Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Berger Paints Colour Princes

WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN .... And it was!

It was 10.30 am, I parked my car beside a road on my right and my left one that was closed churreria ... glad to have found parking place near from the shops of my town ...

bought in the carnage, let I save the packages to avoid the heat and I was happy with the hairdresser.

It was about 12.30 when I picked up my purchase. Activity in the car and I see that in place of a road had a sign that seemed to no parking but covered with a plastic case ... I did not put my car in gear.

When I had a moment in the windscreen driving a piece of paper that fluttered happily .... I look a little more, with caution and not drive if you read ... and I note with horror that is a fine.

I turn around and watch the damn piece of paper to certify that it is indeed a fine. C ... loose angry, I read the piece of paper that blew up and see that the fine places that have put at 11.18 h just an hour after I had parked my car. It should be cheeky
me I said to myself ... .. They have placed the sign after I had parked my car.

Angry, very angry, because they do not get anything, if you pay 40 euros before I do not know how many days and 80 euros if you claim on the days indicated.
I address the council, do something grand, I say go to another office new front and explained that my complaint there .... adding further that he had witnessed the parking time and dismissal time ... I see

treat me very well and called on the phone to the officer who has put the fine there is only one, called pacu, and this in schools care that nothing happens when children are collected at the exit. It also adds an official of the office that the signal was on the sidewalk and that perhaps had not seen. I strongly rejected this possibility on the sidewalk there was nothing ....

I turn again to where I parked, and observed that if the no parking sign on the sidewalk and dated Sunday more enriching and is behind the closed box of the churreria, which was impossible for me to see ....

I see before me quickly crosses the municipal car .... I run and I spit ... Bon dia ets Pacu? Good morning you Pacu ... Ms. soc. D'aparcament fine (I'm Mrs. From the parking fine. ... And tell me immediately ... No pateixi sra. The fine has quedate lada annulment (not suffering Mrs. That's fine been canceled) ....

breathe deeply and see that complaints sometimes take effect. ... But there's always a but, the cancellation has been possible because we are a people and the fines are not made with PDA ... if it had been in Barcelona or elsewhere Capital, passed directly over the Internet to the center of fines and then to seize our accounts as soon as possible ... and then claims. And finally I'm calm because the car is mine but the name of my daughter who lives in Madrid, is home of some friends and it is impossible to locate by the normal computer system, as not registered yet .... So, although I could not put ambargarme the lack of data ...

jajajajjaja Mamapi said!

Spray Paint Stain Finished Wood

propagate a virus with a fake video of Bin Laden

Thursday May 5, 2011 EST
BOSTON (Reuters) - Hackers are exploiting the fascination with the death of Osama bin Laden to spread malware through scams that promise access to videos the time of his death.
One campaign is targeted at users of Facebook, who received emails purportedly from friends urging them to copy and paste a series of allegedly malicious text would give them access to a video about the death of Bin Laden

When users follow the instructions in the email, end up giving full access to their accounts from hackers, said Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer for antivirus maker F-Secure.

hackers then use this access to spread viruses and junk e-mails sent to the user's friends said. Another

campaign that exploits the death of the leader of Al Qaeda uses regular emails full of links to infected sites that lead to malicious software downloads on the computer, Hypponen said.

Hackers plan such attacks - techniques known as 'phishing' - to take advantage of a wide range of news. Similar campaigns were launched related to the royal wedding, the tsunami in Japan and the World Cup soccer finals.

The 'phishing' scams is for trying to get personal information such as passwords and credit card numbers, by deception through e-mail or instant messaging services.

"They always have something ready to send in case", said Jeff Moss, head of security of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN, for its acronym in English). "Whenever there is an earthquake, tsunami, famine or something," he added.

few hours after the earthquake in Japan, hackers have begun to fill technical Internet 'phishing' taking advantage of the tsunami, said Moss.

viruses that are downloaded are often programmed to steal personal information, said the FBI to consumers.
Hypponen said he expected to scams on Bin Laden continue for months.
"We know there is a video" he said. "We know it will not be disclosed, which means that people will be curious for a long time," he added

Yellow & Terracottabedrooms

All together not to think

story If you laugh, I know. Touches my knee, below there, there, mmmmm.
you stand still, staring into mine. Sobo you with the sense of hearing, sound caress each spit carefully. You think every word as if it is outside your luck. Your strength is nonexistent. Sell \u200b\u200bair. I will buy them all. I choke and breathe through a straw directly to my navel. I think the last conversation was in Chinese. I practiced Korean, is so sexy. Overall, we were not going to understand. I rose and left socks a little glimpse of my desire to Busting. You kept your harassment and demolition. One step Pa'lante and two go back. Yes, no, between bite and lick. Suddenly I saw everything clear. Needed to get away from you, from there, me in you, you and I was too much for me. But you did not expect that check to your ego. Things could not end well. Are things? "Thing, animal or person? I thought and you ... more. Want some tea? You know I like to see as you move the spoon around in circles. Vale. Okay? "I had said it? I trembled at every step ideas with you. Are you okay? Better go home and had tea there. Vale. And go with the voucher. Who the fuck is answering for me? Busting My bitches want to talk without permission and I ...
many demons came out of your mouth that was unable to recall the color of the sky. Why do you embrace? Why?
When finally you rip me, I realized the twisted game where I had been led astray. There was no turning back. More sequels.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

22 Weeks Pain In Back And Side


> People who still works often ask me what I do every day ,
now that I'm retired ...
> Well, for example, the other day I went downtown and went into a
tends to> pick one thing, not by the management or five minutes.
> When I left, a policeman was filling out a complaint by
> parking prohibited.
> I quickly approached him and said,
> - Come on, I have not taken even five minutes ...! Would you
> well
> if you make a small gesture to retirees ...
> completely ignored me and continued filling in the complaint.
> The truth is that I spent a bit and said he had no shame.
> I
> looked coldly and began to fill in another complaint, alleging that also
> tires the car was in bad shape.
> Then I raised my voice to say I had realized that
> was
> dealing with the king of the silly ass, that how he had left
> enter the Police Academy ....
> He ended the second complaint, placed below the
> wipers,
> and started a third.
> I dewatering and I spent over 20 minutes calling around.
> He
> to every insult responded with a new complaint.
> Luck who had come by bus and the car was not mine!
> Since my retirement, testing each day I have a little fun. It
> important at my age.

mamapidice: I have sent this ... please see it, I think you will like. teaches that there are many beautiful things in life, apart from the phone!