Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Berger Paints Colour Princes

WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN .... And it was!

It was 10.30 am, I parked my car beside a road on my right and my left one that was closed churreria ... glad to have found parking place near from the shops of my town ...

bought in the carnage, let I save the packages to avoid the heat and I was happy with the hairdresser.

It was about 12.30 when I picked up my purchase. Activity in the car and I see that in place of a road had a sign that seemed to no parking but covered with a plastic case ... I did not put my car in gear.

When I had a moment in the windscreen driving a piece of paper that fluttered happily .... I look a little more, with caution and not drive if you read ... and I note with horror that is a fine.

I turn around and watch the damn piece of paper to certify that it is indeed a fine. C ... loose angry, I read the piece of paper that blew up and see that the fine places that have put at 11.18 h just an hour after I had parked my car. It should be cheeky
me I said to myself ... .. They have placed the sign after I had parked my car.

Angry, very angry, because they do not get anything, if you pay 40 euros before I do not know how many days and 80 euros if you claim on the days indicated.
I address the council, do something grand, I say go to another office new front and explained that my complaint there .... adding further that he had witnessed the parking time and dismissal time ... I see

treat me very well and called on the phone to the officer who has put the fine there is only one, called pacu, and this in schools care that nothing happens when children are collected at the exit. It also adds an official of the office that the signal was on the sidewalk and that perhaps had not seen. I strongly rejected this possibility on the sidewalk there was nothing ....

I turn again to where I parked, and observed that if the no parking sign on the sidewalk and dated Sunday more enriching and is behind the closed box of the churreria, which was impossible for me to see ....

I see before me quickly crosses the municipal car .... I run and I spit ... Bon dia ets Pacu? Good morning you Pacu ... Ms. soc. D'aparcament fine (I'm Mrs. From the parking fine. ... And tell me immediately ... No pateixi sra. The fine has quedate lada annulment (not suffering Mrs. That's fine been canceled) ....

breathe deeply and see that complaints sometimes take effect. ... But there's always a but, the cancellation has been possible because we are a people and the fines are not made with PDA ... if it had been in Barcelona or elsewhere Capital, passed directly over the Internet to the center of fines and then to seize our accounts as soon as possible ... and then claims. And finally I'm calm because the car is mine but the name of my daughter who lives in Madrid, is home of some friends and it is impossible to locate by the normal computer system, as not registered yet .... So, although I could not put ambargarme the lack of data ...

jajajajjaja Mamapi said!

Spray Paint Stain Finished Wood

propagate a virus with a fake video of Bin Laden

Thursday May 5, 2011 EST
BOSTON (Reuters) - Hackers are exploiting the fascination with the death of Osama bin Laden to spread malware through scams that promise access to videos the time of his death.
One campaign is targeted at users of Facebook, who received emails purportedly from friends urging them to copy and paste a series of allegedly malicious text would give them access to a video about the death of Bin Laden

When users follow the instructions in the email, end up giving full access to their accounts from hackers, said Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer for antivirus maker F-Secure.

hackers then use this access to spread viruses and junk e-mails sent to the user's friends said. Another

campaign that exploits the death of the leader of Al Qaeda uses regular emails full of links to infected sites that lead to malicious software downloads on the computer, Hypponen said.

Hackers plan such attacks - techniques known as 'phishing' - to take advantage of a wide range of news. Similar campaigns were launched related to the royal wedding, the tsunami in Japan and the World Cup soccer finals.

The 'phishing' scams is for trying to get personal information such as passwords and credit card numbers, by deception through e-mail or instant messaging services.

"They always have something ready to send in case", said Jeff Moss, head of security of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN, for its acronym in English). "Whenever there is an earthquake, tsunami, famine or something," he added.

few hours after the earthquake in Japan, hackers have begun to fill technical Internet 'phishing' taking advantage of the tsunami, said Moss.

viruses that are downloaded are often programmed to steal personal information, said the FBI to consumers.
Hypponen said he expected to scams on Bin Laden continue for months.
"We know there is a video" he said. "We know it will not be disclosed, which means that people will be curious for a long time," he added

Yellow & Terracottabedrooms

All together not to think

story If you laugh, I know. Touches my knee, below there, there, mmmmm.
you stand still, staring into mine. Sobo you with the sense of hearing, sound caress each spit carefully. You think every word as if it is outside your luck. Your strength is nonexistent. Sell \u200b\u200bair. I will buy them all. I choke and breathe through a straw directly to my navel. I think the last conversation was in Chinese. I practiced Korean, is so sexy. Overall, we were not going to understand. I rose and left socks a little glimpse of my desire to Busting. You kept your harassment and demolition. One step Pa'lante and two go back. Yes, no, between bite and lick. Suddenly I saw everything clear. Needed to get away from you, from there, me in you, you and I was too much for me. But you did not expect that check to your ego. Things could not end well. Are things? "Thing, animal or person? I thought and you ... more. Want some tea? You know I like to see as you move the spoon around in circles. Vale. Okay? "I had said it? I trembled at every step ideas with you. Are you okay? Better go home and had tea there. Vale. And go with the voucher. Who the fuck is answering for me? Busting My bitches want to talk without permission and I ...
many demons came out of your mouth that was unable to recall the color of the sky. Why do you embrace? Why?
When finally you rip me, I realized the twisted game where I had been led astray. There was no turning back. More sequels.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

22 Weeks Pain In Back And Side


> People who still works often ask me what I do every day ,
now that I'm retired ...
> Well, for example, the other day I went downtown and went into a
tends to> pick one thing, not by the management or five minutes.
> When I left, a policeman was filling out a complaint by
> parking prohibited.
> I quickly approached him and said,
> - Come on, I have not taken even five minutes ...! Would you
> well
> if you make a small gesture to retirees ...
> completely ignored me and continued filling in the complaint.
> The truth is that I spent a bit and said he had no shame.
> I
> looked coldly and began to fill in another complaint, alleging that also
> tires the car was in bad shape.
> Then I raised my voice to say I had realized that
> was
> dealing with the king of the silly ass, that how he had left
> enter the Police Academy ....
> He ended the second complaint, placed below the
> wipers,
> and started a third.
> I dewatering and I spent over 20 minutes calling around.
> He
> to every insult responded with a new complaint.
> Luck who had come by bus and the car was not mine!
> Since my retirement, testing each day I have a little fun. It
> important at my age.

mamapidice: I have sent this ... please see it, I think you will like. teaches that there are many beautiful things in life, apart from the phone!

