Thursday, February 11, 2010

Outline Of History Of Basketball

tell stories that are not

Several years ago I recommended a movie, which left waiting, like most of my recommendations, until such time that you feel like make it useful. Yesterday, after the disappointment that I took with "Planet Terror" (I will not comment on this film here, because they do not have much to say but critical ... and does not seem right with Robert Rodriguez's Sin City) I grabbed another film that was illegally obtained (copy to my flash drive from a computer): "Big Fish" , directed by the talented Tim Burton .

The film is from 2003 and boasts an impressive list of famous actors and actresses . say who the players are going to be difficult, because the story is anachronistic , constantly travel the past and present of several characters from the Bloom family. At one point, players could point to as the three members of the Bloom family:
Edward Bloom, a young man is played by Ewan McGreggor ; old, by Albert Finney .
Sandra Bloom (formerly "Templeton"): Alison Lohman begins, then take the post Jessica Lange, achieving a striking resemblance ... William Bloom
: there is a kid who plays him, but most of the time is played that role by Michael Crudup .
Then there's the great Steve Buscemi , the favorite actress of Burton, his wife Helena Bonham-Carter , the French Marion Cotillard , Danny De Vito ... up pops a young star of Disney: Miley Cyrus . A movie!

Telling the story so could be an easy story, which probably will not be easy either believe that some of what I tell them is true . Okay, it's a movie, but this is exactly what happens to Will Bloom. This boy, now an adult to be a father, a grown up with fantastic stories his father had for him. But so is what I heard, that disbelief had cracked all those stories and started asking "true version of events" . And this leads them to request face because Edward Bloom did not know another version: that counted was what had happened.
So, Will you move to France and three years pass without speaking with the father. Back when he learns that Edward had decided to discontinue the chemotherapy treatment he was doing. Now, in the last moments of life, was the time to see how much of what he had told all his life was real ...

This will be the argument the film, a fantastic journey the adventures narrated by the father in his life. I begin to explain each story would be terribly boring and nonsense , so I leave it for the moment they see the film: will help a lot of pictures that you have planned to surprise Burton. But I have to say two things. One, that as Edward revisits his anecdotes with his daughter, which absorbed listener, the spectator himself gets into the story so that you can reach the same share Bloom feeling son "Does this really happened to Edward Bloom in Ashton?" . Two, why that title? The title follows directly from one of the stories and gives a tacit driving the film, because no name constantly, but every now and then recalls that the big fish was a obsession for Edward.
I clarified that I'm going to say very simply what it is that the "big fish", but that, in simple is my error . If anything is clear after watching the film is that stories can be beautiful, fantastic, boring, depressing .... everything is about who has . So, my error will be to simplify something that Edward Bloom made a lifestyle: imagine.
Anyway, the story is something. Edward had heard that the river was hidden a big fish, big, which he said, had several likely sources. resisted being hunted , and was famous myth that there was no line that has not been destroyed by this great fish. Bloom had tried, and it was like their antesesores. Until I remembered something: the myth saying that great fish was the reincarnation of a pirate , so thought "what is can offer to attract a pirate? ". And hung his gold wedding on line thicker than I had. Before the golden touch the water, the animal jumped up and took him into the air, then lost in the depths. For all this, Edward was stunned, because the fish was actually now ... but did not have his wedding ring ... So it was returned several times to the river hoping to find the fish to return his ring. And one day, the day his son was born - without having waited, caught the fish with his fishing rod ... He plunged into the river, took it with both arms and demanded "devolveme the ring!" . And the fish spit in his hand , then leave in a hurry.
This story was the star of his stories, but in turn was a core obsession I had, connected with two mysteries: a beautiful woman and death.

And this is the life of Bloom, packed with quirky characters as a witch who predicts the death with a glass eye, two Korean twins, or a BFG or a circus owner becomes wolf full moon ... and the inhabitants of a village "fantasmasía" (mixes the fantasy with what is a ghost town ... "Spectrum" ... I invented the word, haha, apologize for) ... Because, after all is a stories, and are accountable for have decided what : choose this to be one way and not another. And this is what happened to Edward Bloom chose to tell these stories that are not only part of his life, but they do it as a subject. By the end of the film, William Bloom comes to accept that, beyond what our stories are real, one remains alive in them ... and that can transcend generations is a sign that time does not matter: are immortal .

Well, the movie is a 3 and 1 / 2 Clare . It has the magic of stories and Burton's hand, but even so ... I do not know how to explain ... But everything is so great that the human element enters the plane. And if perhaps they were set a little more, the movie ended up being a gem. The actors? McGreggor I never liked, and this is no exception: it is too, but demasiaaaado laughing ... I would say bordering on the manic defense . Now, I in-can-ta-ron Jessica Lange and Albert Finney. Not to mention Helena Bonham Carter and Steve Buscemi, always make your scene, "the scene" .
Burton could have put a little more of their record, but I just dyed some of the costumes and scenery ... the rest does not seem authorship. Also, I think it was a success the film is directed by Steven Spielberg and not, as had been thought originally.

Well, a trailer:

Until next time!

PS: As I said, the resemblance is amazing who achieved between youth Sandra Templeton (Alison Lohman) and in adulthood (Jessica Lange):


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