Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Can I Get A Yeast Infection After Brazilian Wax


The other day I was rebuked amicably for the reasons that motivated the absence of recent publications on my blog. So, why do I have so abandoned . Then brandishing my "philosophy bloogger" (a term that was won by Diego, the Inquisitor), which preaches that do not write if you have something to say . I do not know if there was the night, the start of school or what, but today morning I got up saying, "I have to write this song" .

From the last final that gave up, I had a theme in mind: the repetition by impossibility of forgetting. And yesterday was in the shower and said "is a film that portrays him well" , so today's topic will develop around "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" Michel Gondry of & Charlie Kaufman. This movie is from 2004 and starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet . He received an Oscar for best original screenplay and Winslet was nominated for best leading actress , but finally took the statuette Hillary Swank for her brilliant role Maggie Fitzgerald in "Million Dollar Baby" .

Personally, I consider it a special film , with great impact among young audiences. The recommended very often when I saw it, but I did not realize that not everyone would like, and the following is the most common argument: I got lost and re apart is fantastic (read "impossible" ). The person who knows something of what makes Gondry, is going to enjoy, but those who consume only movies "pochocleras" going to feel a profound rejection ... except that the mere presence of Carrey to seduce " We go to the movie?

The film tells the love story of Joel Barish (Carrey) and Clementine Kruczynski (Winslet), plagued torments, passions, misunderstandings and love. The whole relationship is a balancing in a fine thread, as being two very different together, reach a point where costs are fairly common. One day, finally scramble. Joel can not resist the separation and re-see, but it does not register directly . Thus, Barish plunges into a deep melancholy , until she discovers that Clementine had erased from his memory . In response to this harsh insult, Joel decides to do the same, and to this end is directed the clinic of Dr. Howard Mierzwiak (Tom Wilkinson ) "Lacuna Inc. . There engaging their services and are available for that same night he erased all memories relating to Clementine Kruczynski.
At night, come the operators of the doctor (Mark Ruffalo and Elijah Wood) and start to remove traces of the former de Barish (while he was sleeping peacefully). But it appears the resistance : not to forget. In dreams begins relive their love story and manages to balance everything that happened in the relationship. He suddenly realizes he does not want to forget , she made him the man is . But the procedure is already started and can not be stopped. So start searching your memory a nook where you can not forget anything, where the device is not acequible arrive. So many memories is walking he thought he had forgotten, but still there: his childhood, adolescence, moments of his life with Clementine ... and it will still fall for it again, this time taking into account the defects too. Finally, find a solution and that is how the movie starts.

Meanwhile, we have another parallel story . Patrick (Wood), after having erased the memory of Joel Clementine begins a relationship with her . But the relationship does not run, and Clementine feels increasingly uncomfortable and do not know why (we do: Patrick "steals" all the tricks Joel used to conquer and applied it again.) In turn, the secretary of Dr. Mierzwiak, Mary Svevo (Kirsten Dunst ) comes out with the other assistant, Stan (Ruffalo), but feels a strong attraction to the doctor. All this begins to shake the same day that I erased the memories Barish (in your department). This way, Mary ends up declaring her love for Howard and discover the truth had been in love before him, why do not you remember? Exactly. Then go to the office angry and retrieves all records of the apportionment pacientesy starts at home.

Then the movie starts giving a sense of what happens in the process of erasing and tying the rope ends was letting loose over Gondry film. Also, as good French, closes a door and two windows open , just in case haha. There is a property of Michel G. which is the circularity their stories, and the end of "Eternal Sunshine ..." track to continue along a spiral . I propose to discover how the story ends two forgetful to revive their love in repetition.

Let's see, I'll put the following sentence and see how it applies: "recalls (repeat) what could never forget" . Sigmund Freud said (and here I get academic for two seconds) while repressed memories, will never forget, because there is a return of the repressed , and that return can be seen in a compulsion repetitive. Joel and Clementine are able recreate his old love story, it never were able to forget each other, even with an override machine memory. But careful, repeated ... I do not want to give many details of the movie, so they can capture the magic for yourself, but at the beginning of the film, when "just known" , Joel is starting to notice things that bother you Clementine, and she is labeled as a "boring" , while the coexistence not long in coming. We do not know if it comes to fruition this reunion, because the movie is over, but at least we are certain that this love withstood the test of oblivion.

also wanted to title that this film was released in Spain: "Forget about me!" As if it were an order , no? And since we are on the title, I comment that came out of the stanza of a poem by Alexander Pope (which, in fact, it reads in the film):

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot !
The world Forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each
pray'r accepted, and Each wish resign'd.

.... that would mean ...

How happy is the fate of the spotless!
Forget the world, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each prayer accepted, each wish resigned.

The movie is a 4 Clare and I think a little more also given. Carrey: excellent How can a person super expressive, can stop making faces for 2-hour movie? I do not know Gondry merit. Well, Kate Winslet is a great actress , so I'm not surprised. I also love the work of Kirsten Dunst, who usually does not disappoint .


Another gift, the band sound . Coming from Gondry, I close my eyes and defense. If you saw the movie, you know what quality have this cd.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind OST" (2004):

Download Pass:

1. Theme - Jon Brion
2. Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra
3. Collecting Things - Jon Brion
4. Light & Day - The Polyphonic Spree
5. Bookstore - Jon Brion
6. It's the Sun - The Polyphonic Spree
7. Wada Na Tod - Lata Mangeshkar
8. Showtime - Jon Brion
9. Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometimes - Beck
10. Sidewalk Flight - Jon Brion
11. Some Kinda Shuffle - Don Nelson
12. Howard Makes It All Go Away - Jon Brion
13. Something - The Willowz
14. Postcard - Jon Brion
15. I Wonder - The Willowz
16. Peer Pressure - Jon Brion
17. Dream Upon Waking - Jon Brion
18. Strings That Tie to You - Jon Brion
19. Phone Call - Jon Brion
20. Nola's Bounce - Don Nelson
21. Down the Drain - Jon Brion
22. Row - Jon Brion
23. Drive In - Jon Brion
24. Main Title - Jon Brion
25. Spotless Mind - Jon Brion
26. Elephant Parade - Jon Brion

Well, until the next repetition!

PD: Dato more interesting for fans of the idol Icelandic Björk : the role of Clementine Kruczynski was conceived and written for her excusably, who first offered him the role. But she, from the bad experience you meant "Dancer in the Dark" , rejected him: he was afraid to return to fall into the pit depressive which plunged after Lars Von Trier ...
Now, I must say that Björk Winslet is a gap away ... Still, it went very well the role of Britain.


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