Custom X сезон 06/07

Occasionally I wallow in sadness. I thought a pig (as the Chinese)

The room where I keep my desire is still closed, I find the key.

crossed by a block of ice navel language to maintain the proper temperature.
Without feeling.
melt-I do not want more.


I fall, I hit my mouth ground and the air is leaking under the door. I am for two days, maybe three.

paste should kicked that door, take what belongs to me but I'm missing a part of me. I miss it, you know. Miss me as much as you.

my forehead
vomiting awakening
reluctantly sucks
is mine I'll take

's disgust do not know is my

Tongue Piercing Philippines

sunless tanning! VERY HAPPY THEY

"Detect the illegal use of an experimental drug that boosts tanning
The Melanotan, still in clinical trials, is also used to enhance libido and lead to loss of appetite

Manises (Valencia) . The Hospital of Manises (Valencia) has detected the illegal use of an experimental drug that can cause skin cancer as a side effect, and that enhances the sunless tan, besides inducing anorexia and improve "the sexual appetite," according to a statement of the center.

Use of Melanotan, still in clinical trials, was detected after treating a patient who injected the substance and suffered an alteration and uncontrolled multiplication of moon "with the risk of transformation into malignant melanoma."

Dermatologists Manises Hospital, according to sources, have also detected the illegal sale of this substance Internet and have received several inquiries from patients about the potential use of this drug.

The Melanotan is a synthetic analogue of the melanocortin stimulating melanin production and can induce proliferation of melanocytes, as noted by the dermatologist at the Hospital de Manises Luis Hueso.

a drug is still under study and is being developed as possible treatment for certain skin diseases photoinduced.

This drug causes a deep tan, even without sun, and also generates loss of appetite and increase sexual potency, according to West, who has warned that the stimulation of melanocytes may cause some people to clear the multiplication phototype nevus or moles and malignant transformation to melanoma.

The dermatologist has stated that it is a drug under development, "so there are no reported or studied in depth all the possible adverse effects."

According to sources, the consumer profile Melanotan may respond to young people, very concerned about their physical appearance, in many cases users of gyms and consume these substances to improve their appearance, be slimmer and more tanned.

Manises Hospital launched an investigation following the care of a patient who had high leather tanning for skin type and any escalation of moles, some of them strongly suspected to be melanomas.

center Dermatologists discovered that the patient had injected the substance that he had recommended in its environment and also found, by some patients, questions and requests for information about these substances.

Is It Normal To Feel Still Weird After The Flu


accounts and 114 .60 English credit cards, displayed at Sony Online
The company says it is the same attack on Sony PlayStation Network .- Spain has not received any complaints of fraudulent movements
TOMÀS Delclos - Barcelona - 03/05/2011

. . New Sony serious problem. Made public on Monday in the assault on their servers also compromised the database of Sony Online Entertainment (SOE). Hackers have had access to the servers that host the databases of non-US customers. In the early morning, Sony posted that were committed bank account numbers of 10,000 customers in Spain, Germany, Holland and Austria and 17,000 credit card numbers and debit cards from an old database 2007. Spain Sony sources have pointed to this newspaper that the intruders may have accessed data from 114 credit cards and sixty English bank accounts, although there is no evidence that they have done. In no case have been able to obtain the security code card. The same sources have indicated that they have received no notice from any English internet movement that is detected fraud on their accounts. SOE
is a multiplayer platform that is not linked to the PlayStation because their games can be accessed from your computer. This service contains the data of 25 million customers. As explained by Sony this morning, this is not a new attack on their servers if no access to those databases SEO is the result of the same intrusion made against PlayStation Network. SOE has in its catalog Famous titles such as Everquest, PlanetSide and Star Wars Galaxies and maintains the online games company in social networks like Facebook.

In this last warning, Sony is obliged to repeat the advice already given after detecting intrusion into the PlayStation Network (for a review of bank accounts, change passwords is also used in other network services not will respond to emails requesting extension of data ...). SEO Account

Compensation with Free Service

This news comes after Sony has announced on his blog that this week will restore many services the PlayStation Network. To give the "welcome" according to their expression, blocking the players after two weeks, Sony will offer free access for 30 days and Qriocity PlayStation Plus. Specifically, the company announced that every area of \u200b\u200bentertainment will offer a selection of downloadable content for Playstation. Specific details of this content will be announced in each region. All existing users of Playstation receive 30 days of free subscription to the service of PlayStation Plus. PlayStation Plus members receive 30 days of free service. Qriocity subscribed users (in countries where the service is active), will receive 30 days of free service. Additional Services "Welcome" and offers will be announced soon. Sony had already announced last week it would compensate the players for the lockout.

The return service will begin with "activation of games, music, and video." The company has also announced a series of immediate steps to increase network security. As explained in his blog, the company has implemented a series of new security measures to ensure greater protection of personal information.

Initially, reopen network gaming systems PlayStation 3 (PS3) and PSP (PlayStation Portable), this includes titles that require verification network and downloaded games, give Music Unlimited access for subscribed users Qriocity, reset the password and account management, rental of films and features such as chat.

The company says it "has implemented significant security measures to detect unauthorized activity and provide greater protection and security of personal information to consumers. The company is also creating the post of Chief Information Security Officer, who will report directly to Shinji Hasejima, Chief Information Officer of Sony Corporation, thus adding a new position responsible for the expert and data protection, as a supplement to existing security staff information "

Among the new security measures include: Automatic monitoring of software and configuration management to prevent and defend against possible further attacks, increased levels of protection and encryption, most intrusion detection capability in software network, unauthorized access and patterns of unusual activity and implementation of additional firewall.

The company has accelerated the plan to move the system to a new data center in a different location that has been in construction and development for months. Also The PS3 will have a mandatory system update that will require registered users to change their password before logging into the service. As an extra security system is only possible to change the password on the PS3 where the account is activated, or via email confirmation.

