinary, but the doctor-patient relationship can not be replaced by a robot. And there is something that can be harmful.

Tell me.
walked towards protocols and medicine to a society of sick, because what was normal, now following the pattern of health-sponsored by WHO, has become a disease. Under this scheme, no one is safe: a teenager being a teenager, an older person, as a greater, something absurd.

That is, we are medicalized everything. If we are not sick, are at risk of being, which must deal with this risk, is cholesterol, sugar, stress, sun, or whatever. We live in a world that seems to be almost miraculous that we live, so what you favor?

Clearly, there is a weight of the drug, but medicine is big business run by diagnostic imaging, analysis, necessary, but the associated technical an obsession with quantifying everything.

What do you mean?
is not a child to have one character or another, to do test. If you're in good shape, no matter, measure cholesterol, and if below a figure, which increasingly lower-put, take a medication for life.

What about research?
Before scientists seeking to know, but what is now a scientist? ... A professional science, what it means to live, ie, publish or patent, be a producer, not a search engine.

not separate you from the road.
most original not the projects are final reports, but without results. For a project finance has to be achievable, but that is not science.

from The science is uncertain.
Yes We have gone from groundbreaking research, as was Einstein, who sought knowledge for knowledge-and precisely by not pursuing anything at times were great things, "an incremental type of research, ie step by step, publication after publication.

Now there is less knowledge?
plus current scientific know Aristotle knew what, but not wiser.

What humanity has learned in the exercise of their profession?
I've seen people becoming less important with the appearance that we import. We live in a stupid hygienism now smokers are like lepers while coexisting with the bottle, which is destroying and alienating the youth, so it is convenient for this system essentially commercial. Essentially, I have seen the contempt to the person, the human being.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Aswini Hair Oil Usage

While I wait Pan, pan, paaaaaaaaaaaan

Up my sleeves
Nothing here, nothing beyond
Let me touch
palms to the rhythm of my heartbeat
I will ride through their lines grabbed your wrists
Can I have samples?
Wet soups in each yolk until they give us the light of day
No eggs!
Me Norse mess in the head and fall to the ground weight
bursting into a thousand pieces

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Are Sore Knees In The Head

(2 º intento).

for three and a half years gave me the keys to my apartment, namely the third first. A double insulated space in three rooms, where I had to start a new life after my marriage (which in those days walked over cracked the Norwegian coast) finally broke, ruining nearly fifteen years of relationship.

The beginnings were very hard. As a child I was taught many things to tell a hiatus of a diphthong, to calculate the correct vector for a construction does not collapse and I was even interested in the great mysteries of our religious tradition. But no, none of these knowledge at the time helped me to get that damn machine work. So much that many nights, though deeply hate my ex-wife, wept bitterly recalling his skill in preparing an omelet, and imagine that at the time the eggs would batiéndole a lucky man.

Fortunately, the strange fog that had been placed in my life seemed to be far away. At the time I was taught how to turn off the cooker, everything else was much easier. My teacher, my savior, the unyielding force that helped Consuelo was then called, was my neighbor, the third second. The first time I saw her was at an extraordinary meeting of the community, whose record was only one point to address: wanted to know who was responsible for turning the atrium into something like a steaming volcanic cone. It was the first contact I had with most of the owners of the building, which at first glance they only differed from the holy inquisition torture lack of tools for properly. The only one who understood my limitations was Consuelo and in less time than it takes a hen to say "cooking" offered to help.

Now, after this time, I remember those first lessons gently, seasoned with sympathy and gossip about the neighborhood. She, who had been young variety actress, was there since the construction of the building and with over thirty years experience neighborhood was aware of everything that was cooked. He spoke for example of how things had changed in that time. At first the neighbors knew they could count on each other, when there was a little salt, a cup of rice or when I needed to talk to someone to unclog a feeling of those who torment us sometimes to people. She said the transition to the current isolation had been slow, subtle, and progressive blindness that prevented them from recognizing each other.

Whatever the case, the only thing that was clear is that that community was a kind of microcosm, where as it had everything. Felipe Orondo, the attic second ruler of urban council and president of the community was the richest of all. She always seemed strange that someone of his class go up garbage bags instead of downloading them to the container. It was strange, but it should be recognized that the management of the building along very well. I had never missed a thing. There was also the main the offices of two doctors from those of the mind, facing each other and apparently deeply hated. She could boast of being the only thing they had in common, cleaned haberles search on more than one occasion. The former, the dr. Sordo, was decorated with strange images of the brain and the second Suso Campos Lingua with black and white photos of one such Froid and Lacan, or pork shoulder, could not say. The two types were very strange and for the world would have told their sorrows, more than anything because that had already Agustina, her best friend, who lived in the room, and constantly reminded that this life was a struggle and the important thing was to throw Pa'lante. She heard those words had always helped, but what would have come into their seventies. Agustina get along with everyone except with their upstairs neighbors, a group of students who rode a binge every weekend and that students seemed more than a group of troglodytes, hairy and blatant, that any pretense of smarties . On more than one occasion Agustina had been forced to take the broom and hit the roof like a desperate attempt to lower their music. Even though all things had not gone farther. Those frictions could not be compared with other much more terrible events that had happened.

