take today saw the chapter No. 9 program José Pablo Feinmann Philosophy here and now ". A very interesting program where the Argentine philosopher explains, for all, the main contributions in regard to the philosophy , making a historic trip for each of the major authors.
The key is the "how" all that is transmitted Info and knowledge. Feinmann has been professor at the University of Buenos Aires for a long time, so it is very clear how to make the audience understand what philosophers meant in his writings. Besides, Feinmann brings passion and art "performance" when sharing texts with the public: a master class mediated by a camera.
would be easy to continue to praise this character, because when someone admires "compliments" flow. Therefore, we give the opportunity to judge for yourself the program. If it were, are the comments. If you have not seen them, left the links to download the full seasons.
(thank the Portal user who uploaded this: Drulipop)
1 - Why is there something rather than nothing?: http://www.filefactory.com/file/98a366/
2 - Remove the philosophy to the streets: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a29e49/
3 - Columbus discovers America, Descartes, subjectivity: http://www. filefactory.com/file/7bbf75 /
4 - The philosophy off the head of Louis XVI: http://depositfiles.com/files/6514408
5 - Kant, experience and expertise may be impossible: http://depositfiles.com/ files/6532337
6 - Hegel, the absolute subject and the consolidation of the European bourgeoisie: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=vv64mkg9q0f
7 - Hegel, dialectic master and slave: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=vqqb414p9wf
8 - Philosophy and praxis: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php ? d = mvgpzvqovlf
9 - The runaway modernity:
http://depositfiles.com/files/6397920 10 - Capital: http://depositfiles.com/files/6563024
11 - Nietzsche, life and will to power: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=mfqdztgq19c
12 - Nietzsche: "God is dead": http://www. gigasize.com / get.php? d = tzgf460hdhf
13 - Referral of Nietzsche: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=2b6qv80slxd
Chapter 1 Monday 06/04: Heidegger, Being and Time "
Chapter 2 Monday 13/04: Dasein and its possible
Chapter 3 Monday 20/04: Auschwitz and Philosophy
http:/ / www.megaupload.com/?d=F7GIEDDI
Chapter 4 Monday 27/04: Being-towards-death
Chapter 5 Monday 04/05: Heidegger and Nazism
Chapter 6 Monday 11/05: Sartre, man and things
Chapter 7 Monday 18/05: Sartre: Being in-itself and being for-itself
http://www.megaupload. com /? d = 5BTWR7WB
Monday 25/05 Chapter 8: Freedom as the basis of being
Chapter 9 Monday 01 / 06: The Latin American philosophy
Chapter 10 Monday 08/06: Alberdi: The preliminary fragment
http://www.megaupload.com/?d = 7IB47YC3
Monday 15/06 Chapter 11: Foucault
Monday 22/06 Chapter 12: Foucault (II)
Chapter 13 Monday 29/06: The postmodern
a video as proof of the program (extract "Taking philosophy to the streets" ):
philosophy Enjoy!
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