"This criminal act against our network has had a significant impact not only our consumers but the industry as a whole. They obviously unlawful attacks underscore the widespread problem of cybersecurity. We take the security of our information consumers very seriously and are committed to protecting the personal information of our consumers, "said in a statement. Remains the PlayStation Network blocked since Wednesday, two weeks ago after detecting an intruder had access to the data of 77 million members of the same. The exact scope of the inrtusión was explained by Sony on Tuesday of last week which drew criticism from players for the delay. Even

no evidence of having stolen credit card data, "the company is committed to helping consumers protect their personal information and provide support for users to sign up for data protection services identity theft, I similar programs. The implementation will be locally and the details will be available in each region very soon. "

Death With Aspiration Pneumonia


remained unconscious after surgery. Beside him, his sister Karen, tried to read a book of short stories by Patricia Highsmith, trying in vain not to think about why he was there, because after everything that had sworn to herself never to many times do something for his brother, had renounced all his vows and had gone to the hospital to join him in this predicament. For Karen hated his brother deeply. Since they were children this feeling, a mixture of anger, resentment and powerlessness, had marked their relationship, away for obvious. Apparently, he had inflicted during Karen brutal beating youth, who had finished with it in the hospital on two occasions. She, despite the passage of time, clearly remember the face of his brother chasing from side to side of the house like an animal hunting its prey. Bloodshot eyes crowning a cruel smile, a glance and a smile that showed openly the supreme joy, almost sexual, to see other suffer, to see how even though little or nothing was ever expected of him ( for his poor school performance), his hands were able to make you someone important, someone powerful, someone could destroy for the sake of destroying. This torture lasted for two long years, with the connivance and the complicity of the parents, despite the advice of his doctors were unable to report to his eldest son. So, Karen grew up dreaming of escaping from that hell, which one day could fall from those who had tortured and were tortured in the form of memories.

few years later, Karen and Joshua's parents died in a traffic accident. One night after dinner at a restaurant, the father, who was driving, tipsy with wine, ran a red light and his car ended up being run over by a police patrol that ran swiftly to the scene of a crime. All occupants died before emergency services arrived. The day Karen and Joshua's funeral is not embraced, each lived their pain is not transferable, as if they were enclosed in thick glass bells or a gulf separating them, or an iron curtain. This to thirty-five years since the brothers had not been called or had shown any interest for one another. At first, Joshua, who had ended up working in construction, journalist called his sister at Christmas, to invite her to eat, but always refused invitations Karen with some lame excuse, as if to show passive rejection, indirect, or the bottom of his heart, where he had repressed so much hatred and anger accumulated, refused to let go of all the single link, however fragile it might be, which united with their family roots.

Over the years a lot of therapy and Karen thought she had overcome all the traumatized during their childhood and youth. Sometimes I just needed to take some sleeping pills to rest. He had married and was divorced, had remarried, had no children, had found work in a newspaper, and through their painful experiences and sensitivity towards those weaker than them had given him, he ended up specializing in social issues: domestic violence, unemployment, disability, racism, sexual abuse, housing, etc. In all those areas in which a group was discriminated against or mistreated by society or the mechanisms of oppression she put words to denounce, from the power it gives the possibility to influence their readers, all those abuses. But it is said that one thing is to overcome trauma, forgive your executioner, and quite another to get forgotten.

A nurse entered the room of Joshua and looked at the bag drop by drop, in which there was still enough gluco-saline solution for several minutes.

"Hi. "He greeted the nurse. - Are you a relative of the patient?
"Yes, I am your hermana." said Karen.
"Look, I have to ask a favor. "I told the nurse a little nervous.
"Tell me. What I can help?
"I'm alone, including staff cuts and the wave of flu I am the only nurse for this shift. I have 45 patients to my office and do not give crude. Would you care to be attentive to drip in a few minutes to close the entrance to keep air from entering the body to his brother? When can I pass to change the saline bag and I will not trouble you more.
"Yes, of course. Do not worry. This crisis is wreaking havoc. I have reported many times in my articles as all these cuts in public health are aimed at privatizing services.
"It makes me a big favor, and of course his brother. Thank you very much ma'am. Bye.

The nurse came hurried from the room and Karen returned to resume reading the last pages of the book. Patricia Highsmith had always seemed a brilliant writer, capable of creating a phrase of unease in the reader to hold after the suspense until the end, it used to be amazing. Violence and death were always present in his books, as they were also inevitably in life, creating an indivisible binomial such as life and death, in which all people, all human beings can at some point get carried away in the darkest, terrible and violent intentions. Nobody is safe from the possibility of falling into evil, no one can assert a never I will. Therein lies the mystery and appeal, where even the greatest hero alter ego is his nemesis and that any victim can eventually become an executioner.

When Karen finished reading, he lay on the couch. He looked at his brother who was unconscious and looked at the bag-a-dripping empty point, connected by a tube to the catheter that had been injected into the back of the hand of Joshua. Looking at the steady drip drip thought that was the same rate as a clock, plip, plip, plip, plip, plip, plip ... At any time that bag would end, a final plip, and the air was in the bag come in a bubble deadly blood flow to his brother, first slowly, up the arm to the heart where it may pumped to the brain. That would end the life of him who had tortured her many times and that at the time, and stayed, it seemed that he had never hurt a fly. It would be a full-scale revenge, served cold on a plate. Every time Karen had been shaken awake in the middle of the night after dreaming that he killed with his own hands Josua, seemed at the time subtle premonitions of that moment. Only she would not have to get their hands dirty. She had to do anything, she would not kill him, would the system. A social predator and murderer, where the weak have no place and no rights beyond those theoretical assumptions that looked at the Constitution and were trampled constantly dark ambitions. Just had to go back to lying on the couch, try to relax, or at least be asleep. Even taking the dream could force one or two sleeping pills. Nobody could ever accuse of having fallen asleep, it was two in the morning. Maybe before it was half past two, and his brother would be in another neighborhood, entering hell, if there really was a hell-head and through the front door. Perhaps then it would finally end his nightmares, and dream no more night that killed his brother. His brother would be dead, dead end, dead and buried. She, however, come home, expect your husband comes home from work, we propose to go to a restaurant, not a tear of pain, no space for repentance, would ask for a bottle of Cava or two or services required. Upon arriving home, I make love with tenderness and passion as often as were needed. Until he does not want more. Opened ended the life of Karen, the unhappy, the poor thing, the eternal victim, and would begin a new Karen, who would shape the years her remaining life ...

Karen leaned back in his chair, looked for his pillbox and took two pills. They did not take long to take effect. As if it had been disconnected from the machinery of life, suddenly fell into a deep sleep. The last image you created your imagination before all the lights went out of his consciousness, was that of a sunset on a white beach with the sun beating down on the horizon beyond the sea. It was just an instant, like a flash or a slide, before the night to swallow them all forever.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Slogan For Grain Bread

MY GOD, deliver us from PROPHETS LIKE!!

