Suddenly he let go the string and watched four movies in three days. True, much as I did sit to see one, so I felt no embarrassment. In these few days I caught "Big Fish", "The Lives of Others", "Planet Terror" and the star of today's post "Jackie Brown" . This film was directed by one of my favorites, Mr. Quentin Tarantino in 1997. starred Pam Grier , Samuel L. Jackson , Robert De Niro and Robert Foster, among others.
I'll tell you a little history, to see if I caught and hand to her, heh. The story is set in the nineties and basically unfolds in three characters , giving each its optical the facts (we are aided by the chambers of Tarantino, who repeat the plot depending on your character). The first is the arms dealer , Ordell Robbie (Jackson). The second is the famous Jackie Brown (Grier), a an airline stewardess fourth in charge of drug trafficking and money for his "boss" Ordell. The third character enters the story as such a moment after all unfolds: the bondsman, Max Cherry (Foster). Robbie
as a good trader, is surrounded of thugs that give the security required
Thanks to what I think, is strength of this woman in her forties, helpless and almost unemployed, was saved from Ordell subjecting herself with a stolen weapon. Manage to establish a parallel treatment officer: she confessed all, going to prison a year, but Ordell Robbie was paid $ 100,000 for that service ... not bad, right? Robin agrees and begins to assemble the plan.
Well, almost the entire film (which lasts about two hours) is about showing the deployment of these three parallel poyecto will not meet until near the end of the film. why we were so expectant , because not only want to know what all is true, but because Quentin hardly hints about what will happen ... In other words, you do not know which of the three plans which handles well, or translated another way: who is deceiving Jackie Brown. Play with the lack of the characters and the viewers themselves. You have to get literally the last scene so that everything is triggered.
Because that is what the film, the suspense and expectations, I'll close here. Les
Well, what about Quentin ... Me I find it difficult to speak with greater objectivity of Quentin Tarantino, because I am a declared fan of its aesthetics, so it is difficult to convey an image they finished it, including their mistakes. Would have to start with what defines their stories: "you do not know what the bad guy, because they are all shady characters." Here Quentin applied again to the class B film, black film ... that powerfully attracts him "underworld" (and I say so because it is very clear discrimination in the U.S. who had to create a genre they belong to African Americans ...) and played music in the key funk & soul. But if there is to be specific, the cult that pays for this film is the blaxplotation film, a subgenre of the seventies which depicted the world of drugs, crime and prostitution in the black community, featuring 100 films % by blacks. Here I is the soundtrack to hear what it is.
"Jackie Brown" (1997):
01. Across 110th Street (Bobby Womack
03:4 02. Beaumont `s Lament (00:50) (Samuel L. Jackson - Robert DeNiro)
03. Strawberry Letter 23 (04:5 Brothers Johnson
04. Melanie, Simone and Sheronda (00:32) (Samuel L. Jackson - Robert DeNiro)
05. Who Is He (Anda What Is He To You?) (03:12) Bill Withers
06. Tenessee Stud (02:54) Johnny Cash
07. Natural High (04:54) Bloodstone
08. Long Time Woman (02:52) Pam Grier
09. Detroit 9000 (00:07) (dialogue Council Cargle)
10. (Holy Matrimony) Letter To The Firm (03:26) Foxy Brown
11. Street Life (04:1 Randy Crawford
12. Didn´t I Blow Your Mind This Time (03:21) The Delfonics
13. Midnight Confessions (02:43) The Grass Roots
14. Inside My Love (03:56) Minnie Riperton
15. Just Ask Melanie (00:43) (Samuel L. Jackson - Robert DeNiro - Bridget Fonda)
16. The Lions And The Cucumber (5:07) The Vampire Sound
17. Monte Carlo Nights (03:25) Elliot Easton `s Tiki Gods
A trailer:
Well, I hope they have attracted this review and come to see the hidden works of Quentin, I can assure you will like.
PS: In fact, when I saw thought "this looks like Nine Queens ... a moment! Nine Queens came later! ...." .... Mhm