Monday, December 7, 2009

Kate Playground Complete Set

A (large) Argentine thinker

take today saw the chapter No. 9 program José Pablo Feinmann Philosophy here and now ". A very interesting program where the Argentine philosopher explains, for all, the main contributions in regard to the philosophy , making a historic trip for each of the major authors.

For the program went Kant, Nietzsche, Descartes, Sartre, Foucault, Heidegger, among others. It is divided into four segments and, once the program is a summary emission.

The key is the "how" all that is transmitted Info and knowledge. Feinmann has been professor at the University of Buenos Aires for a long time, so it is very clear how to make the audience understand what philosophers meant in his writings. Besides, Feinmann brings passion and art "performance" when sharing texts with the public: a master class mediated by a camera.

would be easy to continue to praise this character, because when someone admires "compliments" flow. Therefore, we give the opportunity to judge for yourself the program. If it were, are the comments. If you have not seen them, left the links to download the full seasons.

(thank the Portal user who uploaded this: Drulipop)

1 - Why is there something rather than nothing?:

2 - Remove the philosophy to the streets:

3 - Columbus discovers America, Descartes, subjectivity: http://www. /

4 - The philosophy off the head of Louis XVI:

5 - Kant, experience and expertise may be impossible: files/6532337

6 - Hegel, the absolute subject and the consolidation of the European bourgeoisie:

7 - Hegel, dialectic master and slave:

8 - Philosophy and praxis: ? d = mvgpzvqovlf

9 - The runaway modernity: 10 - Capital:

11 - Nietzsche, life and will to power:

12 - Nietzsche: "God is dead": http://www. / get.php? d = tzgf460hdhf

13 - Referral of Nietzsche:

Second season (Rubenstw)

Chapter 1 Monday 06/04: Heidegger, Being and Time "

Chapter 2 Monday 13/04: Dasein and its possible

Chapter 3 Monday 20/04: Auschwitz and Philosophy

http:/ /

Chapter 4 Monday 27/04: Being-towards-death

Chapter 5 Monday 04/05: Heidegger and Nazism

Chapter 6 Monday 11/05: Sartre, man and things

Chapter 7 Monday 18/05: Sartre: Being in-itself and being for-itself

http://www.megaupload. com /? d = 5BTWR7WB

Monday 25/05 Chapter 8: Freedom as the basis of being

Chapter 9 Monday 01 / 06: The Latin American philosophy

Chapter 10 Monday 08/06: Alberdi: The preliminary fragment = 7IB47YC3

Monday 15/06 Chapter 11: Foucault

Monday 22/06 Chapter 12: Foucault (II)

Chapter 13 Monday 29/06: The postmodern

a video as proof of the program (extract "Taking philosophy to the streets" ):

philosophy Enjoy!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Recommendation Letter

With the task list for the 2009 Pepsi Looks

is November 2009, the date on festivals. Here are a couple, which typically meet several national and international bands. I'm going to date 4 of Pepsi Music. For that we set in that day, I'll let a representative of each band cd wizard.

1 - Zoé .

step on Argentine soil Mexicans give their show early afternoon (14:40). I like the style of these guys, because it is a rock with another round is not the most common and flat (which is plentiful). Some call "electropop" , but knowing what kind of things have that label, I would not dare call Zoe "electropop. Also, using electronics , but Radiohead is not well and electro ...
have a few cd's circulating, but I'll leave the last calculation it will play almost complete.

Reptilectric opens with the song that gives name to the disk, it can be cataloged as a ballad zoeiana . The voice the singer has an extensive record and moves on unexpected notes. The CD, overall (not counting boring song by song) does not abuse the guitar and gives space to several instruments, especially synthesizers stretching the notes in a sinfónco lethargy.
Highly recommended!
"Reptilectric" (2008)

1. Reptilectric
2. Nothing
3. Shadow
4. No pain
5. Poli
6. Resists
7. Neandertal
8. Ghost
Luna 10. Last days
11. Babylon


2 º Maximo Park.
Maximo boys come from Newcastle to show their brit rock. From what I hear, it's classic is a blend of Bloc Party and Kaiser Chiefs . Guitars and keyboards, stars of Maximo P.

Maximo Park-"A Certain Trigger"
This cd is debuting songs and style has already told them. I was not surprised, but pulls you to sing issues. There is a already hit me, it's "Graffiti" and see what happens to you.