View the video on youtube .... Zapatero is priceless !!!!! I give my most heartfelt condolences to the 5 million unemployed (who are 6 million) of which 6 are members of my familia.Y even complain that there are underground economy, it relieves them of people out into the street with sticks against Zapatero and his misrule.
nipple and inept BASTA!! TO RETURN SO THAT THEY HAVE STOLEN AND put in jail because there is nothing worse than stealing TO THEM THAT YOU HAVE VOTED 11 MILLION PEOPLE WHO BELIEVED IN YOUR POLICY AND ITS PROMISES !!!!!

Prayer For Defense Thesis


MedioBin East Laden was shot cabezaEstados in the U.S. is conducting DNA tests on the body of the leader of Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, who was killed today in a CIA operation in Pakistan and is using facial recognition technology to help identify, as has reported a U.S. official said Monday.

May 2, 1911 - Washington - Reuters / Ep Bin Laden was identified by the assault force struck him in a firefight in Pakistan in which he resisted and was killed by a gunshot to the head, has stated this responsibility , who requested anonymity. The results of DNA tests should be available the next few days, he explained the source told Reuters.

The assault force was on the ground less than 40 minutes and the operation was monitored in real time by the CIA director, Leon Panetta and other senior officials of the intelligence services from a conference room at the headquarters of the CIA in Langley, Virginia, according to this person. "When it became known that the operation was a success, officials of the CIA in the conference room burst into prolonged applause", he explained responsible.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Attracted To Big Women


Dear @:

I find it very difficult to sort the ideas at this time. I made a real mess, and I have no strength, not too eager to get to untangle this web of ideas that bewilders me. However, I believe that I have no choice. My life has come to a situation of great emotional exhaustion and as always in these situations I find myself writing becomes a balm that soothes while unclogs pain. Since I can remember I have always turned to writing and literary desire was to simply as support to hold on to avoid falling. However that is entangled skein of my emotions, many feelings that crowd in the pit of my stomach, made of stretch a thread with the same gentleness that liberates me strength somehow. Maybe because when I do not fear to end tied to the chaos that sometimes means facing what hurts us so much: reality. And watch out, do not say that I resolved to write life, no, not about that. Write as much relieved, as when you open the locks of a dam that is unable to withstand pressure. Many mornings (like this Sunday) I do it with trembling hands, as if hesitating to say or not say, of its implications, the danger exists when allegedly fixed the definitive account of a about when you're living. And this is because when I talk in first person, it is inevitable to refer to a plural. I do not exist, perhaps only as a shadow, but little else, my strength, my strength, my confidence that gives us that I am with those who love me, appreciate me and with whom I share my joys and my sorrows. Today, unfortunately, the thing that is not to shoot rockets at most this text would be one of these flares with the sailors try to ask for help at night to see his boat capsizing.

Some people may believe that I have no reason to complain, I've posted my first book, which besides the above (and despite the lack of advertising) is selling rather well, that people love and advises, and finally I have a busy schedule of events where defend my speech thing difficult for a madman. But these small or great joy, I find dull precisely because of what I said before and us. These personal achievements are entirely decaffeinated me when the person I most want to suffer and I am completely powerless to help. So. There is no turning back, no pretense, no cocks in vinegar. I reached a point in my life where I am worth nothing, but I can share it with those I love, and those who I love (although it tries) seems to be caught by God knows fucking emotional mechanisms, against which little or nothing I can do. My efforts to be guided in their suffering, my desire to help that person you love, just being (or so it seems) as a sort of temporary relief, before the next attack. I recognize that this impotence nails and it hurts me, I guess because cracks that I've always believed, more so because in my case it works, that love is the best medicine. And so stunned by impotence, thirst for certainty and a certainty impossible, I just doubt that my routine as a caregiver, that all that effort to rush every day with the sole purpose of generating relief, is really beneficial y no acabe siendo iatrogénico.

Es aquí cuando el miedo a la perdida me satura, zarandeando los cimientos de una relación que hasta hace bien poco parecía estar aposentada sobre una balsa de aceite. 


¿Qué debo hacer? Me pregunto constantemente y cuanto más me lo pregunto más dudas se generan. A falta de un mapa fiable de las emociones humanas acabo sintiéndome solo, náufrago en una isla en la que he acabado sin querer. Mientras both fear grows uncontrollably, and the thought of losing that person you love pushes me to the edge. What should I do? How the screams drown before the furious onslaught of the waves, when the hand trembles cling and do not know why it seems that along with earth tremble and wither prematurely dream that flowers early spring. Is what we have, I say, you must have patience, I remember, you must be strong ... Recipes that look like garlic soup, which I remember from both chiaroscuro that life is a prison with open doors and maybe the only thing I wish is that the storm will soon pass ... To be able to hug my free love with the innocence of a child.

Sincerely, Raul Velasco.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Honeywell Oil Furnace Manual

Sant Jordi's Day post deserves a positive good, especially this year when Raúl was a key player.
April 23 marks the day of the rose and the book. I had my rose, a very original, made of cloth to put on the lapel, the association of victims of gender violence. And Raul is out this year without a book, because with all the hassle of yours have not been able to find one that you might like. I've been a bad girlfriend, hehe. Total

that finally came the evening of Sant Jordi and there was Raul, good point, at the stand where they were signing various local artists. He pointed out, the brightness of his eyes, the nervous movement of her hand fiddling with the pen, a cigarette that interspersed between smile and smile ... I was to eat! I could not stop looking at him and feel very proud, I drooled speaking out.

Thank you Jesus Castro for making this possible and thanks Raul for letting me share this special day. Although you do not really what it seems, succeeded ... to see if next year you sign up the second.



How We Can Catch Stone In The Kidney

anxiety, panic ...

Fear, panic, anxiety, nervousness ... everything is changing me in recent days. I know I've embarked on a path which I follow no matter what happens, but I'm finding more obstacles that I thought.

This afternoon, after a panic attack, the music played on your computer (Spotyfy) and suddenly has come "Today might be a great day" of the great Serrat and I thought that this was the song I used to encourage me and I have drawn a half smile on his face. It was clear that today, there would be a great day for me but what about tomorrow? Can it be? Maybe, maybe not. There's the you doubt. At the moment I have left is to go to sleep and tomorrow is another day ... but I'm afraid to sleep because the nightmares attack me mercilessly and I wake up almost every hour to watch the clock to see how much you need to get up, but then I have trouble getting up a lot because I'm tired.