related to the war that took Dona Julia neighborhood, the neighbor of the fifth, with Ursuline Panymedio (the sixth) so that it ceased to listen to Reggaeton when the first was trying to pray the rosary of the seven. To illustrate the situation, the highly respected Dona Julia confessed Consuelo once in the midst of the Virgin praying litanies prundentísima was surprised ... Give me more gasoline. That in Julia's own words meant the straw that broke the camel, with the energy of a Pearl Harbor home that he hoped "it must be said, anxious for revenge, made arrangements to fight with the same weapons as its upstairs neighbor . Bought a stereo and all the greatest hits collection of his monastery Gregorian favorite, the Germans: Cluster beatificorum. From that moment the president of the community said: The war.

was a cruel war of noise filled the building 24 hours a day. A civil war, which block many families were separated by something that normally binds to the people, as is the music. Younger Dona Julia blamed everything that was happening, they had grown up with and loved reggeaton bitch with adults who could not stand reggaeton, but knowing how to know Dona Julia for more than 30 years were fully aware that he was born a few centuries earlier had been the muse of Torquemada himself, remained silent for fear of reprisals, the elderly simply unplug the headset and watched as that reminded them of times past, times of bloody battles and armies championing hatred and barbarism, but neither commented because I was certainly not the case nor God.

After a few noisy weeks, the president implored the community to do Suso Campos intermediary between these two beasts. He tried to refuse, but when offered suspension of payment of the expenses of the community, including possible spillover effects for a whole year, he accepted because he forced the Hippocratic oath.

knocked on the door of Dona Julia where psalms were howling out of control. Insisted and called again, and so on for half an hour. At the end called the fire department. When they reached the house and opened the door with an ax, the Alexandrian requiem became deafening. They found a dirty house, ramshackle, full of half-extinguished candles and devotional prints. Disconnected the stereo and the last room they found the body of Dona Julia stretched a pool of dried blood came out from his ears.

- What is your diagnosis doctor? - I asked a fireman to Suso. He thought for a while until sentenced.

-psychotic paranoid personality Outbreak Cluster B.

- What? "I asked the fireman.

-calling the coroner pussy!, I am a psychiatrist.

-A .- send concluded the firefighter.

When the police arrived and the coroner, Suso finally able to leave and peace returned to the Community.

Recently everything seemed fine. Consuelo got a bit pocha health, but nothing prevented him from coming to my place and teach me to cook. Due to their enormous patience I have learned to make paella, but I still have that to share it with her. Nothing I did foresee that Consuelo was going to leave. It bothers me not to have suspected nothing when, after the rice, saw that his hand to his chest, he stiff left arm and fell to the floor collapsed, with a face of enormous pain. Poor me, I thought it was recalling his days as an actress parodying poisoning death and laughed stupidly, as she was dying, and applauded wildly when he died. It was very sad. I tried to let off steam with Agustina, but still do not understand why it accused me of having killed his best friend ... The rest of the neighbors were too busy watching direct TV, to inquire about my troubles. So I ended up going down the principal to visit the doctor Sordo. I told him how sad and guilty I felt, how damned lonely that was my life from Consuelo's disappearance. He told me do not know what some called neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, to which I replied that of neurotransmitir was fine, but my problem was that there was nobody on the other side to receive the message. As if I had not heard me a prescription to go to the pharmacy, but when you leave your query crossed the landing and into the query fields Lingua Suso. This led me and before I could say anything, he said he was sorry, that he had learned of what happened and he understood my pain. His reception made me feel good. But things got complicated when we went to his office and made me lie on a couch. I wanted talk about my grief and asked me for my childhood and my parents. "Suso, damn, what they have to see my parents in the death of Consuelo? Nothing, I replied. Then why ask me? I woke up with a jump from the couch and I left him with a simple thank you, I think I have no choice. He got up and told me that no, unfortunately, was an incurable stupidity on today. Not knowing if he was calling me stupid or not, I smiled gratefully and shook hands before leaving the first consultation and the building later.

I walked the streets without direction. A barrage of questions assailed me. What did people in this life? What was I doing in this society? When had begun my problems? What had become of Solace after death? Would teaching cooking to other lost souls? Why not find words to describe the whole sensed absurd? Where to find answers when you just have questions? And most important of all: Where the hell was I? I stopped my feet while my thoughts. Without realizing it was dark and I was in the midst of what looked like a forest. A chill ran down my body to understand what was lost, my life no sense, he was alone, completely and utterly alone among deep-rooted trees and tall glasses touching with each other. At that time would have changed my flat by a sincere embrace of those who connect more than any speech, regardless of any excuse or pretext. A hug as onion or lifeline in the drift of loneliness. A hug and why not: a kiss. I wanted to be a thousand miles from that place, a place where nobody knew me, a place to start a new life and, without realizing, I began to mourn as a child. As the child was still, despite my nearly 50 years.