"A Certain trigger" (2007)

1. Signal And Sign
2. Apply Some Pressure
3. Graffiti
4. Postcard Of A Painting
5. Going Missing
6. I Want You To Stay
7. Limassol
8. The Coast Is Always Changing
9. The Night I Lost My Head
10. Once, A Glimpse
11. Now I'm All Over The Shop
12. Acrobat
13. Kiss You Better


3º- The Ting Tings.
De Jules y Katie ya he hablado en otras oportunidades, but go again because they first visit the country, and news.
For those who do not know him that is scuento electropop duo (really), they released a CD ("We started nothing") with many hits and dance songs . So I hope the same thing happens in the Pepsi.

not boring (I), left some acoustic versions of several others.

"We walk":

4 - Gogol Bordello. Describe

can Gogol become complicated Why? because, to our rush to pigeonhole, they out of any label. Proclaim themselves as the creators of gypsy punk ... now, what's that? listen to a CD and will find out. As data: abundant violin and accordion . The singer is a character, and part of the band two girls who do ....¿? no idea, but come on the scene.
short, at first read may sound weird and does not entice you, but Gogol is a time bomb and eventually surrendered to his feet caés.

Gogol Bordello-Super Taranta "
leave this cd, because it was the first had. I will not lie, the first time I heard I "What crap" , but slowly I became convinced the proposal. Attracts from bizarre.
The songs sound alike, which is not about "Gypsy Punk" , which has very dissimilar rhythms (up to half a song in English, which combines the gypsy punk, with the common punk and Cuban). The singer's voice is a growl, but remember it is a character on stage, so nobody expected to leave an opera singer.
I have my favorites, you choose yours.

"Super Taranta" (2007):

1. Ultimate
2. Wonderlust King
3. Zina Marina
4. Supertheory of Supereverything
5. Harem in Tuscany (Taranta)
6. Dub the Frequencies of Love
7. My Strange Uncles from Abroad
8. Tribal Connection
9. Forces of Victory
10. Alcohol 11. Suddenly...(I Miss Caparty)
12. Your Country
13. American Wedding
14. Super Taranta

"Suddenly...( I miss Carpaty)":

5 th Street 13.

close this post with the Puerto Rican band , which already has a tradition of Argentina. The C13 began with his unexpected hit "Atrevete te" , entering the market through reggaeton. That opened their doors and closed them so many, including "those who listen to good music" . Well, this group so small, really should not have this name ... In fact, who says what is good or bad music?
The thing is that Calle 13 continued to progress, hard disk, incorporating new elements his band, their lyrics and disks in general. That's why now you can do with a great display on stage, and a highly mobile resident and charismatic with the audience. This is not only reggaeton . Besides, I do not know how many have been listening to their lyrics, because the resident is committed to social movements in Latin America, which wanted to show at the MTV Awards, but he continually stopped the applause and whistles.

Calle 13 - "The coming behind me,"
This album was released with a hit electronoventoso: "Electromovimiento" . Afrobeats collaboration with, made this issue something to dance. Then he went "There is nobody like you" , with Café Tacuba (I must say, I do not like Mexicans CT). But for me, the most representative song is "Fiesta de locos" is good style.

"The coming behind me" (2009):

Intro 02.
Que Lloren 03. No Hay Nadie Como Tu (with Cafe Tacuba)
Gringo Latin Funk 05. Come And Criticame
06. Esto Con Eso (with Juanes)
07. La Perla (with The Chilinga / Ruben Blades)
08. Electro Movement 09. Intro Fiesta De Locos 10. Fiesta De Locos
11. Los Dos Atras Vienen Conmigo
12. Like To
13. Interlude (Irie Rasa Man)
14. Welcome To My World
15. John, the schizophrenic

Outro "Fiesta de locos"

Well, I hope to do homework and go to sing a song festival.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Voice Mailbox Number Nokia E71 Three


again. This semester I think I'm going to see many movies. This time coordinate for "extracademica output # 2" with the girls at school. Movie: "The secret of their eyes" . Location: Caballito. Results: they're going to find out.
"The secret of their eyes" Argentina is a film released in August 2009, directed by Juan José Campanella starring Ricardo Darin and Soledad Villamil. With the special participation of an unrecognizable Guillermo Francella, head of comedy Argentina. It is based on the novel by Eduardo Sacharias "The question of his eyes."