Now I'm thinking in Ruby and register because I have a medical cocoa: if it falls to Barcelona to take the test, which if it goes to sleep if it falls to the revision of the sprain. For this part I see it, but the point is that, register in Ruby, I can not continue visiting the same psychiatrist but has to be one or the new registration and the issue is that it is one more change that gives me a little scared. IT professionals here is good, because they lead to Raul and they do very well, but it is a matter of change, cost me the changes so that we will fool! In July a year ago that we live in a small apartment so perhaps it is true that it is high time for me to register. It may seem like a bullshit but I worried a bit. To see the psychiatrist told me: a few months ago told me to wait and see how I adapted to the floor, the people, etc. Those months of "alert" are over. Then we started with the reduction of medication and of course I can not even change poses professional. Good, and I have almost decided, I registered, but first I will consult with Dr.

Tomorrow I go to my second visit to the psychoanalyst and I'm back nerviosilla not so much as the first day but a little bit, because it is not where you're going to shoot, I told him so much! But well, I guess it will go well. What I hope is that I can help relieve this anxiety that haunts me all the damn day.

On Thursday there is theater, that well! Although I have the fatal strain do not know if I should go. Or I go and sit-stay, at least I'll be there. It seems I have mono theater after two weeks without it, but my foot hurts so much and so hard to support me on the floor do not know how I'm going to ride.

Well, that's the roll for today ... sorry this speech without much coherence. I needed to get to do something and I chose to write. Perhaps it should not publish it, perhaps yes, but as I am going to tell my story does not come from here, no?

A hug, health and strength!

Quotations For Lohari


First issue. A newspaper that follows the philosophy and action nikosianas. The splits and multiplies.
The role sits. Down to earth so the word that floating in the air. Avoid the terrible consequences of the storm. On days written text scrambled leaves other brands, it contributes to continue to sow further doubts groove, other questions, other possible answers. Nicosia also decides to take part - one thing does not prevent the other -. And it is deciding how it works Nicosia, between a loving organized chaos, liberties groups and many want to keep going. Still open fields of action, participation and development group to transform the social view on what is called insanity. Nicosia as a movement, now the paper is encouraged. It's part of our doing politics, our way of continuing to provoke events that keep us awake. At all. This is the first edition of many to come. Collective will, like everything we try to produce, and this time "collective" also implies the idea of \u200b\u200bopening up this space for free participation in other words we see here a possible channel. The hope is that the newspaper is nikosiano all built by everyone: readers, listeners, nikosianos, citizens with and without a diagnosis ...

This number one is trial and reality shows, we tested a structure, an idea, a possibility that will surely transforming newspaper, always built over time. This time there are several interesting articles: A) An interview with Jordi Marfà, a psychiatrist, a person with a different way of thinking about psychiatry and its functions sociales.B) We heard about the adventures of a Mole in the last National Congress of Psychiatry. We ask, how not? topography of those back rooms. C) Create a section of groups, ie groups active in the fight for the rights of individuals. This month, fellow of the Cooperative aixecador, their experiences and philosophies of operation. D) The Italian artist Claudia Vitari-working with us for over two years, talks about his work and puts a light on another puzzle may nikosiana experience. E) Open section for the word poetry and other arts of the type. F) We remain on alert to face the TAI.H) Agendas what vendrá.I) ...
As you can see, this issue emaciated finances reach us for a first edition only virtual. But of course, will be role when each of you printed by the fireside on a Sunday afternoon. Therefore, having already started your complicity. For what we said at the beginning of this paper is materially true, we also appeal to the reader. Today, although the roles are always interchangeable, we write, edit and design-with the invaluable help of contributions from friends-you print. Let's open the game. Let's open the circle.

Unamuno, would unite?
We do. Collective
A Mararía, Bob and Jack. In memoriam.

Fracture Humerus In Babies


The last step of hospital ordeal.
The TSJC compensated with 126,000 to a man, now deceased, who underwent a chain of medical errors ..

Loshuertos Francisco, now deceased died waiting for justice.
The decision of the court condemning the Catalan health with 126,000 euros to compensate died and irregular operation (according to them) in l patient care in 2003.

A retiree in which the string of nonsense, that justice called "irregular" to independent living with reasonable health at 81 years of age to a bed for life without a leg and a malfunctioning component organic led the family to their permanent care until his death in November 2005.

playing bingo in January, led him to the hospital clinic where bad luck led him to a stretcher in the emergency room, the floor .. hit another stretcher him off balance when their caregiver had not yet raised the guardrail in the fall ... broke his femur. In the slow agony of mistakes one of them was that he was given the patient did not tolerate drugs that were bleeding, loss of bowel and bleeding as he opened an ulcer that need to operate ...
For more unfortunately, his second intervention (the first was broken femur) went to hospital suffering a pneumonia, and on top of the failure to prevent ulcers led to an ulcer in her left heel, in the leg, which was complicated by lack of attention a lot.! As was so badly treated at the hospital advised that it was served at his home, where he healed his wounds for a few professionals from the ambulance. The doctor who treated Francisco at home did not come out of his astonishment at the ulcers that had the patient's leg, and advised that he be brought back to the Clinical Hospital, where eventually his leg amputated.

Penile Cottage Cheese


The government acted behind the judge to try to sink a Marta Domínguez
El Mundo says that the CSD and the Civil Guard was sent to the laboratory in Cologne, without judicial authorization, the key test against Palencia.
Digital Freedom
El Mundo accusations against the Higher Sports Council (CSD) and the Guardia Civil. According to the newspaper says that directs Peter J. Ramirez in its print edition, both the CSD, under the Presidency of the Government since 2009, including the Meritorious found that we did not find any trace of doping substance in the first analysis of the sample of Marta Dominguez in Operation Greyhound, made in the laboratory in Madrid.
But the newspaper claims that in their quest to maintain the persecution of the current world champion and European runner-up of the 3,000 meters steeplechase, the Higher Sports Council and the armed authorized, on 4 April, sending a key test against it to the laboratory in Cologne, which detects invisible picograms of toxic substances. He claims that he made the illegal and back of the judge investigating the case, Mercedes Pérez Barrios, thus breaking the chain of custody of evidence.
be recalled that the laboratory in Cologne is the same as last July, analyzed the urine of Alberto Contador and found a quantity of 50 pg of clenbuterol.
In the case of Marta Domínguez, El Mundo notes that Judge Pérez Barrios met ten days after the maneuver and in an order issued on 14 April, provisionally decided to terminate the main charge maintaining the athlete doping to mean that the product called Gold is legal.
Apparently the CSD insisted on further testing until the court, via e-mail, decided to nip the matter on Wednesday.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lwów , Ukraina Zdjecia Starego Lwowa