In the midst of my regrets I heard a female voice saying, "Hey, you, can not be here. I thought the voice meant he had gone mad at all, he had reached that point of suffering is called delirium. But the voice persisted: "Are you deaf? I told you can not stay here. Continued without heeding the voice, was not willing to surrender to madness. But something told me I was wrong when the madness accompanied the phrase: "You, idiot, I'm talking about, with a push that made me bite the dust. With bloodshot eyes and reddened by tears make out the silhouette of a woman dressed in a monkey green and a rake. Who are you? What you want from me? Is it that one can no longer or lost in the woods? I asked. That forest nor milk ... Middle of the park are in retirement and have to close. So come, driving it gerund. The woman who was as beautiful as suspicious me to the gate of Atocha, which closed behind me. The town struck me then as a beast of steel and concrete, in which body, and in each building of his belly, loneliness lurking as the worst of endings. Sad and dejected I went home, I plopped on the couch and turned on the television. I think I fell asleep while the ex-wife of a bullfighter gored verbally host of a heart.

The next morning I called my ex-wife and I explained the whole story. She said she was sorry but had remade his life, that my problem was I had never really loved because I had never given up anything in my life. But no one gives up nothing, I replied, everyone wants more and more things to be like their neighbors, without going any further I am thinking of buying a couch like Suso. She breathed deeply, as if it took air before you start running and I said, watching the sky, I know that loneliness is one of the worst things in this life. Seems surrounded as we lie so many people in fact we feel so helpless. Today everyone is going to yours, we believed that individualism that would give us happiness and really made us more miserable. All of these people need to listen to us, join us in the passage from life, which we welcome into your routine. Gabriel García Márquez said that his heart had more room than a hotel for hookers. I think we all have these rooms, but we let others into them while we step into theirs. Therein lies the key to this thing called sharing. Communities, groups, collectives are based on this simple principle, we all need each other. The best thing to do he said, is to forget and forget to Consuelo and meet other women. Until you have something to offer to others. How? I asked almost crying. I do not know, I said, have you tried the Internet?

So tired of the loneliness of my neighborhood community, left the desire to buy a couch like Suso, I got a laptop and went into another community of those who call cyber. From that day my life changed abruptly, I found that something to offer. Since that day I called Paula, 27, brown, green eyes and measures of stroke. Although well ... This is another story ...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sample Letter Dental Office Change

De-growing China

- Do you think that someday I can understand you?
I do not know, try.
-Believe me I try but if I cancel, no help.
- Do you prefer to ignore you?
"I thought something RICE no harm, help a little. Can you think of something better?
"Well, let me think ... I can do a drawing of how stupid you are?
"No, we already tattooed on my soul, remember? It did not work.
"It's true what you say forget?
-Phew, it may be a solution, would undoubtedly suffer but I love you too.
"I will , I love you more than anything in this life.
"I never doubted. Your continued outpouring of love remember me, well, that and the looks they nailed me with a dagger in your rejection.
-collection is not to be missed. Many would like to have one like it.
-Ya. Would you care to stop biting? I do not understand very well with your teeth fixed on my self-esteem.
"It is true, and today I can not give your ration of screams.
"Do not forget the insults.
I was not thinking it.
"I thought.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Flowers To Go With Burgundy Wedding Dress

newcomer to the world of dreams I make a journey of sensations all over my body. I keep my eyes closed, I want to investigate without the sense of sight.
sense a familiar aroma, smells like orange blossom ... I can smell!

curiosity I can. I open my eyes.
Someone screams.

- When you give me apples?

not quite understand.
need throw me out.

"I have long been taking care of you. You irrigation, fertilizer you, When do you prune them apples?

to see if I can clarify ... Am I a tree? I have little experience how tree but I think I'm an orange. What does this apple?
What do I do? How do I explain that oranges do not give apples?
I can strive, perhaps eventually manage to become an apple tree.
Phew, that's impossible, I can smell orange blossoms! my aroma.
I have to talk to him.

-Testing, testing ...
-Dime apple.
-is precisely why I wanted to talk.
"You say.
"Never let me give you what you expect.
- How? After all you've done for you.
"Thank you but im just an orange, I can not help.
- An orange? Well go fuck a tree. I'm going to cut, you know.
"You will be bud!

disappears and leaves a wink back with an ax in his hand. Real
what you want? Remango the trunk and I'm out of there non-stop blooming.

place flowers rumored to have hired a juicer to pay to reach me but he does not know that the dream is mine and awake when I want.

a zumito ago?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Heather I Deepthroat 2010

Oranges of invisible friends are NOT parents

E cho less the friend I never had.
came not to see me every evening to not play with me. Respected spaces.
Their invisibility bothered me. No submissions were needed, unknown was the best of our friendship.
When I phoned I listened quietly gave my words. Always so wonderful, gave me everything I could. was great about it, it disappeared without warning, was punctual to his lack of assistance and not entangled in justify indifference wasted in front of me.

E stoy thinking not write, perhaps took the hint and we can resume our friendship.