Basically, the story tries to tell the fictionalized reconstruction makes the retired Benjamin Esposito (Darin) of a case in which he had had to work 25 years ago about a teacher crime. For that, it takes the memories he has of the case and is putting together the puzzle that at that point had been left unresolved . But something else is added to the novel: its history (oh chance! Also unresolved). In this way, tells how he met the love of his life the hustings Dr. Irene Menéndez (Villamil) and how that love silence for years. It also recounts the vicissitudes clerical with his friend Sandoval (Francella) and his fights with the boss ( Mario Alarcón ) and other colleagues. We extend

. The story that triggered Esposito's novel is a masterpiece of crime ( Carla Quevedo ), 23, from Chivilcoy, married to Ricardo Morales (Pablo Rago ). The case becomes difficult to trace, including parsley. The widow just wants to find the guilty and pay with jail the crime.
One day, reviewing some pictures, Benjamin discovered a subject that is repeated at each feeding and watching very intently the victim. For inquiries many come to know the identity of this person: Isidoro Gomez (Javier Godino ). He becomes the prime suspect the cause.
After much time looking for comes to him who confesses murder. Goes to jail and appears free time, as one of the custodians of Estela Martinez de Peron (N.deR.: Widow of Juan Domingo Peron , took over the presidency from 1974 y1976, when came the military coup).
quickly Esposito's life, Sandoval and Menendez hustings is put in danger . For the latest protection could be father to the other two the fate was different.

Resume that history allows Esposito review data and continuing to investigate what had happened 25 years ago. But it also allows you to resume his unfinished love affair with Irene and give this relationship a chance he never had. I can say that both stories are answered in this sequel.

Very important: the context in which it develops. Argentina is the pre-coup : blood, violence, intolerance, extremism and terrorism of state. Gomez is just one of those upset that did the dirty work of more upset. A psychopath powerful serve. It's shocking.

The performances are great . Darn good, Villamil da chair, Francella as much ... In fact, "Sandoval" I had a laugh for most of the film. I was so tempted at times to me in tears at sea. Working with the scenery was a craftsman, so I am adding points. The film is a 4 and 1 / 2 Clare , highly recommended.

Best :
"The skits are funny seriously. Okay. Spend all there: Darin, Francella, Villamil, Alarcón, Argento (embodying the mailto of Romero ) and Gioia.
-The Retreat scene: the verge of tears. "The clothes
of dr. Menendez hustings, haha.
-Sandoval answer the phone.

"At times the movie seems more not end ... I had some scenes cut second, because if the film is too long can get boring , and would be a shame, considering it's a very good story to fart made by boredom.
-The gore could have been "less bloody" .
-La performance by Pablo Rago . I thought it was painted cardboard I do not know what you think.

A trailer:

Well, enjoy.

PD1: There was an older couple just ahead of us who kept questions about the film, and the most stupid ...
PD2: heard "tell him to at least double vision" , when in fact said "at least tell me about" . Apparently my hearing continues .

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Can I Get A Yeast Infection After Brazilian Wax


The other day I was rebuked amicably for the reasons that motivated the absence of recent publications on my blog. So, why do I have so abandoned . Then brandishing my "philosophy bloogger" (a term that was won by Diego, the Inquisitor), which preaches that do not write if you have something to say . I do not know if there was the night, the start of school or what, but today morning I got up saying, "I have to write this song" .

From the last final that gave up, I had a theme in mind: the repetition by impossibility of forgetting. And yesterday was in the shower and said "is a film that portrays him well" , so today's topic will develop around "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" Michel Gondry of & Charlie Kaufman. This movie is from 2004 and starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet . He received an Oscar for best original screenplay and Winslet was nominated for best leading actress , but finally took the statuette Hillary Swank for her brilliant role Maggie Fitzgerald in "Million Dollar Baby" .

Personally, I consider it a special film , with great impact among young audiences. The recommended very often when I saw it, but I did not realize that not everyone would like, and the following is the most common argument: I got lost and re apart is fantastic (read "impossible" ). The person who knows something of what makes Gondry, is going to enjoy, but those who consume only movies "pochocleras" going to feel a profound rejection ... except that the mere presence of Carrey to seduce " We go to the movie?

The film tells the love story of Joel Barish (Carrey) and Clementine Kruczynski (Winslet), plagued torments, passions, misunderstandings and love. The whole relationship is a balancing in a fine thread, as being two very different together, reach a point where costs are fairly common. One day, finally scramble. Joel can not resist the separation and re-see, but it does not register directly . Thus, Barish plunges into a deep melancholy , until she discovers that Clementine had erased from his memory . In response to this harsh insult, Joel decides to do the same, and to this end is directed the clinic of Dr. Howard Mierzwiak (Tom Wilkinson ) "Lacuna Inc. . There engaging their services and are available for that same night he erased all memories relating to Clementine Kruczynski.
At night, come the operators of the doctor (Mark Ruffalo and Elijah Wood) and start to remove traces of the former de Barish (while he was sleeping peacefully). But it appears the resistance : not to forget. In dreams begins relive their love story and manages to balance everything that happened in the relationship. He suddenly realizes he does not want to forget , she made him the man is . But the procedure is already started and can not be stopped. So start searching your memory a nook where you can not forget anything, where the device is not acequible arrive. So many memories is walking he thought he had forgotten, but still there: his childhood, adolescence, moments of his life with Clementine ... and it will still fall for it again, this time taking into account the defects too. Finally, find a solution and that is how the movie starts.