She had no name. It could have been Anna, Esmeralda or Magdalena. His legs are covered with nets, siren was among the reef of Raval. I do not know how long I was there one second, one minute, an hour watching: its studied indifference, their enlarged breasts, her makeup had not hide nor age or experience.
From that old cafe, with the desire of those who have been caught, imagining that my loneliness was similar to yours I dreamed that I knew. And lit a cigarette, she lit another, and looked, shielded behind a smokescreen. While words had told him in silence, I was not better than her, that behind the books or dreams, I also prostituted my way, that the company survives parasitically of so many people like us.


Tears broke her look like neon lights. Traces of salts, traces of life. In the middle of the night, this crowd was nothing, just shadows, like ghosts. He looked at her, she trembled and shrank from him. The wheel turned and govern your emotions swaying uncontrollably. But their eyes met and in the middle of a tunnel. Were screened in silence, were recognized in the mist. He wanted to know if she was dizzy. She made him promise that his tears would not be in vain.


Dressed shadow trudging elephantine, enormous eyes turns into a dusty attic, ragged and dirty, your soul torn off at every step of storm and rust drawn in your hair ...
surprised me greeting you, but your look crisp passes the foundation of my body by asking for a cigarette trembling for "good cause" ... An infinite sadness fills my heart to go forward, only takes a moment while I look at the package of Lucky and I remember that ghosts do not smoke.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rotronic Logistics 12.021086

'm asking for a reset to OFF

not fit my Piédrola. between his eyebrows - [] - p and AIN Tetrix saving bar that never arrives.
Where has the sun gone? A Sustaita is feeling so much at the wrong time.
Holy Virgin Do you not understand? know me, I'm so lost like my Barbie Mermaid where is? And me?
Why write more, if I ignore what I think and do not understand what I say.
After this do you pass a hammer and shattered the screen?
"We jumped on tits?
is to do something while b lock for my comings and suppress my laps.

Cubefield On Cool Math Games


real name Albert Espinosa Puig
Birth 5 November 1974 (36 years)
Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

Puig Albert Espinosa (b. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bNovember 5, 1974) is an industrial engineer , screenwriter, actor and fledgling director of English cinema. Biography
Albert's life as a child was presented marked by the cancer problem, due to which he amputated leg, one lung and the liver. He spent much of his youth in the hospital fighting the disease.

At 24 years, when finally leaving the hospital, he begins to attend college, where he graduated as an industrial engineer. However, the magic of theater and film called more attention. Begins to write scripts and perform with his company The Pelones (referring to the chemotherapy that had to be submitted earlier). English television and writes for Televisió de Catalunya, where he starts out in series like Grandma summer or cor de la ciutat.

However, the real explosion where is made known his talent as a writer takes place in the film Planta 4 ª (2003), directed by and starring Antonio Mercer Juan José Ballesta. This book explains how his experience in the hospital when he suffered cancer, playing a reality in which he starred, away from the idea that living in the hospital is a drama.

In 2006, he lives his years as intense as scriptwriter, since it premiered two works with his script. The first is Your Life in 65 ', directed by Maria Ripoll and performed among others by Tamara Arias and Javier Pereira, opens in summer and tells a story in which death and chance always coincide. Albert was awarded in prizes Cinema Barcelona as the best script for this film. The other film released this year was going to be that nobody is perfect, directed by and starring Joaquin Oristrell Santi Millán, Fernando Tejero and José Luis García Pérez, sparking controversy for being an alleged kidnapping of a script César Strawberry. [Citation needed] In the latter film portrays disability as an everyday occurrence, within the normal range, banishing the strange vision to this issue.

In 2007 started the filming of the movie you mean a year after his debut as film director: Do not ask me to kiss, because I'll kiss you, based on his plays Do not ask me to kiss you because you kiss and club straws.

2007 also begins a tour with one of his works of theater: Idaho and Utah (mailto lullabies for babies), where an actor, author and director. The play revolves around a near future where they invented a pill to stop sleep forever.

In 2010 he co-wrote the film Hero, directed by Pau Freixas.

Today in the Catalan television station, TV3, has released the series, Polseres vermelles created by Espinosa, which is based on that earlier he had written the script, Planta 4 ª.

Cipralex How Long To Take


mamapidice: Everyday
surprised me but the things that make politicians in barcelona, \u200b\u200bmy hometown. The two last photos remain the copyright of a wall that apparently is very old (which is, of course, restored) and have built a building, but only the façade and some plants that do not know how the water it, as there is no access to the building, or at least I thought so. We watched in amazement as one operator put a telescope or at least I think that's her name) in front of the parad and building with no windows or doors .... the wall about two meters if you can touch the hand .. . do not understand. My question is ... which cost us This invention Sr, Hereu??

The first pictures are in a mosquito found in the window of my house in montseny was monstrous and not think that is an assembly in the second picture is the finger of my husband ... I hope not chop ever!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cebuano Tagalog Translation Song

An ideal little work

How many times a day say "how I would be sleeping at home" ? In fact, it is Friday and sighs of relief: "I sleep all day" . Well, in this movie, sleep is a job. And I say this as something that costs, but rather by what you pay: a real job. Ideal, no? Well, not so much ... I prefer to wait to Friday wanting to have to bank what happens to Di Caprio & Co. in "The Origin" (for the Yankees, "Inception").

At a time that could be ours quietly, a group of people dedicated to exploring the dreams of others in search of those secrets that are hidden in safes. Yes, and read. For this, they kidnap the dreamer, drugged and everyone is connected in the same dream. Once inside, command the dream course and run through a maze and scheduled to arrive at a figure anticipated in the vigil. That's how crazy and read ... Twisted and all, this movie is very good. Keep reading, I promise you will run to her.

Dom Cobb (Leonardo Di Caprio) is an architect who is dedicated to sail to dreams

to steal ideas that, when applied, result in money. So, if you want to put in common terms, it would be a thief, a pickpocket, thief or whatever you call it. For that, he surrounds himself with a team of technicians who are responsible for the victims sleep and awaken the dreamers. It is very useful method for awakening of dreams fall feeling infallible. There is another possibility: to die or be killed in a dream, not as infallible.

