Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Weigh Heavier After Pooping


This year marked the 12 th International Festival of Independent Cinema of Buenos Aires. I took the time to read every billboard, and demases cycles and ended up buying 3 innings. Now, a review of my cut festival through these three films.

Day 1: Saturday 10/04.
Destination: Hoyts Abasto. Transportation
: 60
Soundtrack: The bus driver heard for almost two hours a compilation of cumbias Paraguayan that left me on edge ... In return, violinists on the subway and River bar way Tucumán. Movie
: "The counting of damages" of Ines de Oliveira Cezar , Argentina 2009.

synopsis said something like "the tragedy Oedipus returns to find a son returning to the family without knowing that it is .. the consequences of appropriate children's dictatorship ..." . I must say that attracted me and so I decided to see it compared to other films that vied for their input.
The argument revolved around a young man from France (Argentina mother, French father) coming into the country to work for a short period in a small business, maintained by a family. Along the way, has a car accident that compels him to stop and get off to seek help ... Now, this good man to turn the lights off the car, but not moved from the path, leave it exactly where the car stopped ... For this reason, a car traveling at night you can not see and crashes, dying its driver instantly.
When he joined the company to a holding report, is one of the owners. Although much older than he begin to hang out and engage in a relationship with the seal of the forbidden (she had enviudecido days ago).
background, the issue of identity : some know, others not ... and in the middle of the Oedipus.
The story ends as abruptly as it starts and we come up titles.

How I qualified? : Regular . Knowing what the topic, I do not mind so much the what but how, because the topic is interesting, broad and facilities at the time of "impact effect" . Is that why I was disappointed the film: not succeeded in conveying the intensity of emotions and stayed in the slow exposure of static images.
From my point of view, was not successful the storytelling. All too cliché, very conceptual style now ... And one can say "but how cliché can become something so abhorrent as the Oedipus?" . No looking in the plot, I say again, but the peronajes , the constitution of scenarios, the dialogues, the music ... Let's see if I'm clear: girls retro in a cool, dark, sophisticated classical music and men coming out of Soho London and saw several well ... And it added that at times the plot seemed forced her ; development times were accelerated and ended up being an information overload that neither the characters could assimilate.

positive side: Regenerate Greek tragedy of Sophocles and do well : follow the step by step and not lost. Besides, they do so based on a very cool theme still in Argentina, as is the appropriation of children in the last military dictatorship. The interplay goes well, Oliveira Cezar is not lost when crossing stories, the problem is that at times seems I did not know how to do it and ended closing force.

Day 2: Sunday 11/04.
Destination: Hoyts Abasto. Transportation
: 60
Movie: "Cold Sea" of Paz Fabrega, Costa Rica / France 2009.

Another movie that attracted me from the abstract (what is not?): "A girl and a woman share the same indifference from their surroundings in a resort where he is the company that abounds" . Something like that is not literal words. Now I tell them clearly what question.

The film tells the somewhat story of two women: a girl of 7 years (Karina) and a girl of 21 (Mariana - Lil Quesada Murúa ) to get married. One day, their lives intersect , when Mariana is sleeping through the grasslands to Karina. The short conversation with him Mariana generates suspicion that the baby is sexually abused by a relative. Faced with this situation, seeking to protect and immediately think with her boyfriend how to make reporting abuse. They spend the night sleeping in the car and when you wake up the next day, she was gone.
Since that time, the floods a Mariana deep anguish and starts putting "regressive" . Between somatization and melancholy , Mariana spends his summer days, locked in a hotel without tourists, away from the beach with a boyfriend who was going to work all day.
Meanwhile, Fabregas has a bit how is the family that lives Karina. A father who cares very much (and left open whether or not abuse it or if it is a fantasy of the baby), many brothers who accuse her of having privileges, door girls, a mother who writes when not . ... All this mix, living in a few shops and mobile home in Ballena Bay National Park .

The focus of the film, and what specifically you want to convey Fabrega, is the state of indifference and helplessness which is on display as Karina Mariana. Because everything happens in a few days, and its environment hardly take notice of some events (which, incidentally, the caracatula as "minor" ). Leakage, shock, suicide attempts ... and everything remains as before. If I had to give it a title, it would probably be "Life and work of two forgotten" .

How I qualified? Good . I must admit that the pace is leading slow and sometimes you do not know where noted. But leaves the door open almost all interpretations and that makes interactive , therefore, reinterpreted . As I pointed out the lic. Bosch, has a touch of "The Swamp" Lucrecia Martel of : it seems that everything is very routine , but at the everyday round the tragedy ... and sometimes it takes only a movement to occur and unbalanced the daily grind.

The negative: There were parts where it appeared a Yankee character, coming to make an investment in Bahia Ballena. The Yankee spoke English, of course, but there was subtitles to translate what this guy said. The film has to be affordable for everyone, because surely they did not know the English were left out of these dialogues (which were not decisive, but remained part of the plot).

Day 3: Friday 16/04.
Destination: Movies May 25, Villa Urquiza.
Transportation: Train, subway-ft.
Soundtrack: mp3! Movie
: "La robe du soir" , Myryam Aziza, France 2009.

This movie does not have a reason. The thing is I played my schedule to go see it and well, nothing ventured nothing gained. Again, the advertised as BAFICI "classroom events through the eyes of a girl of 12 years beginning to consider the lives of otherwise" (recurrence of the "many words, less").
"La robe du soir" is a film that combines several factors very interesting, and above all to highlight the success the director to tell the story, because that was good sense of the characters real people.
The movie tells the story of Juliette (Bellugi Kraghede Alba Gaia), a 12 year old girl begins to pierce the first periods of adolescence, with all that that implies. In that journey, he meets his desire to be more and girl's body, with jealousy among boys, with their literature teacher , Hélène Solenka ( Lio), who becomes his obsession. Juliette, age 12, began his adolescence as an emotional storm : persecution, jealousy, attempted suicide. Aziza says step by step cognitive-emotional maladjustment behavioral of a girl who literally do not know what to do with his life. But his intention, I think, not tell that particular time of the girl, but look general parameters of girls facing vital passage that great of a girl to a young woman.
At the same time, the director tells an institutional situation from both side of the school, and from single-parent family that includes Juliette.

"Since I qualified? Good . As mentioned above, is well posed , without falling into the obvious or commonplace. At times, it seems too long and there are parts that could have been edited, but nonetheless is a interesting movie.

And it will be until 2011.


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