Meanwhile, we have another parallel story . Patrick (Wood), after having erased the memory of Joel Clementine begins a relationship with her . But the relationship does not run, and Clementine feels increasingly uncomfortable and do not know why (we do: Patrick "steals" all the tricks Joel used to conquer and applied it again.) In turn, the secretary of Dr. Mierzwiak, Mary Svevo (Kirsten Dunst ) comes out with the other assistant, Stan (Ruffalo), but feels a strong attraction to the doctor. All this begins to shake the same day that I erased the memories Barish (in your department). This way, Mary ends up declaring her love for Howard and discover the truth had been in love before him, why do not you remember? Exactly. Then go to the office angry and retrieves all records of the apportionment pacientesy starts at home.

Then the movie starts giving a sense of what happens in the process of erasing and tying the rope ends was letting loose over Gondry film. Also, as good French, closes a door and two windows open , just in case haha. There is a property of Michel G. which is the circularity their stories, and the end of "Eternal Sunshine ..." track to continue along a spiral . I propose to discover how the story ends two forgetful to revive their love in repetition.

Let's see, I'll put the following sentence and see how it applies: "recalls (repeat) what could never forget" . Sigmund Freud said (and here I get academic for two seconds) while repressed memories, will never forget, because there is a return of the repressed , and that return can be seen in a compulsion repetitive. Joel and Clementine are able recreate his old love story, it never were able to forget each other, even with an override machine memory. But careful, repeated ... I do not want to give many details of the movie, so they can capture the magic for yourself, but at the beginning of the film, when "just known" , Joel is starting to notice things that bother you Clementine, and she is labeled as a "boring" , while the coexistence not long in coming. We do not know if it comes to fruition this reunion, because the movie is over, but at least we are certain that this love withstood the test of oblivion.

also wanted to title that this film was released in Spain: "Forget about me!" As if it were an order , no? And since we are on the title, I comment that came out of the stanza of a poem by Alexander Pope (which, in fact, it reads in the film):

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot !
The world Forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each
pray'r accepted, and Each wish resign'd.

.... that would mean ...

How happy is the fate of the spotless!
Forget the world, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each prayer accepted, each wish resigned.

The movie is a 4 Clare and I think a little more also given. Carrey: excellent How can a person super expressive, can stop making faces for 2-hour movie? I do not know Gondry merit. Well, Kate Winslet is a great actress , so I'm not surprised. I also love the work of Kirsten Dunst, who usually does not disappoint .


Another gift, the band sound . Coming from Gondry, I close my eyes and defense. If you saw the movie, you know what quality have this cd.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind OST" (2004):

Download Pass:

1. Theme - Jon Brion
2. Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra
3. Collecting Things - Jon Brion
4. Light & Day - The Polyphonic Spree
5. Bookstore - Jon Brion
6. It's the Sun - The Polyphonic Spree
7. Wada Na Tod - Lata Mangeshkar
8. Showtime - Jon Brion
9. Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometimes - Beck
10. Sidewalk Flight - Jon Brion
11. Some Kinda Shuffle - Don Nelson
12. Howard Makes It All Go Away - Jon Brion
13. Something - The Willowz
14. Postcard - Jon Brion
15. I Wonder - The Willowz
16. Peer Pressure - Jon Brion
17. Dream Upon Waking - Jon Brion
18. Strings That Tie to You - Jon Brion
19. Phone Call - Jon Brion
20. Nola's Bounce - Don Nelson
21. Down the Drain - Jon Brion
22. Row - Jon Brion
23. Drive In - Jon Brion
24. Main Title - Jon Brion
25. Spotless Mind - Jon Brion
26. Elephant Parade - Jon Brion

Well, until the next repetition!

PD: Dato more interesting for fans of the idol Icelandic Björk : the role of Clementine Kruczynski was conceived and written for her excusably, who first offered him the role. But she, from the bad experience you meant "Dancer in the Dark" , rejected him: he was afraid to return to fall into the pit depressive which plunged after Lars Von Trier ...
Now, I must say that Björk Winslet is a gap away ... Still, it went very well the role of Britain.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Trichomaniasis In Feces

can not forget If you could be someone else ...