Dom, apart from being a thief of dreams, is an exile from his country. At first I just know that his father reminds him that can not return home because it looks the police. Later, we learned that in the U.S. is accused of murdering his wife. Do not count the mess that is this story, but I have to tell in the first half hour of film, Dom decides to leave this "work" to go home. For that, you must do one last job, perhaps the most difficult. If the common task was to "get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe head", this latest order was to "plant an idea in mind." All look to face Juan Carlos asshole, as saying "it imposhible, what are you asking me?". But in the end accepted as they pay, if fulfilled, was high.

The team, which now only consisted of the characters of Di Caprio (Dom) and Gordon-Levitt (Arthur), recruits to 3 members: Ariadne (Ellen Page) a young architecture student, Eames (Tom Hardy) a forger of appearances (yes, that) and Yusuf (Dileep Rao) a specialist in alchemy or the like which has a powerful narcotic to sleep longer. Turn binds to travel the employer, Saito (Ken Watanabe), to ensure they are doing things right.

Does the task? Convincing the heir of a large corporation ("Robert Fischer" played by Cillian Murphy) not to continue with the business of his dying father. Everything is planned meticulously, but when entering sleep Fischer, displayed all the elements that Freud used to describe a dream ... For this reason, the perfect plan falls apart and start to improvise. Almost prefers the question, but how not to improvise in a dream? They specialize in dreams, they tend to plan not to improvise. But within these productions orníricas they meet a rudimentary "defense mechanisms" and moreover, is through the very unconscious Di Caprio! And there goes all to hell ... because what Dom did not say is that the memory of his wife Mall (Marion Cotillard) stalks him in a dream and not exactly a sweet woman. So the full team of dreamers is under double threat: the defenses of the victim and a plated memory neurosis Dom And the plus is that if this dream die, instead of awakening, you are in a vegetative state ... or crazy Spread the envy!

This is a great thriller, and not just expecting you stay two hours and a half hours, but you can even enjoy a final solved ... Therefore, your brain has a job secured.

Interestingly, not covered in the talks by psychologists, architects but ... Anyway, as

locked us out of the banquet, we criticize the menu haha. So I have to say that this film is about madness, beyond its futuristic facade. We could talk about the side effects of a rare work, but I would say that the center is the same mechanism to escape reality, a world where the ideal is at hand. Of course, this is the Hollywood version, because we have all experienced the nightmares. Returning, the recourse to fantasy makes one fact: the reality is intolerable, hateful, intolerable ... or at least far from what we live. And that's what's wrong with Di Caprio and then his wife. They become sort of addicted to the dream life. When they return to reality, the woman is a big conflict and no longer recognized as the real world, but the other, that of dreams And how should I do to go there? Will leave that dream real not believe. ... And how did I told them to leave the dream? With this, and have half the film inside.

This film was directed by Christopher Nolan and was released in July 2010. Was nominated for Oscars and won in the categories "Best Cinematography, Best Sound Editing, Best sound "and" Best Visual Effects. "Undoubtedly, it is original and I think that's the value of the movie What's twisted? can be What is impossible? can be. And I think the rest of the questions that arise can be answered with a "may" because Nolan got into this dream world where anything is possible and said "share the fact that the impossible becomes real." I think, in my experience, it succeeded.

The movie comes to a 4 Clare pa mi (of course, haha). Di Caprio was never one of my favorites in the show, and this is no exception ... but hey, it's not so tragic the fact that he stars. I like the work of Gordon-Levitt and Tom Hardy. P ut itself, there are none out of tune, because here the action is not central but the issue of special effects takes a starring role and gives meaning to the film. And regarding the effects are spectacular, divine. Ah! and to crown, a soundtrack that is just ideal. BSO does what any would have to do: serve with fairness every moment of this film to music .... and yes it does.

Well, I hope you tempted. Here I give you a trailer to see a preview:

Upgrade Armor In Ragnarok


The only Seawater else ← The sugar, mundoSuper epidemic Conference on Seawater Whole Truth, by Angel Gracia → Good news: A English company will be the first to sell bottled sea water for food
Posted on April 9, 2011 by CienciayEspiritu
Lactoduero be the first company worldwide to commercialize 'Sea Water' for food use bottled

The company, based in the town of Saldaña Palencia, market from April bottled sea water, making it the only company that offers the general public packed the liquid element and suitably treated, to be sold in packages of one to five liters at a price of between one and three euros.

Indeed, the price is one of the major challenges encountered by the company because, as explained Ical his manager, Rafael de las Heras, "there are similar products for medical use at a high cost and 'Water Mar 'trade-name Product-perform the same functions at an affordable price to all audiences. "

However, 'Sea Water' has a clear focus on food use, so that their major suppliers will be the department stores and hotel and catering industry. "We have not invented the product, but the bottle it to make it available to the general public at a popular price," adds De las Heras.
To do this, we designed a package "nice and quality, both in its format as on the label to give the picture of what really is, a product of five stars for a price of one." It is "a novel and non-competitive activity in the market today, so we are convinced it will work, but the question is how long it takes to take hold among consumers, "said the head of Lactoduero.
already on the market several products including sea water between its components, but all have one common denominator: sanitary, small volume and high added value. Therefore, the philosophy is to market Lactoduero "pure" water of sea with all its guarantees of traceability, filtering, bacteriology, sanitary permits, etc., At low prices for food use, although the product has many advantages in the health care and body treatments.
The company will export the liquid part of the Cantabrian Sea, where it will be transferred to the ship so far Lactoduero-dedicated to the sale of milk as a main activity has enabled Barrios de la Vega for processing, transforming it into a product aseptic fully filtered and disinfected.

innovative and dynamic character

In Barrios de la Vega, a town about five kilometers Saldaña, the company has invested around one million euros to acquire an estate of 12,800 square meters, housing about installation of 1,800 meters which will be developed activity. The plant has been built on a former livestock facility obsolescence, in order to "contribute to endogenous development in the area, using resources that otherwise would remain idle and unused."

