Just finished watching "The Wall" , the film Pink Floyd was symbol of rock in the eighties. Well, there must be a fortune teller to know that today's topic is this film, so here I go.
Then I have to add that the full responsibility (at least so it appears in titles) is Mr. Roger Waters . After the title that I mentioned, his name is red, like: "by Roger Waters" . The others? no idea ... See if you follow me, do not perceive certain narcissism ? From the name of the movie, until the protagonist and credit ... Thus, superficially, has the whiff. Still, the film lasts 1:30 so many of my ideas and then be canceled .
is difficult to tell a story of the film, because it is a lively narrative , virtually devoid of dialogue , accompanied by song lyrics of Pink Floyd who travel from one end to the film. Also, I'll make the attempt to tell what it is.
A first impression one might think it's a film about war . We could also say
all starts with a maid cleaning the parts. When you reach the last room floor knocks on the door and nobody answered. Adentro see Pink Floyd, a subject of long twenties sitting on a couch watching an automaton television. They are images of war are interspersed with what appear to be memories ... or at least memories of stories. Here appears what could be a risky partnership : at the same time as show fragments of the Second World War , will wick parts of a youth run ends in police repression , then what appears to be a dogmatic worship Nazi-style (to keep the prototypes, such as a logo, a uniform and insignia gesture). At first I thought politically incorrect (and I liked it, heh), but later had the opportunity to think about this partnership as a mix of moments Floyd. Well, you have your interpretation too.
-cares for, protects, source of truth. -Source of fear, persecution and obstacles.
And here are other indices of "the wall" ( the excellent song "Mother" ):
"Of course mama'll help to build the wall" (Of course, Mom will help build the wall)
Pink responds to what frightened ... "Mother, did it Need to Be So High?" (Mother, it was necessary to be so high?).
Then there is the issue of his relationship with women . A voyeuristic beginning, which then becomes a list accepted by the mother .... but that is forgotten in everyday life (in fact, she says wryly one day "you remember me? Women Registry ? ). This woman misleading term, in one of his trips to U.S. Pink tries erratically resume any contact with women, but ends in the same routine of madness (see rapt television), until it emerges and breaks the whole piece hotel. Looking for love, but it suffers ... suffers previous deception, which can not forget.
school also appears in this tour of the characters "disastrous" in its history. At
Each of these issues attracted me at one point and could make a post for everyone, but it would be too for a film that does not motivate me much more than that they are reading today. As is easy to beat around the bush with this type of plots, I will steer directly toward the meaning of "the wall" . From my reading, the wall is the own world that was put together Pink Floyd: self-restraint, the walls of his own thinking. It would seem that is a concentric wall where he meets himself . I read your wall outlet as madness, the beloved dictator who appears in his delirium.
"Are There Any queers in the theater tonight? (There are some queer in the theater tonight?) Get Them Up Against The Wall! (Put them against the wall!) There's one in the spotlight, I do not look right to me, (no one under the light, not at me) Get him up Against the wall! "(Take him against the wall!)
At the end of the song" Stop "ends up asking (is) " Have I been guilty all this time? ".
Well, maybe the words abound, but no images without dialogue, has much to explain.
is a movie interesting, I thought it was excellent, and has a sound track / script it's great. The film is an invitation to reflection and philosophy and that maybe is not so much by what can be perceived at the time, but after we have left. The graphics are awesome, very well made. Achieve the metamorphosis proposed by the film. I give a 3 and 1 / 2 Clare .
"Comfortably Numb"
Until next time.
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