... would you be? Trick question. The last time I spoke of the paradoxical demonstration of "real lives" in ways artificial. Today I bring another movie to continue this theme of reality, or private or whatever you call it. I decided to comment "Being John Malkovich?" , directed by Spike Jonze . This film is from 1999, starred John Cusack , Cameron Diaz, John Malkovich and Catherine Keener . One producer was Michael Stipe (leader of REM) and screenwriter Charlie Kaufman was , responsible for films like "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" .

Well, before I have to clarify that this movie is surreal and now with the title can expect some content. I dare say that is "science fiction", because it raises the issue in a tension between natural and wonder : Characters dudan a second of what is happening, but then they accept as normal in the world. At times it becomes bizarre say, but if we intend to accept input from what they say as true, there will be no more complications than those just named them. This will clarify because I hardly ever touched hear things like "this movie is re fantastic" (ie fantasy) and I respond "Thank God is great, but I would be filming my life every day to fun ". Ideally, the films are innovative , shocking, to tell something we did not expect or could not imagine, because that is where the magic , an art film.

Now, I dive in "Being John Malkovich." Jonze invited us to know the life of Craig Schwartz (Cusack), a puppet maker who works in the streets doing their shows, earning coins. Craig lives in a dark apartment with his wife, Lotte (Diaz), a life that exceeds monotony and frustration . One day, when the street did not give him more trouble, we decided to go for a notice which requested hands and nimble fingers ": just for him. Get administrative position in a company that was located in between two floors, to save space (they have to see the method to stop the elevator in the Floor 7 1/2...excelente).
life seemed to be heading back to the monotony, until the work meets Maxine (Keener), a sexy and manipulative woman who begins to flirt with Craig. If he lacked any seasoning your life, that it was giving Maxine. And good, between the misaligned and workaholic and his wife Maxine maneater, Craig did not take long to Lotte trick.
to here, nothing very unusual. One day, looking for a role behind a file, Craig finds a small door. He opens it and starts walking in the dark a dark tunnel ... suddenly, is seeing through the eyes of a man . That man is nothing more and nothing less than the actor John Malkovich . He was inside Malkovich's head and makes you feel so much energy, enjoying every moment in John. But the effect wears out and Craig returned to his home outside of himself, as if possessed by a lysergic aluinación . Then
Maxine tells of his discovery, who is shocked and quickly think mode exploit this sensory portal. He also learns the news is Lotte, who begins to haunt the actor's head whenever he slept with Maxine (get get to it and begins to seduce him as well.) To close an account, Malkovich, Craig and Lotte end Maxine lovers and everyone wants to spend time with her.
The portal starts to add numbers, advertised as a unique experience where you can stop being yourself and wear the pants of John Malkovich. Pays off until the boss finds out about the shady business and goes to confess to a secret portal that has enabled Lester (boss and owner of the office) to stay alive from 200 years ago, because every time that his body was about to succumb, the door marked a new body / host to live. John Malkovich
learns of this website and it requires close . Craig ignored and managed to get one last time in the actor, making a total mental control . So does the passage in John Malkovich of a famous actor on a popular puppeteer. He is married to Maxine and her life seems to be the ideal. Peeeerooo ..... Odd? they did not see the end and I think they are not counted.

He had advised that it was not common the film, but even so it took me to convey the contents of a simple, because there is nothing simple here. I quickly turn to the uniqueness or what I want to highlight. Being John Malkovich, being a famous .... definitely "be another" . Spike Jonze uses the mechanism of reality as possible: live the life of another . In this case, uses fictional tricks, but basically we are inviting us to be others and I must say it looks like something beautiful. Likewise, the end remains the same, there is a price to pay and settle with the body or life. When he asks "Being John Malkovich want?" is talking about a sinister invitation, incitement the depersonalization, the anguish . But if we take the facts of the film, shows a subject who "live" when others are. Your life is worth nothing if they can not be at a time when the head of another ... is like a second chance in depression.

I hope they shoot issues. The movie I give it a 3 and 1 / 2 Clare . I love John Malkovich, because it is the sex symbol least expected, apart from a great actor "If I say that this film Cameron Diaz works well, I believe? because it is so, it is wonderful, but not as poor as other times his performance. The rest of applause Jonze and Kaufman are for, making this a rare film, novel and entertaining . Fun, that hard eh? because it is getting into a pattern that can be your own trap , but they do very well, understood and given a breath of fresh air to oxidized film Yankee.

Trailer and see you next!

PD: cheap gossip: Spike Jonze is the ex-boyfriend the leader of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Karen O.

