Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Real Hapend Rapes Vedios

The (failed) ambitious plans

I asked myself seriously to write about film in the blog, but who cares ... Writer and readers happy, what else can wait.

The topic I chose is extremely complex and was shot just after watching a movie the other day, I hooked another much older film. Basically, I'm going to talk about self-sabotage , or plans that target crime 's family, in order to collect insurance money ransom or "stolen." These companies-clearly-are organized criminals in such a way that no one gets hurt, but is carried out by criminals and that the deal fails ... What
films portray this theme? I chose two, but there are more than these, I'm going to name:
1) Fargo
2) Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

start with the first.
1 º. "Fargo"
Year: 1998
Director: Joel & Ethan Coen
Starring: William H. Macy, Peter Stormare, Steve Buscemi, Frances McDormand.

The story is set in the town of Fargo, North Dakota. Said to be based on a story real, but it was just a nice argument to give it more credibility and drama to film.
Jerry Lundegaard (Macy) is a car salesman the verge of bankruptcy, which has a bright plan to recover their economic status, without recourse to their millionaire father Gustaffson Wade (Harve Presnell .) Decides that the best way to get money without asking directly to the father, would blackmail by a rescue ... But who is worth as much money as the old miser to release their tickets? Her daughter, or women of Lundegaard, Jane (Kristin Rudrüd ).
For this purpose, commits the criminal act first : hijacks a car and slows the estate papers of the alleged sale, in order to prolong the time of abduction.
second movement, is with the two criminals hired for such action and Gaear Carl (Buscemi and Stormare, respectively). Its only task would be to kidnap the woman of the house, take her to a secluded place and bring it when Gustaffson deliver the tickets.
Now Lundegaard thought only of the plan, macabre, of course, but forgot the executors of the reaction his wife, his father, police ... Therefore, all the loose ends started to work out the plan , obviously. The father called police, and there begins the investigation by Marge Gunderson (Mc Dormand), who deeply distrusts the words of Lundegaard.
On the other hand, the two criminals are more violent quite (and inept, as they end up killing one policeman and two witnesses when they are stopped on the road, with Jane in the trunk) than the innocent Lundegaard thought and begin the squeeze on money rates, pressures, threats to women ... To this is added the police investigation y la intromisión del suegro a la hora de "arreglar" las cosas.
¿El resultado? Ciertamente no era el que Jerry Lundegaard había craneado en su plan de salvataje soñado .
Los invito a ver la peli, es muy interesante. Yo le doy 4 Clarisas . Los actores son excelentes , realmente, y la historia cuenta con una crudeza atípica, donde el mal se vuelve contra nuestra propia familia en un intento de apagar el incendio con fuego .

Acá les va un trailer.

PD: Hay algo también de vida de pueblo , que acentúa further tragedy, because the police can not understand how bloody the case ... as it does not see in those parts of the country ... And Marge is a pregnant police tender to acquire high doses of courage and bravery , faced only against those who have probably been the most deadly criminals in town.

2 º. "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead"

Year: 2007
Director: Sidney Lumet
Starring: Seeymour Philip Hoffman, Ethan Hawke, Marisa Tomei, Albert Finney.

And well, you know what I think this is all about. This film is very similar the former because there is still a attack their own families, but there are other actors involved. In itself, and is a variation of telling the story, because is not linear, is jumping in time and sometimes using different viewpoints to the same scene. That brings us to continuously reconstruct the route raised.
But the argument is as follows Hanson Hank (Hawke) is an employee indebted to the core consulting with his brother Andy (Hoffman) about the chances of getting money. Andy, who claims to have a good go but is in a situation similar to that of Hank, offers a solution to their financial woes, but only if he accepted the advance would have to participate. Hank had no other and end up accepting to participate in the following plan: rob a jewelry ... What jewelry? The parents' . In this way, would take silver jewelry, revirtiría insurance money for damage to the parents.
The project had been designed by Andy Hanson, into running his brother in person, but this child could not face such a situation and finished using a thief to assault the place. Consequence: out all wrong, very wrong.

now had to erase all traces linking the Hanson brothers of robbery and murder jewelry. The betrayal begins to dominate the environment: marital problems, financial and fraternal make their appearance unison, like a piñata that drops all its surprises over the heads of troubled kids ... To this is added the police investigation and, worse, his own father.

As has high rates of suspense and has this magic of cinema is dislodge the puzzle pieces to let viewers make the reconstruction work , I'll stop here and I will invite them to rebuild and find miseries of this family destroyed. 3 is a
Clare, I was very inspired, but there are 10 actors as Philip Seymour Hoffman and Albert Finney. Here is a trailer.

Well, it's an interesting subject that opens many questions. I would love to continue talking about it, but it is too broad and this entry would be endless ... and you know what the saying "good if brief, twice good" . So will justice in the comments.

For my part, I say goodbye until next time!