Initially, the activity will generate five new direct jobs, while Lactoduero manager estimated that in a few months, there will be two or three shifts, so I could get used to some twenty people. A more significant number in an area besieged by depopulation. "Besides creating jobs, this initiative goes to show that any idea, even if it seems outlandish, it may be a reality, "argues De las Heras.
Once consolidated the idea, the goal is that within three months can begin to market the product, which will reach the entire national territory and Portugal. According to De las Heras, "is very good sign that a product is demanded so rare and little known beyond our borders, so we are convinced that the business will work. The day that the customer try it, you're buying a regular basis ", says the manager.

The project began to take shape about a year ago when, after conducting market studies, Lactoduero saw in the 'Agua de Mar' is a potential market in which today There is a significant gap. An innovative and pioneering initiative that has made the company to be the winner at Innovative Company granted Thursday by the Diputación de Palencia and endowed with 4,000 euros. Lactoduero
born in 2004 to serve the livestock in the region of Saldana, and provide professional management to the farmer in the sale and marketing of milk. It was founded by Rafael De las Heras, who was then with the help of Jesus Fernandez Santos and Javier Martinez Escobar, young farmers with extensive professional dedication to the beef cattle and milk production.
Since its inception, has doubled its staff and has tripled its turnover, which reached fourteen million in 2009. Now, your business will diversify to market bottled sea water in an attempt by its promoters to revitalize the area. Lactoduero
hopes that within three months the first bottles are already on the market, because "everything is ready" and machinery, acquired a company in Valladolid, is ready for operation. A pioneering initiative which is moral, according to his promoter, that "any idea, however strange it may seem, can succeed without going to a big city and contribute to the development of the most disadvantaged in the community."
'Sea Water' won the prize for the most innovative project Provincial
the institution's president presented the awards in this mode and the newly established companies

Friday, April 22, 2011

Fredericton Gloryhole


Economy Solbes The English gold that sold in 2007 is now worth more than double
four years ago, then financial vice-president cleared the way for the sale of 32% of the reserves of this metal in the Bank of Spain
22/04 /
EFE. The President of the Canary Islands, Paulino Rivero Pedro Solbes
salutes "The gold is no longer a profitable investment," claimed in 2007 the then financial vice-president, Pedro Solbes, to justify the sale of over 32% of the reserves of this metal property in our country that the Bank of Spain had done in the same year. The operation was added to a close my last year of almost another 8%. No investor may have more smell. At that time, an ounce of gold traded at $ 669, yesterday to 1,508. The first financial crisis, economic then current debt and have become the safe haven precious metal par excellence and its price has not stopped record after record chaining. In the four years that have passed since the Bank of Spain governor Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez, with the approval of the Government, decided to reduce its gold reserves, the price of it has grown by 125%.

The 4.3 million ounces of gold sold by the supervisor in 2007 at a price of U.S. $ 2867.7 million (2108.6 million euros at that time), now valued at 6471.5 billion (4460 million euros at today's rate), nearly 125% if the comparison is done in the "greenbacks" and 111% more in euros (taking into account the revaluation of the euro in the period). In any case, within four years, Spain has lost more than 2,350 million euros for selling these assets.

That is, investment that Solbes considered "unprofitable" has more than doubled its value in just four years. "The reserves of the Bank of Spain must be the fundamental objective of maximizing profitability," said the vice president in the Senate when questioned by the PP in this regard.

is true, though, that the Bank of Spain made box with the sale and achieved in that time-now juicy gains are somewhat bland, "for bullion were recorded at 100 euros an ounce, and sold nearly 500 euros (660 dollars). According to the calculations that were made then, the Bank of Spain took about 2,500 million profit, since then the price of gold had already begun to surge to strong demand for jewelry by the new rich of China and India, which were precisely the target of sales, although the Bank of Spain does not officially comment.

Moscow Gold
But official figures speak for themselves supervisor. 16.8 million ounces, which controlled the Bank of Spain in 2001, moved to 13.4 in 2006 and between 2006 and 2007 were further reduced to the 9.1 that the supervisor maintained since then. The quantity sold by the institution he presides Fernández Ordóñez in those years is 46% of gold reserves in force before the introduction of the euro. This is the highest output of the precious metal from that mythical to Moscow during the Civil War.

unfortunate addition to the arguments of the profitability of the metal, the other reason for the sale that the Government argued at the time was the same as that of other European central banks. They agreed after the introduction of euro gradually without its gold reserves for other assets more cost effective and easy to guard, or simply to enhance their heritage. The initiative in euro zone started in 1999 but, according to permit secret deals sale agreed within the European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of Spain has not accounted for turn off its ingots up to five or six years later.

The first major gold output since the transition occurred in 1999 when the Bank of Spain, in compliance with the agreements setting up the euro, pierced gold and currency reserves at the then new ECB coffers needed for all member central banks. This, in turn, gave a promissory note of 4,000 million that the English central bank pays for each year.

However, the perspective afforded by also spent time reveals that this argument has been confronted by the reality. It reveals a comparison of the strategies ultimately adopted by other major central banks with respect to this metal. European central institutions have ceased to undo their positions and, additionally, the monetary authorities of Asian countries have rushed to buy gold to diversify their reserves full of dollars.

According to recent data published by the World Gold Council (WGC), gold reserves of central banks around the world grew by more than 276 tonnes in the first quarter of this year, up nearly 30,500 tonnes. At the forefront of this trend is set Saudi Arabia, a nation that has stepped up its purchases. In particular, the country raised their reserves to nearly 329 tons from just 143 tonnes. Russia also joined

26.6 tons to its golden mattress, which has now reached the 669 tons. The biggest seller was the International Monetary Fund, which since early this year launched a program of selling off their reserves. Its amount of gold has fallen from 3,005 tons to 2,967, which, according to market estimates, would have generated a windfall of 1,969 million euro to the body that presides Strauss Kahn.

A 450% increase in ten years
is true that the gold rush has been exacerbated by the crisis, but also that very few investment strategies that may make no shadow. The precious metal is on track to its eleventh consecutive year on the rise, with a cumulative return in nominal terms of 450%. Crossed an ounce in New York this week the barrier of $ 1,500, and reached a high yesterday 1,508 Revaluation from January minimum plus 15%. The question is, now, if after you will still pull this metal bellows or, by contrast, will be over and the race. Experts believe that there are still travel for a while, albeit at a slower pace and with occasional correction down the road.

To his credit, has renewed fears about sovereign risk, the even low interest rates and growing concerns about inflation. To this are added the difficulties of the mining industry to keep production rates required by demand. There is no doubt that gold will continue to play to investors, although Spain and have fewer chips on the board.