PD: Jonze also is director of music videos, including "It's oh so quiet" by Bjork, "100%" by Sonic Youth, "Cannonball" by The Breeders and-my favorite-"Y Control" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Calories In A Toblerone

real life can be guitarists

few months ago I saw a movie that was released years ago vaaarios that, once seen, I believe that he was not given the attention it deserves. I'm talking about "The Truman Show" (1998), film directed by Peter Weir and starring Jim Carrey , in what would be his first dramatic role . Other actors were accompanied Carey Ed Harris and Laura Linney .

The film tells the story of Truman Burbank (Carrey), a travel agent based in Seaheaven, a monotonous life with his wife NURSES (Linney). By itself, this story has no appeal, but there is something that Truman does not know and everybody else will: the life of Burbank was built especially for him and to be transmitted to millions of viewers the world, in the form of reality . Thus all social interactions are scripted , and even the thoughts and moods of Truman pass through the sieve of production. But there is something they can not silence: desire. The memory of Lauren ( Natasha Mc Elhone ), a teenage bride, chases him since she and her family moved Fiji suddenly confessing something I still do not understand: "this is not real" .
is in search of that lost object that Truman is released. The problem is that it continues as object of desire, because the production schedule flatly refuses to re-enontrar with Lauren, or, put another way, the harmony breaks calculated show. For example, an obsession that has is to go to Fiji, it has remained as the whereabouts of his great lost love. Then look for every means to travel to Fiji, but something always stops him ... Not to mention that since the production he created a phobia of the sea (very important, considering that a Seaheaven island) after he lost his father in a storm. Truman claimed that there is no escape in this way.

Also, Burbank always a remainder that does doubt, it does go beyond everything "knows" . It's all "so coldly calculated" suspect. While he does not know other companies (because even what went on television is ready for it), the fact that all rightly be repeated each day of your life, what is taking place in the distrust that increasingly harder to leave him. The icing on the cake gives it an encounter with his father "dead" Seaheaven on the streets. It immerses you into a deep state of anxiety and coupled to the memory of Lauren, fights with his wife and discontent with the people, it was decided to abandon once and for all the people.

To achieve its goal must face his greatest fear : the ocean. But he is so adamant Seaheaven leave it heads without hesitation. The show's producers used all their technology to deter-rays, high gusts of wind, sea storms ... but Truman does not give up and wake hits the walls of reality . I was already

counting the final lol, but no. I'll let you discover the life of Truman the character Truman and human . They also let you finish, do you prefer the safety of what we already know or I risk entering a world where nothing is ready for me and which I must get used, with all that that implies?

For me the movie is great, for several reasons. For starters, it brings up the issue of realities , invention nineties and of questionable quality / taste, where use a group of people to portray a life that, paradoxically, is not real .
* Second, How far is able to reach people in their eagerness to explore the intimacies of another?, How to enjoy their misfortunes and joys? Because I want to emphasize that nothing but a media entertainment , we forget that there are a sensitive person involved. If we laugh, it's manic. If we complain, we celebrate that this will happen to them and not us.
* Third, and pointed specifically to the film, the ambition and depersonalization are evident here. Christof scrawny character is painted as a callous, calculating, business and it is true, it is. But there is something to be taken into account in relation to history Truman staff, he is the one offered to give life to a "unwanted" . Of course his desire becomes extremely literal and counterproductive.

Basically, install the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat viewers look on television and how it responds. The reality, star of the current programming many channels offering viewers live different lives , none of them real. Left in which detached consume power that device.

As for performances, Jim Carrey was never my favorite ... even in the comedy genre that handles with ease. As this is one of the first dramatic roles, is still struggling to get rid of exaggerated facial expressions and movements accelerated and clownish (for example, walking with a suitcase in hand). Laura Linney come from another club, and already see the difference. Not to mention Ed Harris, who plays an evil director with a philosophy that even the best defense attorney would like ... and worse, can get to convince.
As for scenery, it seems Wisteria Lane, the people of the Desperate Housewives. All very tidy, nice, very to Bree Van de Camp. Let's face it, that's not the most common. The movie
I give 4 Clare , but the argument deserves 4 1 / 2 Clare . Highly Recommended.

A small trailer:

Well, I hope you enjoy it if you did not see it. And if you saw it, can comment on what they thought. Until next time!

PS: Interesting detail: the name of the protagonist of the show, "Truman" is a play on words between "True" and "man" = real man.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

48 Year Woman Bigboobs

All These charming men

Many will know that I have hooked as looong time ago I do for a game , with Guitar Hero . So long, long time since we put this effort to a little game that if I start to remember the last crush must have been the "Buggerman" , when he was 14.

Anyway, I was amused by the fact that I can have fun and music. But the best thing that lets you fantasize with the idea that you're really good guitarist .... jjaajjaja, which falls when you have a real guitar and you want to do two chords boludos as the beginning of "Smoke on the water "Deep Purple .

Having undergone a considerable amount of songs, many of them hit me re and I decided to go in search of soundtrack of Guitar Hero, to hear those lightning-fast guitars and hiperajustadas . I share this cd and we happened to observe some videito magic hands of the true guitar heroes.

"Guitar Hero":

Anarchy Club - Behind the Mask
Artillery - The Breaking Wheel
Audioslave - Cochise
Bad Religion - Infected
Black Label Society - Fire It Up
Black Sabbath - Iron Man

Blue Öyster Cult - Godzilla
Boston - More Than A Feeling
Burning Brides - Heart Full Of Black
Count Zero - Sail Your Ship By
Cream - Crossroads

David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust

Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water

Din - Fly on the Wall
Drist - Decontrol
Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein
Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
Freezepop - Get Ready 2 Rokk
Graveyard BBQ - Cheat on the Church
Helmet - Unsung
Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives - Hey
Incubus - Stellar
Jimi Hendrix - English Castle Magic

Joan Jett - I Love Rock And Roll
Judas Priest - You've Got Another Thing Comin'
Made In Mexico - Farewell Myth
Monkey Steals the Peach - Guitar Hero
Motörhead - Ace of Spades

Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
Queen - Killer Queen

Queens of the Stoneage - No One Knows
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Higher Ground

Shaimus - All of This
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood
Sum 41 - Fat Lip
The Acro-Brats - Callout
The Bags - Caveman Rejoice
The Donnas - Take It Off

The Exies - Hey You
The Model Sons - Story of My Love
The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated
The Slip - Even Rats
The Upper Crust - Eureka I've Found Love
White Zombie - '65
ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man

Ideal to pop while we're at home without the possibility of mobilizing the supuestagripe swine devastating killer, innovative, never seen and adjectives demases catastrophic. Cof.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Paging A Benjamin Franklin(robert R Updegraff)

A quarter eternal. low libido for hobbies, all set in the studio Do you understand why this blog is soooo abandoned? I thought so.

It's time to bring something new to the history of 7art , so with that reason I come to share some things I hear during the quarter and deserve to be heard by more people. I'll cut it short, because one thing is to re-write, and quite another to have much to say , no?

For starters, the other day I fell into a com others and borrow some movies and cd's. Among them was this charming man : Morrissey . I am a regular listener of Smiths , and after "Moz" (we will say to those who do not know, that would be the nickname Morrissey). I love the voice you have, how interprets issues and charisma , because the guy is one of the most ardous frontman left .... when you close your eyes and raises his hand doing falsetto pee me up, hahaha ...
The disc I got is a great success that took off last year, anticipating his new album (what some call "marketing strategies" ). So for those who do not know, but they are missing the Smiths, which are essential - have a good excuse to start listening. Brief overview of his music: it started in punk , went to a rock indie to fall back into the pop-rock now, that is spectacular .... do not go thinking it's a Robbie Williams, because he err ugly. Morrissey is worship, and Leo Garcia sang it when asked "know your girlfriend to hear Morrissey?" . And when I say "pop rock" is not a label easy because Moz rock and pop mixed in equal doses , so you never cloying ...

The song opens the album is "First of the Gang to die" and if that song will not die , despite the redundancy, then neither keep listening: te-ma-zo . "In the Future When All's well", another song to sing on the street "thaaannkk yoouuuu iiii ii thaank youu myy with aaall of heaaart" . After "You Have Killed Me" was the theme with which I met the soloist. "That's how people grow up" is a beautiful song , look, everywhere you look. There is a song I guess it's cover of Patti Smith , unless she has made it as cover, which is "Redondo Beach" excellent . Well, they're all cute, I love Moz, so you continue to make the selection. The link is provided for this interesting blog: El casillero marxito .

"Greatest hits" (2008):

01 First Of The Gang To Die (You Are The Quarry - 2004)
02 In The Future When All's Well (Ringleader Of The Tormentors - 2006)
03 I Just Want To See The Boy Happy (Ringleader Of The Tormentors - 2006)
04 Irish Blood, English Heart (You Are The Quarry - 2004)
05 You Have Killed Me (Ringleader Of The Tormentors - 2006)
06 That's How People Grow Up (previously unreleased)
07 Everyday Is Like Sunday (Viva Hate - 1988)
08 Redondo Beach (Live At Earls Court - 2005) 09
Suedehead (Viva Hate - 1988)
10 The Youngest Was The Most Loved (Ringleader Of The Tormentors - 2006)
11 The Last Of The Famous International Playboys ( Bona Drag - 1990)
12 The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get (Vauxhall And I - 1994)
13 All You Need Is Me (previously unreleased - 2008)
14 Let Me Kiss You (You Are The Quarry - 2004 )
15 I Have Forgiven Jesus (You Are The Quarry - 2004) I leave a videíto

to observe the quality of Moz ... better leave 2, because I can not decide, these songs are very nice.

"The last of the famous international playboys

"First of the Gang to Die"

post Second Gentleman. He is the son of one of the pop icons of the twentieth century, and took him out? It's easy, but I give you another hint: his mother is also famous almost "negatively" say. Well, the slow not realize I'm talking about the son of John Lennon , Sean Lennon.
I will tell the truth, I got a chance him, but read below. The other day I came home, I get off the bus and came to register lying on the floor a plastic that once struck me , and I turn on my two steps and watch freshly "the plastic" : a Sony 4GB pendrive , yeahh! I plug in the computer and, fortunately, was charged music. There was a folder of Beatles songs appeared loose where Sean and I copied. A few days I listen to the mp3 and it was a boom, bang on the head .... what a nice voice this man and what soft the music he makes. So I thought able to listen and tell me as you.

songs? beautiful, guitar, piano, a battery tranqui, as Ringo. I fell in love "On again, off again". "Parachutes" and "Friendly fire" are half blues song, but Lennon's voice can turn sadness into sentimentality. The friendly blog: I want downloads.

"Friendly Fire" (2006):


1. Dead meat
2. Wait for me
Parachute 4. Friendly fire
Spectacle 6. Tomorrow
7. On again, off again
8. Headlights
9. Would i be the one
10. Falling out of love

a video, to see not only the Sean like the father, but how you play the guitar ..... is not only "the son of ..." . Guarda.

"On again, off again"

This was it. Peace.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Skate Parck Game Teck Deck

She and he, almost famous striped

Today I want to make the reverse journey that usually do on the blog. Usually I go to cd the movie as a decanter. I'll start with the band and film I'll just name.

Banda: She & Him . Formed by American actress Zooey Deschanel and musician M. Ward must be one of the bands revelation 2008. The music they make is a pop with many reminiscences of sixty and sixty , making it less cloying than the typical pop-nineties. Like, are changing. Do some ballads that balance between pop, folk, blues and jazz, very interesting. Other songs, more rhythmic, well used guitar.
The instruments are well chosen : guitar, banjo, organ, piano, mandolin. A Zooey accompanying two women in the chorus, to achieve that effect groovy sixties. I will say that Deschanel's voice is not "ooh" opera personified, but all the cd and banking you really like the style they chose.

The first record of them is called "Volume 1" and left last year. The type of music and they are described, there are songs soft as "Change is hard" and "Take it back." Then there is the classic style revived by Amy Winehouse , in songs like "I was made for you." some blues & country in "Black Hole" and "Got me." The worlds of federal , which brings us this cd, thanks!

"Volume 1" (2008):

01-Sentimental Heart 02-Why do you let me stay here?
03-This is not a test
04-Change is hard
05-I Thought I saw your face today
06-Take it back
07-I Was Made For You
08-You really gotta hold on me
09 - Black hole Got me

10-11-I Should Have Known Better
12-Sweet darlin '13-Untlited

"Change is hard"

To hacérselas short hear it reminded me a lot to the film that acts Zooey coincidentally, that is "Almost famous" . The music could have gone quietly there. We will pass to the movie. Well cortita will be the review.

basically tells the story in the seventies up a rock band (Stillwater ) and a young reporter who enlisted in his travels to learn more about them. Thus we see the concerts, their aspirations, parties, groupies, histeriqueos with the "fame" (which never arrived) and demases from a rubber that never got anything. Zooey Deschanel makes Anita Miller , The sister of main character, William Miller is (Patrick Fugit ).
To me what I liked about the movie is the story of the characters beyond of fame or rock. Because yes, the kids of the band were just assholes hahaha ... (especially the character that makes Jason Lee). The scenery, the atmosphere they create for the movie is beautiful. The image ... really happen ... At a time out Frances McDormand walking down San Diego, and everything is so frozen in time scary ... The music is tremendous too. And, I will tell the truth, that cholula thing, the excitement of following your idols is another thing that grabbed me ... (smiley that blushes : $ ). The actors? Kate Hudson, Jason Lee, Anna Pakin, Frances McDormand, Zooey ...
Well, you see it and tell me what wave. I already saw it and for me is a 3 Clare.
